How far would you allow your kids to travel with their grandparents?

I let mine go to Europe with the Grandparents.

My bfs mom took my daughter on an 8hr ride to Tennessee when she was 2. They were there for about a month. I was nervous but she video call me everyday so i could see my baby​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: now i wish i had a break like that again​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

It depends how much you trust them. Trust your gut!

My kids can go anywhere with their grandparents or anyone I trust with them. I’m very much not an over protective mom.

What is their ability to care for your children? Do the have health issues, poor judgment, substance issues, do your children respect and listen to them? Do they respect your rules regarding safety.
These moments with grandparents create core memories (if good). But if there is a safety risk, that changes things. At the end of the day these are your babies and you only have to allow what you’re comfortable with and they are capable of.

My parents live 2 1/2-3 hours from me and I’ve let them take him for a week a couple times :woman_shrugging:t2: but I trust my parents more than any in the world


Lmao my mom let me go not 1,not 2 but across 3 state lines. Why? Cuz I was with my grandparents. Let go a little. Umbilical cord was cut at birth

When I was a kid, most of My vacations were with my moms mom and my dad’s mom. My parents had to work. Those were some of the best times of my life. If my kids grandparents want to take them, I gladly allow it. You never know when they might not be here. If you feel uncomfortable, plan a trip with the grandparents. Then maybe build up to day trips, etc.

My kiddo has been 3 hours away with my mom. She was 8 at the time. My mom hasn’t really asked to take her farther without my husband and me going also.

It depends on the grandparents. Age, mobility, cognitive ability… many factors.

I live in Indiana and my kids went with my parents to Alabama to meet my brother, nephews and sister in law. I gave them insurance cards and signed Paper from my hubby and I giving them permission to seek medical attention till we got there if need be. They were gone for a week over thanksgiving it was weird!

Oh my gosh…

They’re the grandparents! If you don’t trust them traveling with your children for a certain amount of time then you need to ask yourself why?

Are they irresponsible people, do you not like them? Are they bad drivers, etc.

Mine went with their grandparents from Arizona to Washington for almost 2 weeks. They were about 7&5

My daughter’s grandparents never take her anywhere and never have. Not my choice, theirs :woman_shrugging:

I agree with your in laws.

Depends on the grandparents. I would allow the kids to go anywhere with my parents, my mother in law, my husband’s step dad and his wife (he got remarried but is who my husband considers Dad). However I wouldn’t let my children my dog or anything go with my husband’s biodad. Is it just because your nervous or do you have a reason? It is important the kids have those memories, but only if they will be good ones.

I trust my mother and my in-laws very much. Do you not?

When my mom was alive my kids went every where with her!

Grew up at my Grandmother’s house every summer. She took us everywhere and created a lifetime memories. Car seats and airbags were not a thing back then. Today the vehicles have built in safety fixtures. I think you should lighten up on the restrictions of you having being there with them on every trip.

Mannn this is such a messaged up questions lol

If it were MY grandparents? To the moon and back. However, you mean my parents? Lol … I let her go to the corner store, her aunts house (same town), I’ve let her go to a few local in town events. That’s it.

My parents have taken my kids across the country.

My son took a cross country road trip with his grandpa when he was 8. He had the time of his life and I was in contact with him every day. Yes, you sound over protective unless the grandparents are like 101 or drink and drive

Tell me you don’t like your in laws without saying :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

We could not wait to take our grandkids on trips. Our daughter never allowed it. She was too afraid we would kill them in a care car wreck.

Your parents raised you and nothing happened to you. I think grandparents are safer than parents. They have lived and raised kids. They are knowledgeable about life Whatsoever makes these younger generations think they can only do things thee right way ?

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Depends on the grandparents and the kid. My in laws have never taken my kids anywhere, but I’m not sure my youngest would be willing. As for my parents, they can take them wherever they want and I hope my kids feel the same way about me when I have grandkids.

To me, it’s according to their ability to drive how old they are and their health conditions. If that was not a concern yes, I will do it.

My son was four and it was his birthday that he went to Missouri with his grandma… He had the time of his life

I will allow my mom to take my daughter anywhere, I trust her more than I trust myself. But , every mom is different and that is ok , you don’t have to please no one when is about yours kids

Maybe I don’t understand, but they raised you didn’t they? I wouldn’t see what the difference is. And yes I have kids.

I used to have concerns with my first rambunctious little boy until I realized he was with ME every time he needed stitches or had to go to the emergency room. Stuff happens and grandparents are the only other people who will love them as much as you.

…as far as they’ll take them!

You’re alive so unless there is a huge decline in mental faculties or they have been physically abusive to you in the past let them go. They will learn and grow.

Depends on the relationship you have with them and the relationship the kids have with them. Each of my kids is so different. I let my in-laws take my oldest to San Diego. But not the two younger ones. My parents can take the two older ones anywhere. But only grandma cynthia who is the bio grandma to my middle child is allowed all three.

I’m guessing, if I asked, I could take my Grandson about anywhere as long as I had him back within a few days. It wouldn’t be the distance as much as much as the time. Mama would get antsy around day 4 Miranda Niemeyer

In the car? Lmao what? I thought this meant like traveling out of the city or state, but just a long car ride? Lmao yeah that’s cray. My mom can take my kids wherever, I trust her. Heck she’s taken my kid outside of the country on her own. :rofl:

Why how many children have they killed

To the curb to get the mail

Anywhere as far as they want to go!!!

Okay not everyone has wonderful parents. There could be a reason why she doesn’t trust her own parents with her children. Maybe it’s more than just being overprotective…


If you allow your child with them in the car at all, I don’t see what the distance really has to do with it. Genuinely curious.

You need to follow your momma gut. Every momma is different. It is your job to be over protective of your kiddos until they can learn to protect themselves. Don’t be bullied into allowing them to go just because your husband doesn’t agree. If you have specific reasons why you’re feeling this way, let him know so he can understand where you’re coming from & why you’re feeling this way.

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Unless they did anything to make you feel that way I would them g0 but those are your kids…and my kids have driven 10-12hours

I can take my granddaughter where ever I want too…so far 10-12hrs

Well you can’t protect them all the time. Am I nervous when my babies ride in a car? Yep. Even with me or their Dad. If ya keep this up your kids will never learn to stand on their own 2 feet. Let them be with their grandparents. I wish I could be with mine.

There is no love like that of a grandparent. If there is a vibe that you are picking up that something is not right that is a completely different story.

If its just anxiety that your kids are not under your supervision just remember that something can happen to them at school and every time they are in a carcwith you there is a chance you may have an accident.

I suggest you let them go and use the time wisely to be “selfish” by reading a book or binge watch a series that keeps your mind from running away from you or spoil yourself with a nice new hairstyle and havecyour nails done etc.

I mean. Anything can happen while in a car. No matter if your there or not? I’m not sure what you think you being there is going to do?

My mother takes my kids out of state and country :rofl:

I trust my sons grandparents. My sons gma lives in R.I. an hour and a half away from me. She drives him all over that state when she has him for 3-4 days every other month or so. My mother (my sons nana) drives him over an hour to go to church, an hour+ to visit family, 45-an hour for adventures. If my mom or dad, or my sons gma wanted to take him to Florida, I would let them. My son is so very blessed to have his grandparents, and I prefer not to hinder that bond.

Girl and then you Will be complaining nobody wants to take the kids. Let them kids go with their grandparents.

Umm. Not until they are teens. Probably not even then

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How ever far they wanted to take them :woman_shrugging:

Is there a reason you dont trust in laws

I went on a plane from DC to Chicago by myself when I was 8, though plane travel was expensive, calm, and elegant back then, and flight attendants had the time to pay attention. My son went with his aunt from DC to Disney World for a week when he wasn’t quite 2 and again the following year. He loved it, had a great time both times with no problems.

Is there a reason you’re afraid for your folks to take the kids? Kids too rowdy in the car? Are the grandparents bad drivers? Alcoholics? Do they have mental health challenges? Dementia? If not, lighten up or you’ll make yourself crazy.

You need an identity other than “mom” to get through life or you’ll smother them, alienate them, and annoy them after they move out, plus you’ll fall apart without them to give you purpose in life. What will you do when they’re in daycare/preschool/school? You can’t hover over them every minute. Plus, kids learn by doing new stuff and experimenting. Give them some new horizons.

Look into therapy to explore the roots of your anxiety. Take up a hobby/habit that allows you to relax (yoga, Tai chi, meditation, any form of the arts, any form of movement) and volunteer for something that has meaning for you.

You don’t trust their driving?

It’s their grandparents not strangers

Why would be my question. Are they bad people or irresponsible

I don’t get this …they raised your husband and your parents raised you …unless there is a safety issue say due to grand parents maybe not medically able to care for children Id say why not let them …it’s what family is about

How old are the grandparents
What is their health like
In most cases you maybe overreacting

I didn’t let them go very often or too far. Grandpa was a horrible driver, forever falling asleep while driving. He wasn’t good about letting anyone else drive either.

Not enough info. How old are your parents? Do they drive? What is there driving history? How old are your children? Are they potty trained? Are they old enough to talk? ???

My grandfather is a truck driver and when I was little he wasn’t leaving without me or I’d loose my shit LMFAO I got to see new things and have fun adventures.

It’s a nope for me too! He has maybe gone 30 mins away one time and he is 7. Just for cases of emergency I don’t want him that far away from me. :woman_shrugging:t3:.

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I don’t see a reason not to let them ,are the mean drunks druggies ,I bet there normal and should do any thing to keep them safe I take my granddaughter ever where alone she like my own kid ,so real question is why would you not trust your parents or your partner parents ,must be a reason ,if they can do logal fun things they should be able travel to

Two of my kids allowed me to take their kids where ever and when ever I wanted the other 2 don’t hardly want me to take them anywhere. One of the two I cannot drive the kids anywhere and the other one I can only go within 10 minutes

I agree with most, if you trust the person they are with, you will worry, just not as much. I left my oldest go to another country with my mom when he was 4. And we let my middle go with my MIL to another country at 1 so I mean you get more lenient the more kids you have :grimacing::see_no_evil::heart_hands::heart_hands:

I think it depends on current relationship with the grandparents and the grandchild, the child themselves, any health issues for those involved, etc. like if you know they don’t agree with food allergies and your kids allergic to nuts its probably not safe. If they’re respectful grnadparents who are responsible then have a thorough conversation with them about the trip. Then decide if it’s worth kiddo going!

Also if they’re demanding alone time then it would be an automatic no from me. Anyone who demands time with a child separated from its parents raises a red flag.

I’m gramma and a few years back I took my grandson on a 1700 mile road trip. St Paul through Nebraska, to the top of Pikes Peak, down to Amarillo, and home near Oklahoma city. He was I believe 10 at the time. We’re hoping to recreate it next year, or do the Mississippi River Road trip. I’m currently on a camping weekend with my 11 year old granddaughter-4th year in a row- and we’re 2 hours from home. I’ve taken both my grandkids on flights across the country and road trips. I guess why wouldn’t you let them take your kids on road trips or vacations? Obviously if they’re crappy drivers, or not involved in their lives to begin with, I can see that. But if you trust them to be with your kids, and they did a good job of raising you or your spouse, why not? Granted, I’m a young gramma and I probably wouldn’t let a 90 year old gramma do it, but just use your best judgement. The excuse of “No one drives my kids but me!”… Your kids could be missing out on some great memory making times with their grandparents.

Are your in-laws bad people? Do they treat your kids bad? Are they abusive? On drugs? Drink too much?

Put a note in their clothes , diaper bag, back pack.
Include, name , ages, allergies, emergency contacts. This will help authorities contact you if something happens.
Also is there a reason not to trust them. Drugs, fighting, or something else.

We went all over with my grandparents, loved and would give anything to spend that time my grandparents again! I have taken my kids friends on vacations, 16 hour drives. I also a grandparent have taken my young grandsons on vacation, I would be heart broken and mortified if I was not allowed the time with them. This day in age if you are that leary & scared to let them out of your site, there is FaceTime, life360app to track, texting, cell phones, many things to keep in touch… when I was younger there was none of this, I went 7 -14days or what not with no contact with my parents when vacationing… … I treasured my vacations with grandparents, kids, family/friends

When my kids were about 2-3 and 4-5 years old I let them travel 4 1/2 hours away with my inlaws I trusted my inlaws to take kids that far and I would do it again in a heartbeat they had both kids medical cards with them,my in-laws had a cellphone to contact us if need be. I completely trust my in-laws with my children my father inlaw was considering taking them to New York this year and they are 9 &13 now and I would have let them go with their grandparents that far we live in Michigan so it would have been a very long trip for them but once again I trust my in-laws with my kids

Let your kids have experiences with their grandparents.


My dad and I took my grandson from Indiana to Washington state on a train when he was 4. We had the best time.

Depends on their health. My mum gets tired pretty easily and her driving isn’t what it was, either. She would struggle while the kids are still so young.

I live in Montana and used to go to Nevada with my grandparents for a month out of the summer. I’m a very over protective mom. I dont think I would let my kids go further than a 2 hr drive away. I just mentally can’t handle it lol

My parents could take my child to the moon on a tricycle and I would trust them.

I’m glad my mother allowed me to go anywhere with my grandparents. Why would you deny them those memories for your own anxiety if they were safe people of course.


Far far away because thats memories, let them have all the memories of there grand parents

For me, once they are about 4/5 there are no more limitations. My youngest has special needs so I’m more overprotective with her but the other three can go wherever.

You’re being ridiculous unless your parents are not responsible adults that’s absurd . Give up a little control sis this whole life ain’t about you . :heart:

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I used to go on vacations with my grandparents when i was younger and those said vacations will remain some of the best memories I’ll have, especially since my grandmother passed back in March. So… I say, let them have fun and experience new adventures and create memories with their grandparents… if you are that overprotective… there is either a reason you are being completely overbearing/there are misleading/untold reasons as to why you dont trust the kid(s) with them OR I say you seriously need to “chill the hell out”.

You are the parent. You decide what you will allow. Don’t let anyone try to influence your boundaries.

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I live in Washington State, my dad has taken my older daughter as far away as Louisiana. She started going on camping trips with her when she was six.

It’s anxiety that’s all I think because I feel the same when my kids are close by but not with me but wr need to give us time also and relax when we get those opportunities and allow them to enjoy family time with the grandparents.

As far as they are willing to take him lol

Depends on the age and health of all concerned. Very young children i wouldnt allow but teens who get on with their grandparents would be fine

My parents and In laws both travel with our 4 kids multiple times a year. They take them to see and do all sorts of cool places and things.

I went all over the country in a camper with my grandparents and I’ve let my kids do the same. Some of the fondest memories I have with my grandparents were those camping trips.

Mine r smokers…simple…they dont

Lol, I live in South Africa, my kids went to the US with their Gran for 3 weeks. They were in Ohio for a week and NYC for 2. They had the best time. Grandparents are a blessing.

I have taken mine across the country.

My parents did just fine raising me so they can take my kids wherever they want for however long they want. While I don’t like my ex, I would be fine with that side of grandparents taking my kids on a road trip too.

With my mom, when she was still alive, as far as she wanted to take them. My kids fathers parents, I wouldn’t let them take my kids across the street :joy:

My mom took my niece everywhere. On vacation to doctor visits while her mom was working. She was the babysitter. If you can’t trust your parents who can you trust?

Ive let my kids go across country with my ex husband’s parents to see their family without us i think its important for the kids to experience life without sometimes and they r safe let them go

I have taken my grandkids on vacations 3.5 hours from their parents house. They trust us with their children. You need to start with short trips and progress. Enjoy your alone time with your spouse, friends or by yourself.

Up to where you trust your IL. It’s just upsetting how these mamas would ask opinion even if they already now what they want :sweat_smile: Tsk.

Don’t worry about it. Let them say you’re over protective. I live in TN. My ex MIL keeps asking for years if my daughter who is now 8 can go to TX with them. I always say, “only if me or her dad goes.” She has even asked about a trip that’s 4 hours away (I think or maybe 6) and I say no. But she also was too busy talking when my ex husband was a small child while he was drowning in a pool. The way I see it. Your children, your rules. If you don’t feel comfortable about it then that’s just that. They can respect how you feel or get upset about it. You don’t have to listen to it or have a remark to it. Everyone feels differently when it comes to things.

I am in upper Michigan and have let my mom take my kids to Disney in Florida by plane and car for a week to 10 days