How hard is it going from 2 kids to 3?

How hard is it going from 2 kids to 3? Starting to think I want another one but is it harder? My 2 kids are only a year apart. Also worried money is an issue but I can’t shake the feeling of wanting another so bad


I thought it was pretty easy going from 2-3 now I am a little worried about going from 3-4!

I had 4 under 4 it’s hard but kinda gets easier the older they get mine are 7,6,4,3 now and definitely fight 24/7 but there’s a lot of love!

I have two but mine have quite the age gap, 9 and 1 so the transition wasn’t too bad since she’s old enough to help with the baby. Though I wouldn’t mind a third but hubby has said no to that haha :joy:.

I have 3 oldest is 18 middle 16 and youngest 3.5. It’s alot easier now, they love their brother and they actually all get along. When I had just my 2 older sons, they fought like animals.

I just had my third a year ago. It’s been hard, really hard.

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It’s an absolute nightmare but I love it so much :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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For us it was seamless. He was a really easy baby who just went with our flow

I would say wait it out a couple of years. Experience your first two first.


Mine was easy. My 2 older boys helped out so much cause they were so excited to have a sister. They are all still super close to her , she’s 12 now

Hardest for me was going from 0-1

My 3rd was my hardest transition…once you get in a good routine then things are much easier

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1-2 is harder than 2-3 transition. They are now 3/6/9 and they all play together well.I’m just dreading the teenage years.

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We weren’t prepared or financially prepared for another one. But we are making it happen and loving every minute of it. It’s a bit stressful but we got this!

My husband has 3 girls with his ex wife and they are 21,20,9 and I have a 13 year old and we have a 2 year old and a 8 month old. If you want another one. Have another one :heart:

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Going from 1 to 2 was the biggest challenge. 2 to 3 was easy…3 to 4 was even eaiserb

2 to 3 was a walk in the park i feel but from 3 to 5 ? Holleh. :sweat_smile::rofl:

The transition from 2-3 was harder for me than 1-2. Mainly cause you’re officially outnumbered. & that third kid is the funny wild one. :laughing:

I found the transition for 1 to 2, much harder than 2-3.
I do have an incredibly hands on partner though, without whom I don’t think I would have managed as well as I did. Extra hands certainly helps.
I have 3 boys and it’s a party every day lol


Definitely a lot to get used to at first!

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I have 4 and it was easier going from 1-2 to,3-4.Mine are 21,20,17,15(almost 16)

The 3rd one was easier than everyone said it would be

Depends on your life and if you have a good partner . Three will definitely stretch your time . I raised four and love them all . I probably would have been a better mom with just two .

I had a much harder time going from 2 to 3 than I did from 1 to 2. I parent by myself a lot and it has required a lot of patience and letting a clean home and meal schedule go. My boys are 8, 5, and 2

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Can you get a pet instead? :joy:


You got this mamma! If we all did this I’m sure u will be fine! The more the merrier :blush:

Not bad at all. I was the same way 29 years ago and both my husband said “what’s one more”.

Only difference is, everything is for a family of 4.

Going from 1-2 was hard but going from 2-3 was much easier


I found it way easier going from 2-3 than I did 1-2, my first was still 1 when I had my second, I also found more I had more laid back I got, if I could have afforded more than 3 I would of had another x

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After 2 no amount is harder . They all fit around each other. I have 6 after 2 it was a doddle.

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I had my third in June and honestly the transition from 1-2 was the hardest. My older two were 5 and 3 at the time.

Not much harder when they’re closer together but depends on the kids either way! Lol you’ll always regret not having more but won’t regret another

My first two are 8 and 6. 18 months apart. Their brother is 3 months old. The transition is SO smooth with this age gap. The girls are a HUGE help and SO understanding. They were helping us get ready the entire pregnancy.

Not hard at all it’s just about 2-3 minutes of fun and then just gotta wait

My son was my 3rd and by far my hardest. That being said, every baby is different! You can’t pick what temperament yours will have :woman_shrugging:t3:

I’m scared for my 1-2 transition… my daughter will be 17 months old when my new baby is born and I fear how it will go…

If I ever have a third, my girls will be 3 and 4 so I’ll be starting over

Honestly I think it’s harder from 1 to 2. 2 to 3 is easier. Imo

It’s hard af especially if it’s been a while since you had a newborn. 2 to 3 is harder than 1 to 2 imo

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I have 3 sons. All grown now, but having 3 was easy.

It’s was pretty easy for me. But that was my kids. Could be totally different for others as every kid is different.

It’s like a walk in the park! Jurassic park


Numb 3 kicked my butt, but I have 4, so.

It depends on the kid. I had two and had another and that was hard cause he needed more attention and as a toddler he’s a spaz. I just had another making it four and he’s easy. Easy baby that watches cartoons and does tummy time.

I have 3 little boys. First 2 are 15mths apart. But all in all 3 in 3yrs 10mths. Very very busy! Mostly as they were all home with me. Eldest started school this year and the dynamic changed dramatically. Middle will be at school next year and I won’t know myself! As hard as some days can be, I will mis the chaos! But also, be happy to find my jam again! Totally doable! My hubby is hands on +++ so this is also very handy. With me being a shift worker, and him working for family farm- we are passing ships in the night sometimes. But it is just for a season :slightly_smiling_face:

Not that hard I went from 2 to 3 then right away 4 and I think once u have 2 it no longer matters :person_shrugging:

I feel like if you’re already worrying about finances without being pregnant, it probably isn’t the best choice. That’s another mouth to feed, school clothes and supplies, childcare if you both work, etc. Having 3 isn’t much different, imo. Just gotta make sure you’re both ready.
My biggest issue, I have 3 girls, is my middle one always throwing it out there that she’s a middle child and gets treated differently because people say “Middle child syndrome”, so she thinks something is wrong with her. :rofl:

I’ve got 3 older kids grown and left home was close in age was really hard . but the 2 little ones I have 18 months and 7 yrs so much easier

Depends if you have twins like I did and go from 2 to 4 hahaha

Its been very hard for me personally

If you are in a healthy relationship and financially stable enough to bring one more in to the mix, DO IT! YOUR MOM HEART WANTS THAT BABY! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hard. I didn’t feel a different until I went from 2 to 3

You’ll (maybe) regret not having a/another child but no one (majority people) regrets the children they do have. :revolving_hearts:

We just had twins two months ago. Went from 2 to 4 kids. It’s definitely an adjustment it gets easier tho.

I think for us it felt easier going from 2 to 3 than it did from 1 to 2. When going from 1 to 2 suddenly you have the older child who isn’t used to not having 100%of your undivided attention 100%of the time whereas going from 2 to 3 the older 2 can play together while you do important newborn care tasks like nursing or diaper changing.

0-1 was the hardest transition 3 isn’t any harder then 2 was

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I didn’t have any issues from 2-3.
Mine was 3, 17 months and then a newborn.
You already have it down with two kids so you just throw the third into the chaos and run with it. :crazy_face:


I found the hardest part was 2 kids tend to play together but when there’s a 3rd, one tends to get left out…not necessarily the youngest. I had 2 then 7 yrs later unexpectedly had a 3rd. It was easy at the start cos the older 2 loved him…but as they all got older, thing changed. Now I have 4 and my 2nd and 3rd are besties while my youngest is the odd one out :roll_eyes: it’s different for everyone and I think it depends on the kids personally.


If you have to ask, then you ain’t ready.

I have 3. It was an easy transition. My older 2 were almost 5 and 6 when my baby was born. Financially, it’s expensive af lol. If you don’t struggle with 2 then you should be okay getting by with 3. If you’re barely making it with 2 then you might want to see where you can free up money.


I would recommend waiting. Ideal spacing is 3 years.

No it’s not I found it easier than going from 1 to 2 x

I felt like it was a bigger adjustment (and even somewhat difficult) going from 1 to 2, rather than 2 to 3, or even 3-4…. Once you get the hang of juggling two kids, three (and four) come easier and more natural. You just kinda catch on and get in the swing of things :woman_shrugging:t3:
Do I wish I was more financially stable prior to having all my kids? Absolutely… and they would’ve seen a much less stressed out single mama… but they all saw the stress and the struggle to get where we are now and I hope one day they will be able to comprehend all that and appreciate/value it in their adult years.

If money is an issue wait. Don’t suffer or put stress on yourselves just because you want be smart and wait until funds are there

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Depends on the ages of the first two. When I had my 3rd my first two 5 about to be 6 and 3. So it was fairly easy. Having my 4…, now that wasn’t something I was prepared for. Because he’s 6 now and I have two teen girls…. Teen girls are not easy😭

Personally, I think it depends on your family dynamic, your support system, your mental health and patience level, and it’s dependent upon each individual child - each baby is different. Mine will be 2, 6 & 7 this year. Parenthood is difficult no matter what.

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I always thought I wanted another then ended up with twins lol. Now I’m losing my mind lol. Two is a great number especially if you have one boy one girl but ultimately only you can make this decision:) I say once you have two 3 is not that hard. But also mental health is very important and don’t throw yourself into something that might harm your able ness to your other two :slightly_smiling_face:


HARD! but also fun. Pros- older two play together when you’re feeding bub. When one kid doesn’t feel like playing they still have a friend to play with Cons - still haven’t got the bedtime routine by myself yet I have to have help cos someone will come and wake the other one and it’s impossible to manage. the baby gets dragged along to the activities cos now they’re are 2 lots of big kids activities you’re torn between, their nap time is not routine.

If money is an issue then wait it out.

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depending on age gap . 3 kids close in age is tough if there Young been there done that

I had 4 and was 6 months pregnant with my 5th Three months before she was born, we got custody of 3 of my sister-in-laws children ages 5 years, 1 year and the baby was almost a month old. I had 3 in diapers and on bottles and believe me it wasn’t easy but we managed.

I have 3 all 5 years apart so wasnt too bad older 2 are at school and 3rd 9 weeks old so not tooo hard so far. I personally dont think id handle 3 under 5 though😅


Depends. I have 3. 6, 3,and 2. If you require sleep and a clean house i wouldn’t recommend it. If you cam multitask and have ALOT of patience then it’s very worth it.


As a mom of 4 boys the hardest part for me was going from 1 to 2. Especially since they were so close in age. I remember on my second night home sitting on the floor crying with the baby crying while trying to make a bottle while my 15 month old stood in his crib crying because he got woken up. You mention your older 2 are close in age as well. If you managed that you got this. Additions are alot easier after that :rofl:

Are you married…:thinking: what does your husband want…this is not a…I want I want decision.

My opinion, if you’re not happy with 2 then you won’t be happy with 3. If you love kids help in the nursery at your church, work in a daycare etc.


Why would anyone want to bring a child in this disastrous world?

1 to 2 felt hard at the time but 2 to 3 was hell. Everyone I know says 4 is easier then 3.

If money is an issue I would suggest you stick with 2 . Life isn’t going to get cheaper .

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Decide what you’re willing to give up to be able to afford another child. You can provide more attention, extracurriculars and experiences for 2 easier than 3. You have 2 hands and presumably 2 adults. A third gets no extra hand. Do you work outside the home? What happens if hubs is laid off for a while? What happens if you break up? How would you be able to support yourself and the children? Babies are adorable, but think this through. You’re responsible for all of them for life.

If you just have “baby fever,” offer to help out at a NICU, babysit for others, help out at a day care, rescue a kitten or puppy.

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If they are old enough to help with the baby then is easy. If they are still toddlers then it would be difficult in my opinion

50 odd years back but seems like yesterday. Three little girls …4 1/2, 21 months and a newborn. For a few weeks I could only keep two of them in my mind at once. I remember crying because I needed to make formula IMMEDIATELY and feed 2 kids IMMEDIATELY and do a load of diapers IMMEDIATELY. It calmed down soon into a regulated chaos. Three kids after two kids is like adding an extra three. The laundry trippled. I did not feel up to it. The Peter Principal is that you don’t know you’ve exceeded your capabilities until you do.
That said, everyone of those girls grew up to be a positive gem. They gave me a grandson and six granddaughters of the finest quality and five fabulous greatgrands.

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It’s really not bad at all seriously I was scared my first was 3 when I had my second and then less then a month later I found out I was pregnant again :dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face: can you say scared god gave me the easiest baby ever thought he always slept threw the night like a rock never cried unless he was hungry ect no colic at all I was really worried his older brother was gonna hurt him or sling shot him across the room in his swing had sooo many fears but I wouldn’t change it for the world !! It’s a little bit of a learning curve but they do everything together I hand everything down from one to the next most still brand new lol that’s handy they are one size apart it’s sooo much easier they both like the same toys ect and I still had all the baby stuff from his brother so it just worked great I was still in baby mode from the first so I was a pro by number 3 was able to breast feed full time which I couldn’t do with my other two body didn’t want to last time the charm had my girl parts all taken out last night I’m pretty upset but I love babies and will gladly take any ones for the night to get my baby smiles and giggles in :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:I regularly have other children now threw the summer I have my nephew who’s same age as my oldest plus my other nephews who’s a baby and I love a house full once you get
To three you can Handel six or nine haha

Ehhhh it’s hard. Lmaooo people that say it’s easier, are lying. :joy::joy::joy:


For myself having 2 was quite easy and manageable, adding the third was when i noticed it started to get challenging. My mental health was affected the most. But if you have a great support system then you may have a better experience, as i didn’t have a support system and was 24 years old with 3 kids (still learning and growing myself lol )

I have 4 boys, the older 2 are 5 yrs apart, (15 &10) then had 2 more ( now 7 and 5) and they are about 2.5 yes apart.the baby stage was hard because the toddler or baby needed me at the same time, but when they got older and could do more on their own it got easier.

I have a 7, 3, & 2 yr old! Yes, it’s hard, but honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. Don’t pass up your chance for another baby.

It only as hard as you make it

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In my opinion once you have made the jump from one to two the 3 was easy. Now that’s just the way I found it, then 3 to 4 was way easy

I think going to 3 was the hardest thing. And now that everyone is in school it’s even harder trying to balance schedules.

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1-2 for me was easy, but 2-3 very hard. However, my two youngest are 18 months apart, it’s since gotten easier. That first year though …. Momzie.

Just a number lol I have 4 the first 2 are the adjustment ones :rofl:.

1-2 with only a year is a hard adjustment , I did it with my first two . When I had my 3rd 3-4 yrs later it was so much easier than the two , it helps if there at least 4 years + as they like to help out with baby

I went from 1 to 3 when I had my twins…and that was hard. And it’s still very very hard. :woozy_face: the twins are relentless.

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The older you are the easier it gets I think. I waited 11 year between my 2.

I have 4 and 2 was alot easier lol

I think 2 years is a good gap between all the kids, when my eldest was 12 I had 6 kids all two years apart, all grown up now and working in their chosen careers, and we have 5 grandkids.

Transitioning from 2-3 was harder for me. But still doable. You just gotta figure out your new normal with only having two hands and 2 legs and 3 kids that want your help or attention.

I would wait a few years and enjoy the ones you have, my son is 6 and his sister is 2, and it’s not bad now my sister has 2 under 2 and I can tell it is very difficult

Had 3 . Would not change a thing !

Parenting is hard no matter how many kids you have. Give it a year still can’t shake it, have another

You’ll figure it out love. Being a parent comes with challenges no matter how many kids you have. Every child is different so going from 1-2 may be easier for some than 2-3 depending on the kids/how close in age everyone will be. Financially, lots of people have “surprises”, and you will figure it out along the way. The hardest thing about having a young child right now for me personally (my older kids are all in school) is finding childcare, so keep that in mind if you plan to continue to work if you do become pregnant look for a daycare/sitter well in advance :heart: