How early can I take a pregnancy test?

I would love to hear everyone’s real life answers - How early did you take a pregnancy test and get a positive v


I took a test two days before my period was late and got a positive. I’m 12 weeks now.

I found out with my daughter when I was 2 weeks pregnant and I was 6 weeks with my son took my test with my daughter when I was a few days late

The day my period was due. I tracked it using an app. MyDays I think.

This time, the day after my period was due, I was 4 weeks pregnant. With my other 4 kids and 4 MCs, not until 1-2 weeks later.

  1. 2 day before period
  2. 3 days past period
  3. 2 weeks before missed period
  4. 2 days late

1st - the day my period was due.
2nd- 5 days before.

I took a test at 3 weeks and got a positive, now I’m 10

I was 4 weeks. 2 days late for my period.

The day I was supposed to start and it was positive

I was 2-3 week with my second when I found out, positive pee test. With my first I was 9 weeks.

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2 weeks almost 3 with my second one.

I was 4 weeks pregnant

3 days before my missed period.

I took one yesterday and it came back inconclusive. Guess I’ll be buying another in a week or so. With my other 2 I swear I knew I was pregnant the second we were done having sex.

Like a week before I was due

I was 4-5 weeks pregnant but I didn’t know asked my partner to get some cause I had a funny feeling and it said I was pregnant :blush:we both freaked out lol

My last two it didn’t show to the point where I was a month pregnant when i had surgeries I didn’t find out until like 3 months with each of them. My first I was 2 days late. My second I didn’t find out until I was 4 months

3 weeks and 3 days pregnant (10 days after ovulation) and am currently 20 weeks today with my daughter :heartpulse:

I was told I was about 3 weeks pregnant but I was 5 weeks

4 weeks but also had a scheduled blood test

I was 2-3 weeks Pregant. I was 7 days late An I knew it was something magical :heart:

When i was about a week late. Both times

The earlist i ever got a faint positive was 4 days before my period

1st- 4 days before missed period
2nd- 2 days before missed period

4 days after my missed period

With my first I was 3 weeks 2 days with my second I was 3 weeks 5 days (but could have gotten a positive a couple days before hand with how dark it was).

14 days after IUI. I had a light positive. Then 2 days later a strong positive and positive blood work.

I was 2 weeks pregnant and got a positive with a clear blue

7 weeks with my first 4 weeks with my other 3!

2 weeks with a digital.

3days before I missed my period. Dr did one before they would do an xray of my foot

I got a positive test the day before I missed my period. I took a test bc what the heck and well I’m almost 17 weeks pregnant now

Well each child was different but with my youngest daughter i got a false negative with two tests had a light period the next month then I still felt Like I was pregnant.So didnt techanically find out till I was 3 months along with her. My other three kids 4 weeks,7weeks,3 weeks

Right when my period was due. It was positive but I got my period a week or 2 later.

i was 3w1d and got a vfp with my second a few days later it was dark.
and maybe 4 or 5wk with my first.

First -4-5 weeks
Second - same as first

Wasn’t even 2 weeks along when I found out with my littlest

Wit my first i was around 3 weeks with my second exactly 4 weeks

With my first 5 weeks and second 4 weeks.

With my first I was 6 weeks when i took the pregnancy test.
Second one I took it when I was 3 days late

With my first I was 4 weeks pregnant and got a positive. This pregnancy I was 5 weeks and got a positive.

6 days early
But I knew at around 2 weeks I wasn’t gonna get birthday drunk in Vegas as planned
Damn it.

Like 4 weeks of my period being late. My dad bought an ovulation test by mistake lol I took it for fun and it said positive that I was ovulating which didn’t make sense to me so I looked online for answers and it said sometime when u r pregnant an ovulation test will come out positive so I took like four pregnancy tests and they all said I was pregnant :blush:

With my last baby which I have 4 now I took one like a week or two after my period and 2/3 weeks before my next and got a positive

First day my period was suppose to start , Got a positive . Went to the dr. 2 days later and was 3w&1d pregnant.

5 weeks but when I went (at 7 weeks,) for the ultrasound the said it was an empty sack because they couldn’t see her yet but, I waited and now have my beautiful almost 7 yo

I was around 2-3 weeks.

Positive dollar store test at 4 weeks maybe just under that, when I went in for the ultrasound at 5 weeks it even took her awhile to find the fetal sac and the heartbeat

Like 2 weeks with my 1

First - 5ish weeks
Second - 3 weeks
Third - 4 weeks

day i was supposed to get my period with both of my kids.

7 weeks with my first
3 weeks with my second

10 days after my period was suppose to start. Positive!!!:grinning::grinning:

9 weeks since it was two weeks when i set up an appointment and they ‘proved’ it and i was 11 weeks then

About like 3 to 4 weeks

3 days before with clear blue digital

The day of my missed period.

I was around 5 weeks. The second and 3rd came as (wanted) surprises.

My sister was about 4 weeks.

4 days before AF due. dollar store test

I spotted for like a couple hours one day and it stopped then I started getting sore breasts and very bad morning sickness so I took a pregnancy test and I know spotting like that is called implantation bleeding so I knew I was pregnant

6 weeks for a couple and 4/5 weeks with my last two

The day of my missed period

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4 days before AF due, Confirmed blood test day period was due but I knew I was pregnant the morning after we tried to get pregnant, I just knew.

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The day I was suppose to have my period.

Around 3/4 wks with my oldest 4 around 2/3 wks with my youngest

5 days post ovulation

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Took a test at 2 weeks negative went to the dr the same week there test was positive

4 weeks with my first pregnancy which ended in a misscariage, with my daughter 4 weeks as well.

I was 6 weeks along, was getting sick days leading up to taking it. Had no other symptoms.

I took one at 8 weeks and got a very very faint positive, so faint I thought I might have been seeing things, then I had an appointment with my doctor and had another one done, it was very very faint again, they said I was probably very early on and did a blood test to confirm, when the blood test came back, my hormones were extremely high, so high they booked me for an ultrasound immediately and got me in a few days later, the ultrasound confirmed I was 8 weeks … it scared me because I had 3 miscarriages before and could never get a positive even though I tested more then once with at least a few days in between, but I never had a blood test done before, sometimes I wonder if I would of been able to get a positive before with a blood test

According to my ultrasound. (I’m kinda questioning it though) I was only 2+6

4 weeks for all 3 of my girls, no joke.

4 weeks when I missed my period. However, I did have this amazing feeling that made me believe I am pregnant but of course i had to wait for a miss period to do the test to get a positive

Clear blue digital I was 2 weeks along

Ok Mama’s in currently breastfeeding my 17 m.o. and I got my period to it normal self . Anyways I missed this last period it’s like 15 days late and I have taken a few pregnancy test and all negative !! What’s up ? Did I just miss a period BC of breastfeeding???

Took a test day 5 of missed period and got 1-2 weeks on digital test

5 weeks with my last one

4 weeks and then 5 weeks

4 weeks, 4.5 weeks, and 3.5 almost 4 weeks

I missed my period november 6 and found i was 5 weeks pregnant on november 13th now today im 18 weeks and 6 days

12 days after conception

#1 took tests for weeks and didnt get a positive until nearly 3 months.
#2 a week after i missed my period.

Took a test 3 days before missed period and got a super faint positive :heartbeat:
She’s now 5 months.

For me, 2-3 weeks. Tender boobs always gave it away well before a missed period did. :sweat_smile: If you’re in tune with your body, and most women are, it can be fairly early on.

3 days pregnant according to scans

Around 6 weeks with all

With my second child I was only 7 to ten days pregnant and baby number 5 I was 2 weeks along.

I was 1 day late when I did a test with my second child. So 4 weeks.

8 days after conception both times.

4 Weeks with my first but 2nd baby very late i took test Sept and say it’s - then try again in oct because i wasn’t feeling like myself the test say I’m + and found out that i was 17 weeks pregnant and not know it

I took a test a week before my missed period and it was positive…ended up with twins

12 days after sex lol

With my 3rd I wasn’t even close to starting my period and I tested and it came back positive she is now 3

I was 4 weeks when I got a positive. I tried a week before and then the week before that as well and both was negative but I still had a feeling.

It took months for me to pop positive in a pee test I had to get my blood drawn I told my dr I’m either pregnant or I’m dying lol

I have 5 kids found out 6w 5w 3w 8w and 4ish w

3 months and it was postive