How early did you start feeling baby move?

How early have you mamas felt baby flutters in your third pregnancy? I feel like I’m crazy to be feeling some kind of movement so early on?!


With my second I felt him at 13 weeks. Currently waiting on feeling #3

I felt my 2nd child at 14 weeks. It’s not unusual to feel babies move earlier in subsequent pregnancies.

I started feeling kicks at about 12 weeks. I was even able to capture little kicks on video at 12.5 weeks this time around (4thpregnancy, 3rd viable). I also felt my other 2 children kick very early. I was 15 weeks with my first and I was about 14 weeks with my second.

I felt my babies move at a little over 1 month

Felt flutters from about 7 weeks onwards but they were few and far between

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Second pregnancy was 16 weeks!

I’m 12 weeks, 3rd pregnancy and I can feel him moving already. Just feels like butterflies to me. I thought I was crazy as well! But when I asked the ultrasound tech if he was moving at that moment because I felt butterflies she said yep he sure is!

1st pregnancy -18 weeks
2nd pregnancy- 16 weeks
3rd pregnancy- 11-12weeks
Felt like flutters.

I felt it at 12 weeks and some people thought I was crazy, but my mom experienced the same with 4 girls, and that some of us are just more in-tune with our bodies. :heart:

12 weeks with my 5th, I’m super in tune with my body though and flet all my kids decently early (it felt like flutters not kicks that early

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12 weeks with my 5th… it was only that once on that day ( can’t mistake those little flutters) then I did not feel her again untill 15weeks.

Anywhere from 12 weeks n on

1st- 18ish weeks
2nd- 18-20ish weeks (can’t remember)
3rd- 20ish weeks
4- currently 21 weeks and still haven’t.

It heavily weighs on the placement of your placenta.

Prior to the end of 9 weeks the embryo doesn’t have limbs developed enough to make significant movements. Between 10 & 11 weeks fetal movement can be observed on ultrasound and quickening has been reported as early as the 12th week. Movement of the intestines can sometimes be indistinguishable from early quickening so it can be hard to tell if the fluttery sensations are fetal movement or just grumpy guts.