How do your sons act?

hey moms, quick question for some of you with sons. how many of yall have boys 4-8 or at exactly 8 years old. how is their behavior??? cause I feel like im losing it

My son is 7 and he’s extremely well behaved. I’ve never had any issues with him acting out. What’s urs doing?

My son is 8 years old and is a pretty well rounded kid but has been having some major attitude issues here lately.

My son is very well behaved and uses his manners. I don’t have to ask him more than once to do something.

This is the age where they’re actually learning emotional regulation skills. Help them express their feelings in healthy ways. You never told us what behaviors he’s doing so not much we can suggest if you don’t disclose what he’s doing that’s bothering you.

I have three boys. 5, 6, and 7. They’re great I love them they are my babies but they are off the chain. They fight with each other CONSTANTLY! When they are with other people or at school they’re good but once they get home it’s over lol you’re not alone!

My son is super chill. Will do whatever. Hang out and watch movies. Go out side a play. I may have to ask him a few times to pick up his shoes or do his homework but over all he’s pretty good. My girls on the other hand are FERAL

Almost 7 adhd and impossible when unmedicated, a dream when medicated

Nuts…Behavior has been worse. Hard time listening and following directions and rules. Is a saint for literally everyone else but when he’s here he is a menace! He’s overall a sweetheart and he is still super loving but man he is hard headed lately!

I have an (almost) 7 and a 10 yr old. Both boys. 7-10 is tough and they are going through shit that I didn’t deal with until junior high school, my guess is bc of social media. Mine don’t have it but lotsss do. And YouTube. :roll_eyes: My 10 yr old is finally finding his footing and learning who he is and how to navigate things. My only advice is to listen. Listen and react calmly and slowly bc whatever their bs is about is never truly what you think it is. The calmer you are, the more they talk. The more they talk, the more you’ll know and can help them through. You got this, just be their mom and love them and they’ll be just fine.

My kids are all boys all special needs one has ADHD and Autism, 2nd kid ADHD & Anxiety, 3rd kid ADHD so far 3rd kid medical problems since birth

Mouthy lately… I’m not sure where or why or how to stop

My advice is provide lots of exercise to wear him out. We had a birthday party for my son’s 7th birthday at home & after that we refused to have any of his kid parties at our house—Ultra Zone, skating rink, gymnastics studio, etc. By the time I bought decorations, ice cream cake, plates, napkins, drinks, it wasn’t any cheaper to have it at home and then you have all the cleanup too.

Family walks after dinner, playgrounds, parks, sports classes/teams if you can afford it like swimming, soccer, etc. We found karate lessons helped our son A LOT with focus and respect.