how far apart in age are your babies? I have a 3 month old & want another but I want him to have the spotlight for a couple more years but I also don’t want them too far apart in age because my sister and I were 4 years apart and I didn’t like her growing up. I wish we’d been as close as we are now but she was just so much younger than me. & I know I have to wait at least a year for my body to heal.
Your relationship with your sister wasn’t due to age but who you were as people at that time. 15 and 8 yo boys and they don’t always get along that’s normal. You could have babies within a year or two and in the end they never speak to each other. Siblings doesn’t automatically mean a relationship.
5yrs apart for my two. Their bond is CRAZY. Big brother has been so helpful and protective over his baby sister and is more then willing to help with anything I ask.
My brothers and I are all 2-4 years apart. We all pretty much didn’t like eachother most of the time growing up. My 2 kids are almost exactly 5 years apart and its been awesome so far and very happy this was our timeline. I dont think one way is clear cut for maximum sibling bonding but hangs on more of the parenting and attentiveness to multiple children.
Relationship with siblings have nothing to do with how far apart in age, it has to do with who you are as people. My brother and I were two years apart, we fought as kids but got really close as teenagers and as adults we where best friends. Our kids are 20,19, 10, 5 they are all close the younger two will fight here and there but it wouldn’t be normal if they didn’t .
My oldest is 10 & I had my 2nd son when he my oldest was 2yrs 9 months & I had my 1st daughter next when my 2nd son was also 2yrs 9 months then my 2nd & last daughter when my oldest daughter was 2.5 years old
16 months apart. Mine fight all the time but are still best friends…. And you have to buy two of everything at the same time basically(both in diapers at same time, both in pullups same time etc)… daycare for 2 under 2 was no joke…still isn’t and they are almost 5 and 6.
3-3.5 years apart. My two oldest love each other so much and they’re 3 years apart. The middle and youngest is 3.5 years apart, but the youngest is just a little baby so idk how their relationship will be. Though both of her older sisters absolutely adore her.
My sister and I are 2 years apart but I didn’t like her much growing up. She was fairly annoying we do have very different personalities though so that’s why. I’m the eldest but also way calmer. My sons are going to be almost 3 years apart and man it’s rough being pregnant with one being a Toddler.
Im 4 years apart from my brother and we grew up close. I had my kids 3 years and 10 months apart and i like it. My daughter is old enough to “help” and understands plus she loves her little brother
My boys are 14 months apart. Got pregnant with my 2nd when my 1st was 5 months old. They’re 13 and 14 now and have been built in playmates from the get-go. Yeah it was hard in the beginning but totally worth it
My son and daughter are 4.5 years apart and have never fought, ever. I had them that far apart so I could give time to each of them individually before they went to school.
Fighting has nothing to do with the age gap. I was 2 years from my brother and we fought all the time!
I have a 7.4yo, 4yo, and 3 month old.
I do wish they were closer. At least the first two. We have an almost 4 year age gap between all 3.
I’d rather 18 to 24 month age gap.
So baby 4 we will try when my 3 month old is a year old.
My 2 are 17 1/2 months apart. They have the sibling rivalry like normal siblings do. But they have a close relationship.
My kids are 10, 8, and 3. I see the beauty in having them close in age and also some years in between. I love the bond my older two have but also see how awesome they are with their little sister.
My kids are 5 and a half years apart. Boy 11 girl 16. They fight constantly. It doesn’t matter how far apart in age they are siblings fight and can’t stand each other most of the time.
The age gap doesn’t constitute towards whether they’ll get on in my experience, I’m 366 days older than my little brother, and 22 months younger than my older brother, I got on with the older one more when growing up, and only the last year or 2 started getting along with the younger one
Just bc they are close together doesn’t mean they will get along. My oldest 2 are 18mos apart and youngest 2 are 2.5yrs apart and they all three fight like cats and dogs.
2 years 3 weeks my boy is a hard toddler and add a new born to the mix was abiy to get used to at first
But the love he has for his little sister (most days) is the best thing ever! I would have rather waited a little longer but same time I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I say when YOU are ready.
Enjoy your lil boy while it’s just you guys
Got pregnant with #2 when our first was five months old. They’re 15 months apart. It’s rough the first year, but you can do it.
Currently prego with our third.
3-3 &1/2 years between each of mine just as one was starting nursery the next was born worked great for me and my 7 & 10 year olds are so close like two peas in a pod 90% of the time my oldest is now officially a teen so we only see him when he’s hungry lol
My girls are 4 years apart and I wouldn’t change it. They argue and bicker, no matter the age gap will that change. I wanted my 1st to be potty trained before #2 was even considered. I didn’t “love” my sister either growing up and we’re about 1.5 years apart. Lol
My oldest just turned two and her sister is due in 27 days!
My kids are 1 1/2 years apart. Two year gap in school witch was great my son had two years in jr high without her and she had her time without him when he moved to high school it was great . The age group could all do the same level of outdoor activity, sports ect it was nice to have my kids close, I adopted them they are natural siblings and really had each other’s back . I say this because I can only advise on the raising not the actual having and how that affects your body I cant advice.
The age difference is not why you didn’t like her growing up….
My brother and I were a year and a half apart and we fought more than we got along growing up😂
My kids are 7, 6, and 4. They argue 80% of the time.
I had 3 under 2… so my oldest to middle was 15 months, and my middle to youngest are 9 months and 4 days apart.
So now they are 8,6,6.
My son’s 8 my daughter is 5 months I love the big gap he is such a great big brother and my step sons 17
There’s 14 or 15 months between my first 2. Then 7 years between #2 & 3. I don’t recommend a big age gap lol I think 2 years would be my ideal and what I would go for if I could do it over again.
Your relationship with your sister didn’t have to do with an age gap. My sister and I are 10 years apart and I love her to death! She drove me a little crazy when she was younger, but I got to show her everything and help take care of her. My kids are 18, 11, 7, and our newest addition is 2 months old. My kids love each other, no matter the age gaps. How close they are will have to do with how YOU raise them. Raise them tight knit and they’ll be that way. Make being a family a priority.
My older two are 3 years apart. My younger two are 2 years apart. Older two probably would have been closer to 2 years apart if their father and I were on better terms then.
They’re 10, 7, and 5. They all have a good bond. Of course siblings have their moments tho but overall they’re good together.
My daughter was just over 2 years old when my son was born
My babies are all about 2 years apart age wise
21 months between my 1st and 2nd. Same gap between my 2nd and 3rd.
I have a 11, 5, 2.5 & 1 year olds and the youngest 3 play really well together and my 11 year old has nothing in common with them… keep the age gap close
My kids r 8 years apart. And my oldest sister and me r 19 years apart and my brother and me r 18 months apart
There is much more than age gaps to consider when planning your family. If you have a career, can you afford to have 2 kids in full time daycare? What type of sports activities will you allow your children to be part of and consider the cost of them with 2 in sports along with time to make it to these events.
Imo, age gap isn’t as much as a barrier as personality is. Wait and see what type of personality your first has before you make decisions on having a second. If they are fairly easy going, good with other children then it shouldn’t matter . If however they are more needy, temperamental then you might want a larger gap between kids
My oldest is 14 years old and my youngest will be 5 soon
I got a 10,9,8,7 year old and they don’t get along they argue more then anything age gap isn’t gonna guarantee that they are gonna get along or there not gonna argue that’s normal for siblings
My kids were born in 76,78,80 &83 they were very close growing up
My kids are 11.5 years apart.
Oldest will be 19 in January
Next just turned 14 in October
Next turned 14 in November (my husband’s son that I adopted)
Next will be 3 in May
Then had MC last year
And last baby will be born this May!
I have 10 years between my first and second.
My 2 girls are about 15 months apart. My oldest turned 5 in August my youngest turned 4 in November.
My eldest is 6 and have a 3 month old
364 days apart… it seems age gaps do not play a part on if they will be close or not
I wanted mine three year apart… now they 19 and 22
My 3 are all 2 years apart.
I have 3yrs 17months 6yrs and 3yrs
My 3 are all 3 years apart. Wasn’t planned just happened that way lol
My boys are 3, 6 & 9 and it’s been such a perfect gap for our family
My bonus daughter is 18 and moved out, my bonus son is 14, my bio son is 8 and I am 17 weeks pregnant. I think there are pros and cons to small, medium and large age gaps and I also think whichever one you wind up with is the one that’s meant for your family. What messes us up the most is the idea we make up in our heads of how it’s supposed to be.
3 years was perfect for my boys. They are into all of the same things. But as far as not liking your sibling I don’t think it matters the age difference, they’ll not like each other at some point growing up.
Me and my brother are 4 yrs apart. My kids my girls i have 3 my oldest in 20s and my 2 younger ones are 15mths apart and younger
My oldest is 14 the baby is 15 months. It’s actually the best . He is such a good big brother and baby adores him.
First two are 19 months apart. Second and third are 8 years apart. Third and fourth are 17 months apart.
21, 18, 9, 8 & pregnant now
20 months
22 months
366 days
18.75 years
Trust me on this i had 4 kids you wanna be over the terrible twos phase n get 1st one in nursery before having another…just my opinion…
I believe a gap has some to do with them getting along but not as much as how you parent. My sister and I are 7 years apart and we have never really been close and to this day do not see eye to eye on much. Her children are 7 years apart and my girls are 8 years apart. My girls have their moments but for the most part they get along great. My sister and I were raised different me being very independent and her ( the baby) being very dependent. And honestly I see that In how we each raise our children. Not saying that’s bad just a big difference I see. Oddly enough our oldest kids are 9 and almost 10 and the youngest are both almost 2 with a 4 month gap between them. It’s different for each family I wanted a 5 year gap but life didn’t work out that way and I wouldn’t change what I have now.
Mine are 16 months apart, thanks to a birth control fail. It was hard when they were younger. An infant and a toddler while dad was at work wasn’t fun. They’re 12 & 10 (coming up on 11) now and they aren’t close at all now. They use to like eachother. They’re two completely different people and genuinely do not enjoy time with eachother. They’re just total opposites and we really don’t force them to spend time with eachother. They might get on fortnite or something together but otherwise they’re both content with their own friend groups. They look out for eachother and protect eachother, but being close in age absolutely won’t predict how they’ll develop in the future.
19 months apart for my girls. I got pregnant again when my daughter was 10 months old. Then my middle child and youngest are 8 years apart… we suffered with a miscarriage of twins during the time and a lot of fertility issues