How early can you get a positive pregnancy test?

Can you get a positive pregnancy test 7 days away from your period?

I was 2 weeks along, and the early detection picked it up.

I took one 4 days prior and it was negative, then got antsy and took another 2 days later (2 days prior) and it was positive. It just depends on how fast your hcg levels rise. You could try it, but I’d wait until closer.

I think they generally advertise 6 days before your period. And that’s not always guaranteed either

You might… The problem is that if you get your period you’ll feel awful knowing you were pregnant. Best to wait a week after your period was due.

Depends… I tested a week early and got a negative. Tested when I was 3 days late and got a strong positive…
I was 3 weeks when I got the positive.
(Tested early cuz I was going to a wedding)

Yes ! I found out I was pregnant with all three of my kids @ 3 weeks

Depends on the test and when you test. Morning pee with the early response tests were still negative for me 7 days before my period but my cat was behaving like I was pregnant. I trusted my cat over the tests and she was right. She always knows!

I have done it with dollarama tests and it showed way before the higher end brands