My son has traveled cross country in a motor home with his GREAT grandparents. And has traveled all over with all of his grandparents.
I wish gma would take them. Take them all. Ohh 3 states away??? have fun!!! 21,19,18,15 yrs old. Have great fun!!!
I just let my kids go with my parents to okc. which is really making me super nervous because my mom can’t keep up with my 5 year old but my almost 13 year old is there and my dad…
Do the grandparents have some health issue or other issue that makes you think they might not be safe drivers and or be able to take care of the kids.
I feel uncomfortable also but I try not to let my fears get in the way of my children living their best life. As long as you know in your heart they will protect them the best they can, then try to take a deep breath and let them go.
I’m overprotective but no one will love and take care of my children the way I will. I look at it as I was given these babies and it’s up to me to take the very best care of them that I can. Whatever that looks like, is totally ok!
Furthest my mom has taken them is an hour and a half from home one way to my brothers. My husbands mom just in town my husbands dad has never taken my kids anywhere. Depends on circumstances.
I will always have fears about my children in cars without me, regardless of who they are with due to my own personal traumas, however I won’t allow my fears take away from their childhood. The furthest they’ve gone with a grandparent is 2 hours away so far. My kids have always come home and always had a beautiful new memory made. I can’t allow my fears to stop those opportunities for them.
I trusted my parents and grandparents to the end of the world
Shoot I put mine on a plane and they flew to Florida
You already said you feel uncomfortable with it…why does it matter what others do or have done??
Your parents kept you alive. Please don’t helicopter your child.
My ex in-laws are amazing and I trust them completely with my kiddos. They’ve taken them to Florida from Washington to universal studios.
I trust them far more in keeping them safe than I do their son
My mom took my 2,3 and 6 year old from Alabama where I live to NY to visit for two weeks without me. She came down to visit and took them back with her to visit the rest of the family. I trust my mom with my children more than I trust my husband sometimes. I know how she takes care of the kids when I’m not around. She raised me.
Honestly if you trust them with your kids let them make memories together! My kids never really got to know their grandparents because they weren’t around.
I used to go on holiday with my grandparents or aunt without mine
when I have my own kids I trust my mum enough for them to do the same
I am never comfortable when I know my kids are in a vehicle and I’m not present. But, I went on trips with my grandparents. And my kids go on trips with my parents. And even when they are all grown and gone I’ll still feel uncomfortable. But, I let them do it bc those people love each other and deserve the best memories while they still have time with each other.
I seriously feel it depends what the grandparents are like.
Between my family and my husbands family I only really trust 2 of the 6 sets of grandparents he has
I’ve taken my two grandchildren on a five hour road trip, one way. Hey Kortnee, how far would you let us take the kids??
My kids go everywhere with their grandparents. I don’t have magical powers that protect them when they are with me. So being with me is just as safe as being with the grandparents
I allowed my mom and dad to take my kids on weekend trips.
They got my brother and I raised so I didn’t see the problem.
Now if they have some sort of issues that could impair their capabilities, then I would of have second thoughts
Depends on the age of the children and the relationship with the grandparents.
My kids barely know my parents. My nieces have solid relationships. There-in lies the difference.
It depends on the person driving. Just bc they’re family doesn’t mean I’d allow them to drive my kids around. I do think there’s always some level of anxiety with someone else driving when it comes to your kids but at the same time, use your judgment.
Me lol
bye kids!!! Stay as long as you want lol
Cheryl Mcmillan to the moon and back
My kids went to Florida, (disney) with my parents, my youngest, was 3. My parents, are the 1st and prolly only people I would trust my kids, to be with, alone, without me!!
We are the grandparents. We are not allowed to drive our almost two year old granddaughter anywhere except from daycare and to our house . I totally understand and respect the wishes of our DIL and son . It’s a huge responsibility. I’d die if anything happened to That sweet angel
I let my in-laws take them anywhere they wanted. They love those grand babies and would protect them with their own life!!!
My parents could take my kids wherever they wanted. After all they raised me to know how to raise my own, their judgment was absolute. I never left my kids with anyone but my parents, but trusted them the same as I did myself.
Let them go, I’m very over protective, our 5 year old is so attached to me, i wish I had someone to take her out of her element. Our 19 yr old just went on his first trip…out of the country to DR! They grow up fast, I balled my eyes out, but he did great!
My kids went on several cruises, several Europe trips and even Africa , I’m so blessed to have parents that can offer this luxury to my kids. I trust my parents with my kids 100%
My parents took my son to Florida and I’m in Arkansas for 2 weeks, they take them camping for a week at a time along with my two nieces ! My son loved it and talks about it all the time !!
They won’t live forever.
Unless it’s not safe like they too old to drive then fine don’t. But otherwise let them go make memories
My kid has been to three different states and he’s only 10 . Don’t block your blessings
I let my children go with their grandparents on car trips. And as a grandmother myself, I have been left in the care of my grandchildren for as long as 10 days. I considered it an honor and a privilege that my children trusted me with their most prized "possessions ". To this day I have a wonderful relationship with my children and grandchildren.
Depends on how old they are.
My grandma and aunt flew with us to Florida from Michigan a month after 9/11
My MIL took my son 8 hours away for a month so they could visit before school starts. I think it depends on if they will respect your wishes on how you want your child’s safety treated.
Where ever they want to take them. I trust both sides w my life🖤
My parents can take my son wherever. I trust them implicitly.
If it had been my Dad driving, I’d have been fine with it. Any of the other three definitely not. I don’t like my IL driving me anywhere at all. It’s also about accidents. You don’t want to lose parents and offspring in the same car accident. I think if you’re driving then if there was an accident you could take responsibility and/or all die together. I hated my husband driving my little one without me in the car in case I lost both of them.
I’m a grand parent a, ND we take our grandsons all over the place with us , I have literally taken them all over new York state without their parents , of course we make sure they are in proper car seats and buckled at all times, and always properly supervised, to deny a grand parent to take a grand child on a road trip is just wrong , over protective of you ask me , your parents managed to keep you alive many years , and keep you safe. Trust me they will do anything in their power to keep yours safe., To deny is to take away future memories .just stay in touch as they travel, , ask them to call when they arrive, or on way back and such . Your parent won’t be here for ever.
You are being overbearing and obsessive as long as the grandparents are in good health and have good cognitive health don’t take away memories for everyone involved . I wish my grandparents acted like i existed
It truly depends on tbe grandparents and the kids .
I as a aunt have taken my kids and others for months but I am tbe your kids your rules type of person so if your kids cant then my kids can’t and we make other choices .
If the grandparents are not safe then ??
I have never let my kids go further than 30 minutes away without me or their dad.
My child is going on a 10 hour with his grandma to see family. I trust her.
My daughter is nearly 8 and has been traveling everywhere with my parents since she was around 6 month, she is actually going to the seaside for a holiday on Sunday with them. my son who has just turned 1 hasn’t left my side as much but due back to work in 2 week and my mum is my childcare so they’ll be going everywhere on weekends or through the week. I trust my mum more than anything with them xx
It depends… do you trust them ?? And… how far are they going ? Out of State ? Have there been any issues before ??
I trusted my mom/dad 100% when my kids were little. I went from WA to CA with my uncle driving. I drove with another aunt and uncle from CA back to WA back in the 70s when obviously there was no cell phones. My mom/dad trusted them. Now a days with the invention of cell phones my parents could have driven anywhere with my kids. My son trusts me completely with his boys as long as I tell him beforehand where I’m taking them and check in now and then.
Mine have been to Florida Smokey mountains and a Caribbean cruise with her grandparents.
My parents are gone now but my siblings and I trusted them completely with our kids. We live in Ohio but they often took grandchildren camping in Kentucky.
My son’s grandparents take him everywhere. It’s his only living set left. It doesn’t bother me at all!
They could take them to another county lol. I trust my parents. Your kids are with their grandparents, making memories that they’ll remember for their lives. Let them take them
Definitely are overprotective, do you not trust them and think something will happen if you are not there?
It depends on the grandparents. I would let my kid go anywhere with any of the grands he has. If they are good people then I think its absurd to put a limit on the distance. Let your kids have those memories.
As far as they wanted to go because they raised kids before so they know what they are doing
My parents let me go to Australia with mine for a month
My parents are 3 mins or so away and never comes over. They never ask for them either. Barely call to check on them. So idk.
When they are older, sure. Maybe over 10. I want to make sure they know all of their dad’s and my personal info before they go on bigger trips. I also want them to know how to communicate & navigate if they get lost.
Additionally I would require them to carry insurance cards for the kids (as a form of ID) just in case, as we don’t have the same last names as any of their grandparents.
My Littles are 2 & 3. So I don’t like them going far. I know I’m an overthinker, but all it takes is one time for a catastrophic event.
My daughter has been going to Florida from Pennsylvania with her grandparents every year since she was born. It just depends what you are comfortable with.
as far as they wanna take them
My daughter went on a cruise to another country with her grandparents… Granted she was 10 when she went but she’s been going on hours long car rides with other relatives since she was like 3-4.
How old are the kids, and how old are the grandparents? How are their driving skills?
I’m in Indiana mine were taken to Fl they weren’t gone no more than a week!
As far as they want! I wish my kids had grandparents. You should feel blessed they do and not question how far they go
My mom has helped me raise my daughters for their whole lives so I would trust them to take my babies anywhere I know my parents have my daughters best interest at heart. so I guess the answer I’m getting at is wherever my parents wanted to take them.
Depends on their driving skills or lack there of.
I’m in Florida. My parents used to take my kids to Michigan every summer. Actually, my one son and my niece and nephew just went to Michigan with my dad a couple weeks ago (mom is no longer with us, so just Papa). I’d let mine go anywhere my parents requested.
My kids can go with all their grandparents where ever in the world cuz i know their protect them like i will
To each their own. It also depends on your relationship with your parents/ inlaws. I’d say no to some and maybe ok to the others. You’re mom…your comfort level and what you feel it right for your kids are what matters.
How old are the grandparents? Id let my kids go anywhere with their grands. How old are the kids?
Where ever tf they want if that means I’m getting a break!
I literally send my kids to my brother’s in Wyoming 800 miles away since they were 3… it’s amazing for them and me I get caught up on bills date my husband ect but it has given them confidence to do things on their own and make decisions for themselves some like if they want to go or not. I’ve never forced them
My 10 year old daughter has went on a plane twice with my dad. 13-14 hours away from home. And my step-mom is taking my daughter about 3 hours from home next weekend. I trust them with her 100%
Super far like states away and trips with their grandparents. Those memories are irreplaceable.
If you’re parents are competent and you trust them, you are OVERreacting. They raised you.
Yeah this is so weird to me. I trust my mother completely with my kids.
Let them, their grandparents wont be around forever. This could be a memory that will always stick with the kids. I went on lots of trips with my grandparents and they are some of my favorite memories. Plus you get a house free of kids and time todo something for yourself. Facetime them before bed and let them tell you all the fun things they did.
Unless these grandparents are abusive or addicts or dont treat the kids well.
When very small I’d be nervous but 5 and up no limit. They will have stories to share and memories that most don’t get.
Any where they want to take them
I would trust my parents and my husbands parents 100% to take my kids anywhere in The world. Would I be nervous absolutely but I know they would be in great hands.
I let my mother in law take my kids to Mississippi from Texas. But she took my teens, not my littles.
I have allowed them to go about 3 hrs away but we have alot of trust built up
My oldest (7) went camping like 45-60 minutes away with her grandparents (dads parents) for 4 days last week. They have also taken her an hour and a half away to 6 flags without me or her dad. I don’t have an issue. I trust them with her.
I take my grands anywhere any time we want. I don’t know if they health problems or what…but my kids don’t question my ability and desire to keep them babies safe.
My mum took my nearly 10 year old, when she was 4 on holidays two states away. I meet her halfway between my house and her house, then they left 3 days later on a plane.
Hmmm… anywhere they would like to take them. I got three…17,15, and 6. So literally anywhere they wanna take them. They raised me, I survived. My So parents raised him heli survived. Shoot wish they would.calm now. Lol
My son use to go with my Dad and be gone all day. They would drive back roads and spend the day together. As long as grandparents are healthy and able it wouldn’t bother me if they took weekend trips and went hours away.
I’ve had family and family friends take my kids on trips.
If I didn’t trust their ability to keep my kids safe, they wouldn’t go.
My son started flying alone at 12. He flew all over the US. Alone.
Momma, I truly get it, but you can’t but them in a bubble for life. Don’t place your fear on their shoulders.
Let them go. Having recently lost my mother inlaw who was very involved in my kids lives at a young age was devastating. Totally unexpected. They won’t be here forever let them spend time with them. Unless of course there is reason not to trust them.
Samantha Hodges how far can we go (!?)
Well i still live and they are my parents i trust them with my life aswell my babys !
Anywhere. I have no reason to be alarmed.
The main job of a parent is to prepare them to be self sufficient and make good decisions. Grandparents help them learn and provide opportunities to be a bit more self sufficient and make good decisions. By the time kids are 14 the roles of parents change, just make sure that your kids want to come to you for help.
It depends on the gparents and how reliable and with it they still are. The older they get the more forgetful they are and can’t forget about slow reaction time and impatient people getting road rage over it
Definitely not over reacting at all!! in cases like this, a lot of times, grandparents will take their kids quite a distance and then God for bid if something happened to that child they would have to contact the parents rather than the grandparents and then you’d have to have all that time to get to your child, not knowing the extent of what happened until you got there. Not only that but if you’re not in good, standing with sad grandparents and it’s an on and off relationship, then chances are they might get a hair up their ass and decide to take that child wherever they deem fit, even without your knowledge. And these days in ages, it is much better to be over protective than not protected at all!!
I’d let my mom go anywhere she wants with my kiddo
Are they family or strangers?
My kids have gone all over the states with my mother in law even out of the country, I’m very thankful of her!!
Id stay with my grandparents each summer, which was 3 months. They would take me everywhere!. My parents never had a isssue. Id say you would be a little over protective, unless tou are not sure they could care for your kids
My kids are teens now but their Pappy died in 2020. He was only 51. Let them take them if they are responsible adults. It doesn’t matter how far or for what. They won’t be here forever and they won’t get that chance.