How far would you allow your kids to travel with their grandparents?

Be thankful you still have that…

It depends on the everything. How responsible is your parents? Are the good drivers? Do your kids listen to them? Ultimately it’s up to you.

I use to go with my grandma on the bus to Mexico for months at a time…let your kids go they’ll let you know if they like it or not.

My mom and brother have taken (driven) my kids from NY to SC multiple times without me or their father for vacation when we weren’t able to get the time off from work to go. :woman_shrugging:t4: Having family (if they’re genuinely trustworthy) want to take your kids on trips is a blessing. Not everyone has that kind of support.

My mom? Anywhere. His mom? Oh heck no.

I trust my dad 110% with my kids. If he wanted to take them to the moon, I would let him! Grandparents are an important part of children’s lives!

My mom use to let my great grandma and my aunt take me all over the united states lol. It was her time to get away from me :joy::joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t3: and I let my grandparents take my kids all over to. Like what I get a break ??? Take them for how ever long you want :joy::joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I also agree with your In laws.

We live in Wisconsin. My daughter went for a 10 day vacation with my parents to Yellowstone a couple weeks ago. I had zero issues letting them take her because 1) I have an amazing relationship with my parents and 2) My daughter also has an amazing relationship with them. I wrote a note giving them permission to make medical decisions for my daughter while they were gone and sent them pictures of our health insurance cards and away they went. My daughter had a fantastic time and learned alot while on that trip. If my parents wanted to do a trip like that again with her next year and go somewhere else, I would absolutely be all for it.

Anywhere. You wanna take your grand kids ro explore antartica? Go for it lol

Nope. I don’t trust them to drive my kids in town because of their lack of respect for car seat safety.

Depends on the age and how much the grandparents respect me and my rules

My parents could take my kids out of the country and I’d feel safe…I don’t like the way my MIL drives so that’s a point blank no for me.

Depends on how old and stable the grandparents are and the children.

Depends on how old we let our 4 year old daughter go to Michigan with her grand parents for a week so and there great and help and support us with our kids and are amazing people and grandparents :heart::heart:

I would let them go with my parents and my inlaws anywhere. They love them and care for them as much as my husband and I. I trust them and know they would do anything to keep them safe. My book they raised a family and know what’s, what. Yes they may have different ways and ideas, but they love and care for them. Just think of the memories your kids will be making and the Love they will experience.

I’ve let my dad take my kids to another country on vacation. I trust him completely to watch my kids the same that I would . I mean he raised me so I know how cautious he is. I guess it just depends on how responsible and capable your family is :person_shrugging:

We’ve let our 4 year old go to West Virginia from Alabama with his grandparents. It’s all about how you as the parents feel and how much you trust the grandparents. It’s gonna be different for everyone.

My friend takes turns taking her grand children places. Gives 1 on 1 with each grandchild

You are extremely overprotective. 

If grandma wants them, grandma gets them lol take them where ever , do what ever, bring back when ever :rofl:

Depends on everyone’s age. And how far they going. I’m not letting my 87 year old grandma drive to Virginia beach with my 10 year old for a few days. Maybe just to the food store.

As far as they want to :woman_shrugging:t2:

My 17 year old daughter has not been invited to go anywhere with her grandparents. Or aunts/uncles. Why? Because everyone is so into themselves.

Well my daughters great grandparents live in Florida and we live in Mississippi and she went on vacation with them to Florida then on a cruise then she left there and went to Louisiana before coming home. She’s 14 and have family in Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Iowa and I’m sure more but she goes those places most often with grandparents and great grandparents

I have no say in the matter seeing as the idiot I married gave custody to her

Depends on the grandparent. My MIL doesn’t actually watch her grandkids so I’m uncomfortable. She takes the 3 year old places if my 15 year old is there to watch her. I wouldn’t let her take her anywhere alone really but as stated… depends on how they are with the kids.

Damn, pull that stick outta your ass!

My parents took my son on holiday every school break.I was a single mum,working up to 20 hrs a day some days and I couldn’t afford time off for holidays.Your kids need to live their lives and the biggest mistake to make is to put your fears on your kids

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It would be nice to know the ages of the kids. If they are school age then I see no problem with it, if they are younger then it depends on how far and how well they behave. Also maybe give Grandma a weekend at home with them, then if that goes well a week with them at home, she may change her mind when she realizes how old she is and how much work it will be. Then if the week goes well let her take shorter trips. This gives you a break and lets their grandmother bond with them and builds special memories. Be glad their grandmother wants to be in their life not every one has had the privilege of having grandparents.

How old are your kids? Do you have a decent relationship with your inlaws and where/why do they wantto take them. I mean it doesnt sound sinister.
Uou are probably being overprotective

Depends how much I trusted them. I don’t trust mine enough to send my kid to even stay the night usually.

For me, it would depend on the age. My toddler would travel 6-7 hours with his grandparents when he turned 3. He was potty trained and could talk, so I would call and speak with him. Younger then that, I would have to say no. Not that I didn’t trust them, I would worry way to much. Any older, let the grandparents make memories with them.

Providing there good grandparents then why not grandparents don’t last forever kids and grandparents make memories and a bond like no other be thankful your children have grandparents a lot of children miss out x

If you don’t trust them 1000 miles away then you don’t trust them 10 miles away either. Or in the next room. If you trust them here then you trust them everywhere.