How early did you start showing in your second pregnancy?

How early did you start showing with 2nd child?


Earlyyyyyy. I had a bloat bump from about 4weeks. I’m 12 weeks now and look like I’m 6 months.

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I can’t remember, my 2nd was almost 17 years ago. But with my 3rd, I started showing around 9-12 weeks. If your body has been through it once, it’s basically already primed for the changes it needs to make. Your ab muscles never actually go back to the way they were before your first pregnancy.

11 weeks I had a noticeable round bump. Im also very small in body size so that could have also helped it to start showing sooner

10wks I looked 4mos pregnant. It was wild. His apartment was a decent size the day before I delivered. I was a gestational diabetic and full of fluid here. He was just under 8lbs of the 65 I gained.

7 weeks but I was having twins

About almost 3 months I noticed

Not until after 22 weeks. With all three of mind I didn’t till after 22 weeks tho.

Sooooo early like bloat bump by 4 -5 weeks and pretty much kept the bloat bump until I had am actual bump

I’m on my 3rd pregnancy now and I started looking bloating around 7 weeks ago