How effective is plan B?

Okay, mamas, I have two kids and not ready to have another one. But yesterday me and my boyfriend had an accident, and well let’s just say that I had to take the Plan B pill. I’ve never taken it before, so my question is. How effective is it? And has anyone else ever tried it and it worked or did it fail? Please tell me your stories with using the plan B pill!


Just terrible cramps after tsking it

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If you weigh more than like 150 it isn’t gaurenteed to work.


From what I know it works…I know a few friends who have had to use it.
If I remember stomach cramps, feeling crappy but it worked…

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I’ve used it several times and always worked!


I’ve taken it twice with success, and didn’t have any adverse side effects either. :two_hearts:


Ive never taken it myself but had to buy it for my little cousin one time and it worked for her

If you’re aware of your cycle and have not had a fertile ovulation you don’t need it

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It’s very effective, unless you take it too much

Pretty much like labor pains and getting rid of whata inside


Terrible cramps but it worked. If you’re overweight it might not work.

I would have taken two

I had to take it once and it worked. I felt like crap afterwards but it did its job lol

My husband and i have 5 kids neather of us are spayed or neutered my youngest is 13.ive had adverse reactions to birth control and the iud.we always use the 13 years weve used this method a few have been broke etc.after the first time i did take plan b.after that kept one on hand.over the years ive used it a fewx.the sooner you take it the more affective.

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I’ve never taken it so I’m not help, but I do have to ask how is everyone so sure it works if you have no idea if you would have gotten pregnant from the get go. Like everyone that has used and say it works, how sure are you that it actually worked or did you just not get pregnant? Idk my weird train of thought. Carry on lol


Your period should start soon if it doesn’t call your Gyno to see if you can take another

I’ve taken it three times and it has worked. No cramps either.
However my cousin conceived her daughter bec she was using it EVERYTIME she had sex.


“If you take it within 72 hours after you’ve had unprotected sex, levonorgestrel can reduce the risk of pregnancy by up to 89%. If you take Plan B One-Step within 24 hours, it is about 95% effective.”

:bangbang:"The European manufacturer of an emergency contraceptive pill identical to Plan B, also known as the morning-after pill, will warn women that the drug is completely ineffective for women who weigh more than 176 pounds and begins to lose effectiveness in women who weigh more than 165 pounds.":bangbang:


It works I used it twice and later got the implanon

It messed my period up… but you have to take it up to 72 hours after unprotected sex or it won’t work the quicker you take it after the accident the better but shew it messed my period up bad

If you have really ovulated it won’t do much. But if you haven’t it works great. Issue is most woman don’t track that

failed both times. we have a beatiful healthy 8 1/2 month old. and the 2nd i miscarried. just be prepared incase you get 2 pink lines. hubby has now had the snip. a slip up obviously does happen. as we a perfect example.


I don’t know if this has been said before but if you are over 160 pounds it is not effective at all


I think you have 72 hours. The more you wait, the less effective it could be!

Never used …after my youngest .i got my tubes tied…
He can also have a vasectomy…dr does it in office…

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I took it and got pregnant. Baby was ectopic.

I took it withing 48 hours and it was fine, and worked!

I took it. I had massive cramps and got my period shortly afterwards. Didn’t get pregnant.

Plan B is Called My Daniel Austin. :joy::joy::joy:
DID NOT WORK for me. I took it the next day exactly how it says to on the instructions. If the baby is meant to be, then he/she is MEANT TO BE. He’s healthy. He was born on time. Nothing was wrong with him.

Good Luck to you mama in whatever the outcome.


It’s pretty affective for most, but there are people it doesn’t work on. Hopefully it works for you. I’ve taken it and it worked fine and I had no side affects. It does say its less affective if u weigh more than 180lbs. Either goodluck, I hope it works for u.

It failed for me. I have a 7 year old son after taking it.

I’ve heard it works, but I know it can also make people sick and it can definitely not work. So be prepared if it fails.

I think it’s a scam, honestly. There’s no guarantee you’re going to get pregnant either way, and plenty of babies have been born after momma took plan B. While you may think it worked, it’s just as likely that you were never going to end up pregnant to begin with. Good luck!


It’s not an abortion pill. It won’t miscarry or kill a conception that has happened, so basically it’s a high boost of birth control at once to prevent sperm from reaching the destination, but if the conception has already happened before taking the pill then no it won’t work that’s why it’s recommended to take as soon as possible.


Lol I would say not the best. My husband and I used condoms and I took a plan b after we had sex, and low and behold we now have a son and hes almost 6 months old. Soooooooo I would say don’t rely on it lol

Its 99% effective in the first 24 hrs I believe then goes down in percentage and is pretty much useless after 72 hrs.

No one I know, including myself, that used plan b with the 72 hr time frame ended up pregnant.

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If you weigh over 150 or 160… I can’t remember. But you gotta take two. I took one at 170 lbs and got pregnant with my lil man.

Superrrr blessed but that’s my story of my plan B

I used it once, and it did its job which was start my period early. But after taking plan B you might also want to consider checking your pee on a stick after 4-5 weeks just to be safe.

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I’ve taken it once the day after I had sex and ended up pregnant still now my baby is almost 2 and I’m so happy it didn’t work. Ahhaha


They have discovered your weight has a role in how effective it is…

I was 165… my daughter is 5…

Not to scare you… it works great for soo many women… …

But didnt work for me

If you’ve already ovulated prior to taking it, the success rate drops significantly.


I have not but a friend has 4 times and it worked

It works
Tried it several times

But then of course theres that one time when it doesnt😏I have a beautiful baby boy whose now almost 3

I’ve taken it once and it worked for me… fair warning though it made me feel pretty f*cked up for a while

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It just extends the time for the egg to drop. Its not an emergency abortion pill…

Lol yes I have . My sons 12 now used a condom to lol. I also used it 4 years ago and I was bleeding for 3 months and couldn’t stop till I got blood thickeners . Also plan b induces your period

It wont work if you’ve already ovulated

Not reliable. But honestly, it doesn’t seem like you’re drive for save sex is very high up there either.


It effects everyone differently! It has never given me an issue, neve made me start my period, i’ve has cramping, but it was totally managable, way better than labor nine months later haha. It is NOT an abortion pill, if you are already pregnant, it simply does not work, that’s why they give you 72 hours, but it’s best to tak it in the first 24 hours. I am SUPER DUPER DUPER DUPER Fertile, so if it works for me, then… haha anytime i’m not on on birth control, i instantly get pregnant, i’m not even joking lol

It’ll work. You’ll be fine!

I’ve used it twice and everything turned out fine… I was like 240… ggggaaaasssspppppp… so does this mean it didn’t work!!!.. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl: sorry I couldn’t stop myself.

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Used it several times & it worked but, yes, there was the one time it didn’t & have a 10 month old baby girl now

I took it twice. Once was 2 weeks postpartum and the second time was about 4 weeks post partum so I was twice as likely to get pregnant bc of being postpartum and it worked for me.

I’m sorry but literally some of you moms sound like morons. . I got pregnant with it and I used a condom!! Okay well first off if you take it in time yes it works! And as far as “I used a condom too with it” um okay well did you let him sit in you and go soft? Did it break? Like wtf you literally cant get pregnant using a condom UNLESS IT BREAKS or you let him sit with you to it goes down and it leaks put into and if you do that your stupid.


I’ve taken it twice and it worked both times

I think it says 89% effective on the packaging

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I took it then my dr said it doesn’t work if you’re over 130lbs ! I was 140 at the time smh

Used it with my daughter 6 hours after and I still got pregnant. Best thing that has ever happened to me!

My sister took that in High School and ended up having a baby 9m later. I have 2 friends that took it and it didnt work either, one ended up with twins lol. Not everyone has the same outcome ofcourse because were all different, no 2 women are the same. So youll find out in a month or so. Good luck

Worked for me, didn’t have any bleeding, nausea or any of the horrible symptoms others said, I was just fine, except my anxiety about how aweful I was “supposed” to feel according to the stories other women tell, lol. Maybe a few cramps? Maybe a bit tired? Maybe my period started sooner than usual? Nothing memorable! This was years ago, tho! Hope that helps and you’re like me! I tend to think people exaggerate things just a bit :rofl:

It’s really hard to say if the plan B “works” or not, because you may not have gotten pregnant anyways?! Also, for those saying it didn’t work, that’s because you didn’t follow directions, took it too late, didn’t also wash yourself out, or had sex multiple times the week of, before you took the pill. We all know sperm live in your body for up to a week, so if you had sex 3- 6 days before and didn’t even realize that either the precum, or some other way sperm got inside you, you could be pregnant from that, so there are too many factors to even begin to believe anyone’s personal account on if the Plan B pill works or not. But, I do know one thing for sure, if you don’t take it, your chances of becoming pregnant increase! Lol.

Also!! Read the fine print!
It only works best when you are below a certain weight!!!

Some of y’all need a lesson in human anatomy…

Used it for years and never failed me once…and by years I mean several times we’ve forsaken condoms and I don’t do birthcontrol so when we had a moment which was almost once a month I took postinor 2 and worked well

It works by preventing your body from releasing an egg when it normally would, so if there’s no egg to fertilize. However, If you already have an egg floating around in your Fallopian tubes, you can still get pregnant. If you are already pregnant, it has no effect on the fetus because it’s just a little more of the hormone progestin, which is in your body anyway


I have my one and only after failed plan b…I took it within 12 hrs and now have a 8 year old. But that was 8 yrs ago so maybe it is better now

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Worked for me. And also…I worked at a health center at my college and every time a female came and took it…it worked how it was supposed to. Not once did anyone come back complaining that it didn’t work.

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Didn’t work for me and I took it correctly. Was also my first time taking it as well but did t work…

It worked for me, never heard of it failing.

It’s worked for me .

Didnt work for me and I took within 10 hours, she now 11


Always worked for me.

Where are the casualties of that ‘accident’ admitted?

I’ve taken it twice. I have one baby :woman_shrugging:t2:

What other birth control are you using? Stay diligent with it. Plan B is just plan B -


My third child is a Plan B baby. I took it correctly and it did not work. Now I have a 3 year old girl. Love her to death and wouldn’t change a thing, but it is not 100% effective

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The sooner you take it the better chance of it working

Lmfao at accident. U spread ur legs he came what’s the accident?

I’ll just say this. It’s plan B so it’s a back up plan. Not guaranteed to work especially if you’re already ovulating. Already having children I hope you are able to count your cycle days and figure out just where you are so you will truly know if it does not work.

P.S. I’m not supporting or condoning your choice.Just laying facts out there.

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99% lif you take it the next day it goes down after that

Plan B will not work if you are already pregnant. It will only keep you from getting pregnant if the embryo hasn’t already attached so it honestly just depends.

I wish I could get pregnant as easily as some of you. I have struggled with infertility for 22 years :cry:


I’ve never heard of it failing.

Plan B is back up method. It does not fail, it is not 100 % effective. The label does not guarantee you will not get pregnant after taking Plan B. If you have already ovulated which can occur anytime after you have sex even if you take Plan B within 30 minutes of you have ovulated it will not effective. Plan B is effective 88% of time which means you still have 12% chance of getting pregnant which is still way less then not using any method which is why it is Plan B. I wish people would do a little more research before spouting incorrect information. No birth control is 100% due to various reasons ie not taking it correctly, using it incorrectly,taking it with medications or supplements that interact with it. So why would you think a back up method would work 100% of the time?

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I’ve never used it, but I do know a few women that have. None of them got pregnant.

It worked for me. I had to take it once. You have four to five days to take it but longer you wait the less effective it is.

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I’ve taken it once, and it worked for me, they are most effective between 24-48 hours, so you should be ok. Maybe buy a pregnancy test just incase and take it in a few weeks, but you should be okay.

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I took it the following morning and it failed, and then I found out that some research had shown that taking a single dose of it may not be effective depending on your weight.

Very effective. The sooner you take it is the more effective it is. But really you should be good.

I took it once in highschool after a condom broke… I took it the very next day and it worked for me… I had a similar incident happen to my husband and I a couple of months ago and I downloaded an ovulation app and tracked my cycle, just to give myself peace of mind too as far as knowing if I was in my ovulation window when we had our “accident.” It has also helped going forward so I know when to be extra careful.

Will depend on your weight how effective & what time period after you took it.

It’s only effective up to a certain weight


I took it about 10yrs ago and it worked. I’m sure 10yrs later it’s more effective.

I used it and it worked

Always worked for me to

I remember reading on it a couple years ago that it was for 17 years or younger. Which i thought was odd. Or under a certain weight.
Maybe its just where I live…? But i don’t even think they have plan b that is actually effective for women in their 20+ years where I live.

Sooner you take it the better and get some effective birth control.