How is COVID effecting your life?

me my loans and accounts they need to write of debt for those who lost businesses and jobs who are now unemployed due to covid creditors harassing ppl put more stress on them more suicides gona happen as ppl hv no way out

Michigan has been like that since March

Watching a whole lot of Netflix :rofl: definitely have alot more time to clean and organize my house. Board as hell, luckily I have a good neighbor friend that I chill with alittle every day. Living in Brooklyn

Just curious…how are you paying your bills?

Still working and rolling with the punches

I’m in Sandy Utah. Our numbers are horrible. The county I live in had about 2500 today. We’ve been up to 4000 per day recently. People don’t want to distance or wear masks. Very scary. My family will wear masks and distance, shop online, do pickup online groceries, work from home. We will be alert to what is going on around us. Be safe. :cry:


Texas here!!! I work in a clinic and I am around covid every day. I have not had it thank goodness. Everything is open where I am, just have to wear a mask everywhere indoors. I dont hang out with other people just in case.


I live in Las Vegas COVID-19 cases are off the charts , Convention Center parking garage has turned into a make shift hospital with about 40 COVID patients. Hospitals are full . We do have a stay at home order only go out if you need to like grocery store we do have to wear mask outside at all times . But basically everything is open , I know sounds confusing.that’s our life right now .


Oregon, USA here. Our state is in pause through the end of the year, which means people are supposed to stay home and if you go out wear a mask. Only essential businesses are supposed to be open. But, the governor allows nighty rioting without restrictions. Because I listened to my doctor, I don’t leave my house because I can’t wear a mask for medical reasons. We online shop and my husband is able to do grocery shopping. I wish people weren’t so selfish and self important that they would just wear a mask and do as asked!!


I’m in CO. I am doing ok so far… The worst thing is my husband is in a Nursing home and I haven’t "touched him since march… only window visits… can’t do zoom as he is non-verbal… I don’t see any change in this until at least march so 1 year at the least…


I live on the Isle of Man and we are free of COVID and go about as normal. If we left the Island and come back you isolate for 14 days the borders are closed to non residents. We are very lucky.


Wisconsin, USA. On the border with the state of Illinois. (By Chicago) Restaurants and bars are closed for dine in, most gyms too. Right now, all stores are open. Everything is for sale right now, so no purchase restrictions. Masks are supposed to be worn everywhere, but there are still people that go without. And there are also those that have a mask, but only have their mouth, or better yet, just their chin covered! :rofl: I go to the store 3 times a week, just to keep my sanity. (Laid off from work, and 2 small kids at home) We use natural methods to help keep our immunity up, along with the masks and distancing.


In Florida. In some towns, nearly everyone wears a mask; where I live hardly anyone wears a masks or even believes there is an epidemic. It’s so frustrating. I wear a mask at all times outside of my home, don’t let anyone in and don’t go to anyone else’s house. Shop via internet and do grocery pickup. I keep myself busy doing art work nearly every day and my latest venture is to relearn to play the guitar. Don’t remember a note, chord or anything else from years ago when I did play. It’s something to keep me busy. I haven’t been bothered too much by it other than annoyance that people won’t wear masks because I’m retired anyway and it hasn’t changed my financial situation. I’ve been very fortunate in that respect. I don’t know how people are managing to get through this and still feeding their families. They are in my heart every day.


I live in a suburb of Chicago. We own a sports bar. It was closed in March, then reopened and then we were required to close again in late October. Not sure if our business will survive. The state of Illinois is up to 700,000 positive cases and nearly 13,000 deaths. The lockdowns do seem to be effective. We have been social distancing, wearing masks and sterilizing everything since this started. But my adult daughter, husband and I all got COVID-19. My daughter lost her sense of smell and taste and had a fever and fatigue, but after 2 weeks is better. I had a rough couple of weeks. Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, fatigue, dry mouth, no appetite and an excruciating headache. After 2 weeks I am back to normal. It has been 6 weeks for my husband, and he is still weak and fatigued. He has a hard time getting up and down the stairs. But his cough is now gone and his appetite is slowly returning. I am sure all of our preventative measures helped. The masks are not 100% effective, but does not allow all of the virus to get through. Without them I am sure we would have been much worse. I I am grateful I did not have to be hospitalized, be put on a ventilator or die. As a family, we have postponed Christmas this year until we can all get together. Thanksgiving was a small, stay at home, quiet affair. I sure do miss my grandchildren.


I live in Ohio, most people wear masks and those who care and are compassionate stay home and go out only when necessary. Those who aren’t ingore the DeWine and are the reason we have 10,000 cases a day and why the hospitals are overrun. Yes the survival rate it high, but killing 1% of the world population would still be 80 million people and many more would still in bad condition. If people had compassion for their neighbors and willing to sacrifice some luxury freedoms to save people’s lives, we would have Covid-19 under control.


Alabama : All businesses are open like normal. Everyone, well most everyone, wears a mask whenever they are in public and most people keep their distance. Schools are open but most are doing some sort of virtual learning. Our high school is doing hybrid, meaning only in person learning on certain days depending on your last name so that only half of the students are there at a time. Our restaurants and bars are open but with reduced capacity.


I want to know what happened to the flu, A&B, in all of this. I go to work, wear a mask, wash hands frequently. I go grocery shopping, etc. The middle class businesses are dying but SMs, Costco, Target, etc are getting richer. It makes no sense.


We are in Pennsylvania. We have known 14 people who have had or do have COVID. We stay home unless it’s absolutely necessary to go out. When we do go out, we wear our masks and plan everything out to be as quick as possible. The cases here are surging and are projected to be even worse in the next week because of thanksgiving. I can only imagine how bad it will be after Christmas.


Small town Northwest of Houston. Everything is open. Masks are mandated per our texas governor. Our county judge refuses to enforce the order. Most not wearing masks. Our school district just cancelled virtual learning effective January. Stated kids are failing and bad attendance. Pretty much said it’s a waste of resources and all will be in person learning unless medical exemption.


I am a 73 year old Covid survivor. I wear a double mask and God spared me for a reason so I will tell you that I do not believe lockdown is the way to go. Jobs are affected therefore people are affected. Our State has restrictions but we are open. I got Covid at my doctor’s office because he told me to take my mask off. You can get it anywhere. All my children and grandchildren have been considered essential workers so they have worked everyday and we are grateful. Covid is tough. God brought me through and I know that. I was in hospital for 25 days and the doctors, nurses and techs were all learning. Spent 3 days in ICU because of reaction from Plasma transfer. Not fun and we did lose some. I lost a friend of 50 years. Most were throwing clots. I know I was spared for a reason and my family and I are so grateful.


I just applied to be covid-relief at a local hospital where I used to work. As to how it’s affected me? When we came back to work after being furloughed from March- June, the dentist I worked for slashed our pay. I left, and had to find a new job rather than work at a wage that I made over 10 years ago! I am now making a decent wage, but I want to be a part of the solution, too! So, hopefully, Mercy Hospital here I come!


California here! We just got shut down again. No hair salons, no in or outdoor dining. Not much is open. School has been remote since March and will most likely remain that way through June.
We are all tired of this, but are doing our best.


Michigan here. We are in lockdown except where governor wants to go. Considered an essential worker and have not been off except when I got a head cold. No one thinks that covid isnt real. Know a few people that have had it. Dont understand why not wearing a mask means that we dont understand the seriousness of illness. Masks have not stopped it and have compromised others immunity systems. Life must continue and businesses need to survive. We take appropriate precautions. People will live and people will die, that is the way it works. I love my family and see them when I can.


I live in Mn. I continue to work but only shop when necessary. I wear my mask and we have rules in place at work that we follow. Hoping it gets under control by the start of the new year.


Hi I am in Stafford, West Midlands, UK. We aregetting on average about 14.000 new cases per day, deaths from 200- 600 per day. Our country has taken a real battering. We have just come out of national lockdown again and gone back into Tier system. My town is in very high alert level 3. We can only meet our support bubble indoors, boone else. All pubs,cafes are delivery only. Non- essential shops just been allowed to open again. Good news is we have started the vaccination programme this week. Keep safe everyone. Love from the UK to the US xx


I live in Indiana I have worked through it all. Wearing masks, washing hands, and trying to keep from getting it. My son and his girlfriend just got over it thank goodness they are ok. But our stores and factories are open.


Our Governor has us in a lockdown since yesterday and for at least 21 days. Masks, only essential businesses are open. We had outdoor dining for the past few months but that ended yesterday. People from other cities came in droves to Pasadena this past weekend (because we were one of few cities to allow outside dining). Pasadena, California :heart:

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I go and do as I please. Wear a mask sometimes. Go to work no masks required. One employees spouse tested positive, he got tested and came back to work. Ask him how he and wife is doing each day. Go on with work. He’s not treated as the walking dead or anything such. Not going to live in fear. Look at news only for weather. It seems that the media loves to push the fear factor, prior to weather update comes on.


Live in Glen Allen, Va. Richmond and Henrico, VA are above 10.2%.

I understand everyone is ready to get out and enjoy time with friends. But WAKE UP AMERiCA.

I live with a heart condition , as well as Asthma. If that doesn’t make you feel inclined to wear a face mask and keep your distance, then maybe this will. My son recently had a liver transplant. He is only 42. Has his whole life ahead of him, as well as having five children. He is fighting for his life, to be able to come back and make a difference.

For those who don’t take this virus seriously, I feel sorry for the loss you will probably experience in the months ahead.

It’s not getting any better. Your choice. Decide to live it up now, not knowing who in your family you are putting at risk, or suffer the consequences later. Either way, I will be praying that my God will be with you during whatever journey you choose to take.


My life has not been to affected … got married in September still go to work everyday… it has restricted my leisurely travel and I’m terribly home sick… but other than that we focus on the positives we eat more home cooked meals than ever before we get to spend more time with our children! Not sure if it is my ability to look for the positive in everything or if I have just survived so much trauma in my life that this is just not that heavy in my mind… idk other than wearing masks every where and carrying around hand sanitizer… and making it a habit to pray everyday we just take everything one day at a time


My sister in law passed away in September not from covid-19 but on her death certificate they wrote covid-19 my brother was furious and they changed does make me wonder exactly how many has what is the true numbers???


Don’t affect me at all. When they shut some places down we had parties. None in my family wear a mask and we are doing fine.


I have been isolated since February. Cases in the south are rising steadily, as well as deaths. I dont mind the isolation, but so many wont wear masks here. Don’t understand why, ignorance I guess. Canada seems to be doing so much better. Keep up the good work.


I live in SC. I started to draw my early SS right when everything closed in March. I used to be very active at the YMCA but not going because of Covid. I do walk outside but miss my classes so much!!! I also used to go out dancing but not since Covid. Sometimes I turn up the music and dance in my living room! Other than grocery store, I pretty much stay in!!!


I live in Missouri and a retired nurse. I do not go out just to go out but when I do I mask up and try to be very vigilant. However after things calmed down last spring I continue to see friends and we shop and go out to lunch. I see my daughter and granddaughter all the time and she is in elementary school full time. I have flown to see my other two grandkids snd no problem. Out of my entire circle one person has had covid and I sat directly across the table unknown to either of us and I did not get a sniffle. I have one friend who had not left her house since last March. Very severe depression. It is a scary time and no perfect answer! I just know I would be a nut case if I had to totally lock down!


From Oklahoma and it’s not just a flu.


I live in Southern California and we are currently on stay-at-home orders everything is closed except for essential businesses


Live in the boondocks of western Tennessee, masks in stores if you want. We have cut down on our adventures out however feel safe


In CT. Pregnant teacher, husband is high risk and a 2.5 year old at home. We’ve been in isolation since March with really only my in-laws in our quarantine circle once my folks went back to work. I fought to try and get leave, but ended up just running out the clock because of not being able to send my son go daycare. My district went remote after Thanksgiving, so I’m back teaching alone in my classroom (not by choice) and terrified that I will have to choose between my family and my job in January. I love both dearly. But with a prospects of Covid causing a valve transplant for my husband (who doesn’t need one now) and doing serious harm to my preeclampsia prone pregnant self, Covid is not a dice roll that’s worth it in my book. I should mention my state has a mask mandate, limited indoor dining, and a positivity rate that hit 8.6% today.


Love in Alabama. Masks in public. Urged to stay home but no one does. Say not to have large gatherings but people still do. Thanksgiving went on as usual but some smaller gatherings. I had one week off and went back to work because I worked at a bookstore then. Governor said was essential since kids were not going back to school. Number are on the rise but governor is not closing economy. I work at a diy store now which will be considered essential so I will still be working if we close the state down. Running low on toilet paper and paper towels again so I figure it’s coming. People still go out to the few places that are open because they can’t keep their butts at home even if they have it.


I’m in Pennsylvania. I live alone but visit extended family often including Thanksgiving. My neighbors also. Dont shop much because I can’t breathe in a mask. We were exposed twice in the spring but no one got it. Maybe genetics, maybe immune system. Maybe both. We’re doing fine.


In Virginia, I’m wearing a mask in places that it’s mandated but other than that, carrying on as usual.


I’ve been locked in the house since February, with my 7 grandchildren. My daughters thought this was best since I’m compromised. I’ve been having the time of my life.


I live in Minnesota and my husband is in the hospital right now with double pneumonia and covid. And we did everything we were suppose to…masks…washing hands…ect. But we have to work too. So no one is safe from this!! Unless you truly stay home 24/7. It’s horrible…trust me!!

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I live in South Africa. Part of the country went back under stricter lock down and has stricter guidelines to follow. But we all wear masks all businesses are open, all borders are open, we all sanitizer at every store and house entrance. We have been under lockdown since March and it keeps getting extended. At one point our alcohol and cigarettes were deamed dangerous and was kept from us. Schools are closed for the holidays and is only opening end of January now. Our high school seniors is writing final exams until before Christmas. Our gatherings is limited and how many people can go into a place is limited. One of our most popular senior, high school, get away celebrations was postponed until further notice because most of the people that went tested positive and the others are waiting on results.

My daughter lives in Idaho and is just getting over it, it was a rough road for her


I’m in Maine. Most things are technically open, but businesses are discriminating against some. In the last week there’s been numerous businesses calling cops on people trying to buy groceries and having them removed for trespassing. Our suicide rates are way up, and we just had another teen commit suicide. Prior to this year he was an athlete, did decent in school, and was overall a happy normal teen and now he’s just gone. My husband is an essential worker, but his work schedule has been affected. One week he might be lucky to get 2 days in, other weeks he’s getting over 60 hours.

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In Ga ,newton county ,still mandatory to wear a mask , all business are open , even when it was closed, my children and fiance are essential workers , I’m on disability ,my son had covid a few months back . We did not get it by God Grace , Definitely a different way of living , we have to be cautious , every time we go out , I traveled to Florida for my great nephew Birthday ,last year there was around 50 people for his Birthday, this year , only was a small gathering , family members which total to 10 people, we have to keep the faith and pray . Create hobbies at home ,not to get overwhelmed.

NJ here. Cases definitely up. Daughter had Covid end of March and was bad. Out of work for a month. Now my brother and SIL have it and I worry because he has Parkinson’s. Keeping the faith. Businesses open. Restaurants at 25% indoor dining, no sitting at a bar, and have to close at 10pm. Outdoor dining can remain open until 2am. I’m a server so definitely a crush to income. Outdoor gatherings 25 people max. Indoor gatherings 10 people max. No indoor youth sports. Masks required when in public. Hopefully will get it to manageable level before Gov. Murphy shuts businesses down again.

My dad unexpectedly passed away at 48 years old March 14th, right around when we went into lock down. No one was allowed at the hospital where he was passing except for my mom, and we are still waiting to have a memorial held.


I’m about a hour outside of Chicago and cases are on the rise. Lockdown is based about county and percentage of cases each day. Restaurants are open but no dining in.

It’s the same here in England still wearing masks and doing what we must do to keep safe… :smiley:

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I live in Washington the Pacific Northwest!! We have 2876 positive tests to date just in my county everyone is supposed to stay home, which is not happening. I am essential worker and some of the sht I’ve seen people do to others is horrible. Just yesterday an older gentlemen in a motorized cart ran into to someone who was not wearing a mask in the grocery store I work. We also just had a break out of positive tests at work. (10 to be exact) within a matter of a day we lost 25 our or workers. I worked 55 hours last week. Had a 6 day stretch this week (just had to make it through tomorrow and I get two previous days off) oh we also bought a house in September AND I have two kids in online school… sht is a little crazy right now…

Wisconsin here. Same as you in lockdown since March! Mandated masks ! Buses and other places need a mask to go in . Many cases and deaths! Same rules as you. 25%capacity in bars and restaurants!

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I’m in upstate NY and I retired because of Covid, lil sooner than I had planned, but it worked out great!

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I am in Australia. Looks like we may have handled this better than most countries. We had whingers when we went into hard lockdown for 6 weeks here in Melbourne, but now have had no cases for over a month and no deaths. Mask wearing has been mandatory up and till last weekend here in Melbourne.

Houston. According to the local news, we’re at ,8%. What I have observed most of the people are wearing make when out and about. But the infected numbers are raising. Have a sister because of covid, another infected but thank God she survive. Had some friends infected also. It is scary. I go to some shopping … wear a most all time…keep my distance…most the business are open but with capacity restrictions. God bless and protect us all til we can get the vaccine. I have a very dear friend in the hospital… she was infected just recently. She is very I’ll. Please help me pray for her. I love all of you where you may live. Be safe… Please!!!

I’m in Texas have worked every day of the Covid. No one I know has it or had. Mask are being ask to work mandatory in most places. Essential worker exhausted. But Blessed

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I live in LA. We have a lot of stubborn people here. They like to fight about wearing a mask. My life as risky as it is to get covid ( am a resto employee), I still have to remind my customers to wear a mask, even if some don’t like to be told. But, as long as it is my shift, I implement the rule. No mask no service. Otherwise life isn’t so bad. patience prayers, faith, and courage keeps me going.

I live in Indiana. Here mask wearing been going on sense March. Few restaurants open but not much business. We are now back to where things were this first started.

I live in a small town in Valdez Alaska. We’ve had 59 resident case’s so far, and 31 non resident case’s. Anchorage Ak has several hundred case’s per day.

I’m in Colorado and we have a lot of shut downs but our drive through fast foods are open. Must wear masks when out of the house. We have drive through testing. It’s all depressing.

We live in Pa and cases are soaring. We must wear masks . My husband has a nonessential business which was closed for 2 1/2 months. Thank goodness we both are getting our retirements. I go to the grocery store and a few other places but mostly stay home.

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In Owensboro ky 8 deaths today and 115 new cases! Restaurants are closed and schools but retail is still open… have some stubborn ppl in this town refuses to wear mask :roll_eyes:i have a heart condition so i am following the protocol making sure ppl don’t get it from me but it’s sad that they careless about me and other ppl

Im in MN. Definitely feeling covid burnout and depression. I understand the need for caution and am grateful we live in a time there are ways to communicate beyond face to face. But I miss my hugs and I miss seeing smiles

I am in Colorado and we are exactly the same as you. My office is 100% teleworking until the end of June, unless things change.

Utah USA. We’re supposed to social distance, masks in public. But everything is still open. Schools are open. No restrictions other than masks. :person_shrugging: High cases and deaths daily.

I’m sad and mad (at the virus I guess) for my kids. My 2 older boys have been quarantined for almost 8 weeks total from school this semester due to close contact and now my oldest and my boyfriend and I have it. I can’t go to my kids swim meets, most of the meets are getting canceled, my other son plays football and he had to miss his last 2 games due to Covid. I can’t go eat lunch with my elementary kids or see their Christmas play or awards. My youngest is 4 months and he doesn’t get to sit on Santa’s lap (maybe that’s more for me, but still). I know it sounds selfish because people are dying but I hurt for my kids because I know they are missing out on so much this year.

I’m in Kansas City Missouri.
Most businesses are open though it looks like they may be closing soon as our cases are soaring. I decided to homeschool my kids so they’d have stability. We hardly ever leave. Haven’t seen any family ( accept my brother once) at all because they all live in Oregon. we are all healthy though and happy and just spending lots of time together.
More and more people that I’m close to have been diagnosed some it’s been really bad, Some have died :pleading_face:
I’m just thankful I have my little family to spend this time with.

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Dublin, Ireland we are weeks out of our 2nd lockdown,schools open,supermarkets open,churches open restaurant s and gastropub open,I think it’s only for Christmas.Lockdown again in jan, First person a nurse got her covid jabs yesterday,also a 90 year old in Coventry England,so light at the end of the tunnel.Stay safe all,God bless.

In Texas mask are manadorty but half people don’t wear them and they don’t stay 6 ft away or nothing in Midland tents are set up for covid patient’s as hospitals are full already have 200 to 400 cases per day reported everything is open but supposed be scaled back to about 50% haha their not. Our mayor says won’t give tickets or do anything to non mask wearers. Soninlaw tested positive on Saturday he a cook at a bar and they have 4 people with covid

I live in Claremont new Hampshire. Retired and didn’t go out often before the virus. Take precautions when I need to shop for food

In California in lockdown again not doing us any good because our governor and our representative do what they want with no mask everybody’s fighting them now we’ve had enough it’s destroying our munis estimates time to get back to normal life most of us have already had it and if you’re afraid then you should stay home if you’re not afraid then we should be allowed to congregate and do what we will

Georgia, it basically sucks for our children, no sports, no socializing, school can’t make up their mind about going so doing homeschooling, I’ve lost 3 people to it so far, just trying to stay positive and pray!!!

I live in south central Mississippi. I have worked 50-60 hrs per week si ce before this pandemic. I have diabetes, am overweight, and pre-hypertensive, and I smoke. I do not wear a mask and refuse to do so. I am not hiding in my home, I work with the public, and I know the virus is here. It will always be here. It will make its rounds periodically from now on, just like swine flu and bird flu. The vaccine will not wipe it out. This virus has better than a 99% survival rate. So how long will people keep accepting these lockdowns? How many business owners will go bankrupt before we realize that we MUST keep living our lives? How long are the people willing to live in fear? And what effect is that fear having on our children?

It’s time to start living our lives. It’s time to open our businesses. It’s time to leave the fear behind and understand that life has no guarantees, life is not safe. You cant live encased in bubble wrap! Will you get covid19? Possibly. But life is worth living!

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Tx. We are all open except bars. Open at 50% capacity. They urge us to stay home and what not but we still go out and do as we please. Masks are mandated but a lot of places don’t enforce it

Masks here in West Virginia social distance !!
I live in a very small town but the outbreak is high !!
I nearly last my son in law to Covid but my daughter had a mild case !!
Her oldest son and daughter both have it but it was also mild !!
I stay home period only go pick up groceries and meds they bring to my car put in trunk no contact !!!

I’m in Michigan, and our Governor has just extended a shutdown for 12 more days, (although I’m sure it will go longer!) No indoor dining, bars, movies, bowling. High schoolers have to stay home. I think the universities are online only as well. Not sure how I really feel about it… Right now my family is dealing with covid, so we can’t get out anyway, for a while.

1 death in my extended family from covid. I’m an essential worker (grocery store) wear a mask at work, don’t go out often except to go visit my mom who is going stir crazy because all the senior centers are closed

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Live in delaware an im an essential employee so its a blessing bc i still have a job but being one my mental health is doin worse n doin long hours is hard on my body

It’s just like any covid in previous year. Most will survive. No need to worry. Get sick get well


Why are we responsible for your health?..I’ll be responsible for mine an take all precautions necessary, but if your at risk,stay home

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Why can’t people just wear a frickin mask ? I don’t get it how hard is it, you all wear seat belts right? It is to protect you and the ones around you. America isn’t really “free” they tell us we can and cannot do all the time.

I live in Minnesota. Most schools are closed. All bars and restaurants are closed. Gyms are closed. Most people wear masks and social distance at stores. There’s nowhere else to go, unless to a family members house. It’s pretty lonely if you no longer go to work. They say cases are around 3500 and deaths 22 today

Wow I use to live in Winnipeg…it would be so hard to stay isolated at home during the long winter.

I now live in Southeast Texas. I would say about half are wearing mask that I see. I live a fairly isolated life so it really hasn’t affected me. I order most things online as. I was doing prior to COVID.

We are in TX and we have to were a Mask we were doing good but we are going up I hoe you have a safe life

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It is hard. From the numbers people can’t be doing all they need to though

I’m in California and the county I’m in is shut down. We’re under another stay at home order. My sons school shut down so he’s been distance learning. We shut down in March and I was out of work for a few months. We’ve fallen behind on our bills. Basically we can only go out if it’s necessary, need to wear a mask, social distance and all that other stuff

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Oregon here, masks are mandated and most people follow it. However I work across the bridge in washington and my work is allowing people to come in and be treated without masks. Boss doesn’t wear one either and her kids walk around the office without masks. I always wear mine but since it’s not 100% effective I fear it’s only a matter of time before I catch covid.

Unfortunately I live in New York. Not New York City but about 20 minutes drive from Canada. This state is not far from our second lock down. The town I live in has about 2000 people and for the most part listen to the CDC. Now out side of this town things have gone crazy. Our school of about 300 k-12 grade students haven’t had any cases of Covid thankfully but we all know it’s just a matter of time. I think everyone is just wanting things to go back to the old normal.( Not that it is ever going to).

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I’ll be honest. This virus has me REALLY messed up. My mental health has been seriously declining because of this virus. I’ve been having horrid anxiety and depression. I just want people to stop getting hurt and dying and for things to be okay again. :pensive:


I’ll just say I’m in the USA so it’s not going well at all

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I live in North Carolina, currently hating life as much as career politicians. Can’t figure out how to get their heads out of their own asses to help the people or even do their JOB. No they act like spoiled as children. Stop playing games with our lives, we are free people still. You punkass democrats stop being what you call President Trump. DAMN DICTATORS!!!

And I live in Illinois. Don’t care what people think about how I live. I’m not gonna be controlled by the government.

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I am in Hastings, Nebraska ,we have a mask law now,I never thought myselfor my family would be effectived but my. daughter, myself and husband got it!! My husband went in hospital, and was put on a ventilator ,he died November 1,so please wear a mask!!

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My job knew I was in a area that tested positive 2 days after I was there and did not test me like they were suppose to so for 2 days I was unknowingly spreading this to the whole admin building

I would bet all the states with weird lockdowns are Democratic run No one can tell you how many people you can have at your home. People wake up this is a form of control there is a flu vaccine is the flu non existent NOCalifornia is a joke with there regulations

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Live in a 55 &older park in Arizona and not much to do but afraid to go anywhere except to the store .

People need to remember and not be disrespectful of those who cannot wear masks. Some people cannot wear masks due to medical reasons! And that is none of your business! they’re not being disrespectful they just can’t wear their masks. You all are being disrespectful to those people’s needs!


Michigan and it sucks! I want to leave this state and head to an open state.

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