How is COVID effecting your life?

Where does everyone live & how is covid-19 affecting your life? I’m in Manitoba, Canada. Right now, we have about 3-400 cases per day, 8-12 deaths per day. Most nonessential businesses are closed, stores that are open are unable to sell nonessential goods. Masks are mandatory in public places; we are not supposed to socialize with anybody we don’t live with and are urged to stay at home and only leave for essential reasons. Just curious to see how other places in the world are handling things. I’m getting depressed being isolated since March!


Buffalo area really bad we need to go red

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Texas the DFW area and it’s bad we have to wear mask out and they cut back to 50% in store bars have to close again

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I am in a small town in the midwest. Our county of 25000 has had only 1481 cases so 6 percent only.

I live in Iowa. Its a complete shit show with basically no rules. We finally got a mask mandate…kind of. And bars close at 10 pm. Thats about it. We were having close to 5,000 cases a day which is why we got a few mandates

Iam in Ontario and our case count has been well into the thousands for weeks… and it’s basically the same thing here as well no socializing with anyone that is not in the home

NY - Having to wear masks and be 6-feet apart but businesses are still open and selling whatever. Restaurants are outside or take-out and many non-essential are still closed for in person but still selling in other fashions. Liquor stores are booming :rofl:

Other than the masks most of my life is still quite the same and unchanged. We both are essential workers.

Oh and of 162,464 tests done yesterday only 9,335 were positive. Of which 4,835 hospitalized and 74 deaths.

Bad here where I’m at in New York :pensive::pensive::pensive:

I’m in Ohio. My county is purple right now. Everything is open, but 10 pm curfew for bars/restaurants to close and have to wear masks everywhere. I found out I was pregnant with my second at the beginning of November and just found out that my fiancé has COVID. I get tested tomorrow. It’s all so scary and uncertain right now, but I guess just taking it a day at a time.

UK, and we had a second lockdown for two weeks but not a full one so it was pointless tbh, shops were open apart from non essential, schools are plagued atm kids off for two weeks a time to go back and be back off again its ridiculous, have to wear masks out unless medical reasons, i have depression and anxiety anyway but alot worse now, take care stay safe x


We are very lucky In Australia :australia: most of our restrictions have eased just social distances in place now have only had one case in over 30 days
I truly feel for everyone suffering through this at the moment and hope your lockdown helps ease the pandemic


Long Island New York is getting bad again ( not that it was ever good) but cases are spiking…
it’s only a matter of time before a stay at home order is in place again
People are being very careless
Masks are mandatory everywhere but it’s not enough

I’m in New Brunswick, Canada we have around 5-10 new cases daily

My poor kids can’t even see their dad unless it’s through a window because he does not live in the home !!! Breaks my heart that they will spend Xmas without their dad besides FaceTime


Sending much love to you! We are in WA Australia we have been so lucky, we did a total lock down which nearly everyone did do, and our borders were completely closed until this month. We haven’t had any cases (apart from international travelers coming home that have to quarantine in a secure designated hotel for 2 weeks) we are very lucky, most people moaned as it has separated families for months but we are able to live our lives like normal. I really hope the rest of the world can get through this, it’s so very sad x


We are in Oklahoma in USA and our state is reporting 1,500-5,000 cases approx a day and between 5-25 days per day. It really has went up the last 2 weeks and expect to more with holidays coming up. We are currently at home with our 3 year old has tested positive.

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I’m in MN, bars have closed for a second time and restaurants are take out and delivery only. Schools are full distance learning. Our Governor suggests no socializing with people outside your household.

I’m in the US and a lot of small businesses are failing. We have to wear masks everywhere and my kids are only going to school online. Being in the military, we have tight travel restrictions too. It’s been tough!

I am in Wisconsin. We had a lockdown a long time ago it was lifted months ago, but still masks in public, 6feet apart and most businesses are open. This really did not affect my family. Personally we have enjoyed staying at home. Although order was lifted months ago we still maintain only going for essentials. We have enjoyed our time as a family and have gotten much needed at home projects done!

Norman, OK our governor is a joke. Its not a matter of if but a matter of when shut downs begin again. Kids are doing online school and its a joke.

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My state is in complete lockdown, again. I gave birth towards the beginning of the year and our first lockdown started less than a week later. My business has been non operational since then because of the lockdowns so I’ve been on an “extended maternity leave” all year. As much as covid has not been great to deal with and all the lockdowns have even frustrating, it’s been a blessing to be able to have so much bonding time with my son. Thankfully, the fear of contracting covid is mitigated by us rarely leaving the house. I still worry daily about all those who are infected or may become infected and those who have losses loved ones to this virus.

In cape town
Everything seems back to normal.
Masks everywhere and some places are under more strict rules due to cases rising there again.

All i can say is thank God i live in Georgia. Where we have the freedom to do what we want :person_facepalming:


Lockdown in TN ended months ago. Lots of cases still-like lots of cases- but my daughter still goes to school and I can go to stores when I need to. Masks are mandatory. Looking like another shut down could be coming, but it’s hard to know for sure.

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We have carried on with life.

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I live in Manitoba too & im pissed that we are unable to buy Christmas presents for our kids​:disappointed::disappointed: being pregnant too & not being able to bring my partner to any of my appointments is really depressing for us cause we enjoyed doing that with our first baby especially the ultrasounds


I’m in Lasalle County Illinois & the only things shut down are bars/restaurants(takeout is available) & school is still half time. Stores are at 25%-50% capacity limit & shelves are staying stocked as far as Ive seen. I just became a licensed cosmetologist(November 2019) right before the pandemic hit in January so I haven’t had a chance to really do what I’ve been preparing myself for the last year and a half. Nobody in Illinois is taking this shit seriously even though the positive rates and deaths are very high. My daughter is full time remote because Im not risking her going a couple days a week. I had a baby in April (delivering at the hospital during a pandemic was weird as hell) so I’ve been juggling a newborn plus teaching a 1st grader full time. I also became a single mom again during all of this (Im not allowing him around due to him starting to be abusive towards the end) so Im alone in this. And before we broke up we were literally looking at houses to buy December 2019. I get help from my mom here and there but she has covid so I’ve had no breaks and no help this past week and a half and am ready to completely lose my shit. My dads a drunk so I can’t count on him. 1 grandmother was already in a nursing home when this all hit so she didn’t get to meet my new daughter in person & today I found out my other grandmothers dementia is getting so bad my aunt needs to put her in a nursing home. I have been selling hair products from home for income but I’m literally going crazy. I went from having a new career to look forward to after I had my daughter & buying my first house with my fiance to my career being a high risk covid job & becoming a single mom/full time teacher🤯 Im trying SO hard not to break down everyday & go completely insane. This is the first time ive explained my situation to anyone besides close friends soo typing all of that out just helped in a way.

I’m in the UK a part that’s ment to be heavily affected but theirs nothing, hospitals are doing fine our lock downs been lifted shops and businesses are back open not that many people wear masks in public just In busy shops in places like McDonald’s their mandatory

South Carolina (east coast USA)- pretty normal here. Some places ask for masks, most dont. Cases are high but so are false positives :person_shrugging:

Never fully shut down… My husband’s been working this entire time… We got sick in Jan but got over it… Alls been well for us since

I’m in semi rural Virginia and we’re pretty much good. They still ask you to stay 6 feet apart but no one really does, it’s really not a big deal out here. Some wear masks some don’t, even if you’re supposed to. Hospitals you can once again have a visitor and it’s not really a huge deal here, most every place opened that is going to reopen. We’ve had several places that couldn’t weather it. Even the bowling alley after 60 years, closed down. Gyms are open and we go to one you don’t have to wear a mask. I don’t think it makes a whole lot of sense to hide in your house. Its not improving your immune system. Improve it by getting exercise and because they proven stress, lack of social interaction can weaken your immune system. There are several studies by several different countries, including the US, that show 98% of severe Covid cases and deaths are in people low in vitamin D. So you can’t tell people to stay inside especially the elderly. Take a vitamin and get your butt outside.
Come on a mask isn’t going to save you. What will help immensely is getting rid of that cigarette, wiping the ketchup off your face from fast food, grab water or lemon water for the Vitamin C instead of a soda. Get outside, get some exercise get some vitamin D and some light.


I’m in a small town in Tennessee. Our county has about 29,500 people. Everything is open, & masks are not required. We’re having 100-200 new cases a week with a record of 64 today, and we’re having about 2 deaths a week. It’s awful and no one here cares.


I love in Ohio. The redneck part.
Every one believes that masks don’t work and the government is trying to take away their rights.
The numbers are going up but people still think it’s not real. :roll_eyes:
All of this could have been over a lot sooner and we could of had a normal thanksgiving and Christmas but no.
It’s frustrating


Michigan cases per day around 5000 no dine in restaurant or bars no in person high school or collage classes

I’m in Indiana USA. We were just put under red again. Stores and restaurants are still open (for now). Masks are supposed to be worn. Limit of 25 people for any type of gathering. Schools keep shutting down because of cases.

We are still on a lockdown here in the Philippines :sweat_smile: our cases is 1000+ per day but not close to 2000. It’s not easy yeah we really miss our normal life but we have to follow our rules and protocols from our government. :wink:

Queensland, Australia. Life is pretty much back to normal these days a few social distance rules but not many


Nothing much has changed. I go where I need to go including work. Nobody in my family has covid and we live in different states. I travel when I want to.

Australia here, everyone is cautious but life is pretty normal, restrictions are still in place for social distancing, we’ve had 1 case last week which was the only one in a while for NSW

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South mt. Pa . Staying at home. Quite a few cases

here in USA schools are closed, hundreds of deaths per day…

I’m in Utah. Never really did the full lockdown. Masks are mandatory in most places. But restaurants are open for dine in just with limited seating and bars have to stop selling at 10. Cases are high and were about to hit 1000 deaths.

I’m in Saskatchewan. Just had a relative in Manitoba pass away today, not a covid death, that I haven’t been able to see in over a year due to Covid. Toughest part so far.

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They are making us wear masks and are harassing people who cannot wear a mask due to medical conditions. Doctors won’t let your loved ones say goodbye to you before you pass if you do. You basically have to die alone, COVID or not. Women are being forced to give birth without their support people there for them whether they have covid or not. Women have their babies taken away at birth if they test positive and cannot bond with their babies for those first few weeks. There’s a lot going on with it and I just wish it would end and we can go back to our ordinary lives

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We are closed but people are meeting in groups on purpose, gathering for mask drops, flooding stores at the same time. Everyone that lives in my town thinks its a hoax


Perth Australia, no masks, very little social distancing. Only things affected are large scale events, and recently signing in using an app to public places for tracing. A few cases a week from returned travellers which are in hotel quarantine, but no cases through community transfer since March I believe.


Here in Alabama it is getting bad again. Just had to get tested today myself and I can’t really breath all that well. I guess it’s different everywhere

We’re in Georgia not to bad but it’s coming!

Here in AZ are cases are going up but nothing is really different besides wearing a mask in public.

I’m in Turlock, California, we got shut down again this morning. All schools are back to distance learning, have to wear a mask in every store or your not allowed in. Essential stores are only allowed 20% capacity. All of our cities holiday activities they normally do got shut down. Parks, dine in restaurants, salons are all closed again, high school/college have been shut down. And everyone is hoarding the TP again :roll_eyes:

Our business is about to be out of business. I’m in NC and there is an eviction ban and we have a business painting apartments. We are struggling really bad now with the holidays. They’re putting a curfew in effect this Friday and it’s just getting worse every day for us.

I’m in New Zealand, we had a months total lock down in March like yours is atm but now our lives are back to normal,


I’m in CT and we usually have a few thousand new cases a day in my state. Over the weekend we had 8000+ new cases. Most things are open, not bars or clubs. You are required to wear a mask when going into stores but there are a lot of people who don’t want to wear masks. Not so much that I’ve seen where I live but other states. And we are not supposed to have gatherings but people don’t listen to that. It will definitely get really bad again here and probably shut down again.

I live in Indiana and it’s a freaking disaster. Noone want to wear a mask cuz you know their right and all. If you try to enforce the mask mandate they throw things at you, spit at you, or you know just shot you cuz you know it’s their right to carry a gun so they can do that. Just in my county alone yesterday there were 95 new cases and 5 more deaths and I live in one of the smaller county. Pretty much Australia is looking like a pretty good place to be. Lol!!

I t irritates me that little privet owned business are the ones being targeted ! While lowes and wallmart have no restrictions

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In in A small town in Ontario, i live in the woods with no neighbours so I’m use to not having people around and have the space to keep my self busy. I grew up in Toronto so when we moved here it was a big change for me and hard. I guess cause I’ve been living this way for 3 years the COVID thing dosent really bother me. The town I’m a part of is a population of 1000 and only really gets busy in the summer when tourists come. Are stores only allow one per household and mask must be worn.

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We are in FL …It hasn’t really effected our life at all, besides wearing the mask it’s normal to us.

Benton county Washington state U.S.A :
our governor just extended restrictions. Moving our reopen date from December 14 to January 4th.
I was out of work for 4 months then worked limited hours for 4 months before this most recent closure has me, again, not working. My husband was exposed to a covid positive co worker and was unable to work for several days while he waited for his results to come back negative. We mask, stay home, have forgone travel, scrimp to meet our financial obligations and HOPE !

We are in Florida, our son is a junior in high school, and we have to make a choice about whether he stays virtual or goes back to school after the holidays…I’m keeping him home…we also have a 3 year old… I’m still working from home since March and taking care of her…and my husband is working.

UK we live in the countryside the middle of nowhere. You wouldn’t even know there was a Covid 19 if you didn’t turn on the tv/radio. Only place I see people wearing masks is in the supermarket. Hasn’t really affected us at all


I’m in CO. I’m a nurse, have 8th and 3rd grader to help home school, and a toddler. I’m straight up not having a good time :joy::disappointed_relieved:

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I’m in Victoria, Australia and they were saying we had one of the toughest lock downs :disappointed: we are opening up slowly now but we were in lock down since March. Had a second wave in July. I’ve been working from home since March and I home schooled my 4 kids for 6 months. I go through it by FaceTiming friends and family and just enjoying being able to spend the time with the kids and do little things around the house. Youve got this :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

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Ohio. Thousands of positives per day. Many deaths. A lot of things are virtual.

My county in Ohio has gone from red to purple, the highest rate of infection. Our daycare just had their first family member with a positive diagnosis, they have two children in the daycare but thankfully neither are in my daughter’s classroom and we were out part of last week to spend time with my in-laws. The entire classes of the children from that family must stay out of the center for two weeks, so now we know what will happen if a child in our room has a family member test positive.

I’m 8 months pregnant and my husband hasn’t been allowed to come to a single appointment with me. Looking into figuring out how to plan for delivery since my daughter and parents will not be able to come to the hospital whenever I go into labor and we’ll need her to be cared for during that time. We have a mask mandate in my state but places are still open. My own family has only really done outdoor activities outside of daycare, and are now just sending my husband to do grocery shopping for the most part to reduce possibility of me or my daughter being exposed.

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I’m in wi and we have 2000-5000 cases per day. No lock downs anymore but must wear a mask in stores, etc. hospitals are getting crowed and everyone around me has or had Covid.

I’m in Australia & things are only just going back to semi normal. Social distancing, sanitising is still a must

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I’m in Arkansas US. We are currently 25th in the nation for COVID cases. My county is in the top 5. I am a plumber and we are “essential “. We have seen so much. They didn’t close our state down like they did in others. We didn’t have a huge outbreak in the beginning like the bigger states. We are making up for it now. No one here takes it seriously until a close family member gets ill.

New Zealand. We were in total lock down for a month and life is pretty much back to normal now.

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Ontario, Canada here, 1900 cases a day seem to be the normal. Parts of the province are in lock down. I’m sure it’s a matter of time before we’re all shut down again :sob:

I live in sk Canada. Masks are mandatory in all public places, only 5 people are allowed in a home dwelling if visiting (my family of 6 are not allowed any visitors). We are averaging 200-400 cases per day and had our highest deaths of 6 today, we are following behind Manitoba so I imagine it’s a matter of time.

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I’m in El Paso, TX! We have made it on CNN so I’m sure everyone knows how bad it is here :pleading_face::sob:

I am from kathmandu nepal.Cases are increasing day by day but people here are being used to with covid.All the stores and restaurants are open.Being a mom of two kids i am afraid to expose unnecessarily.But yes i am too eagerly waiting for the things back to be normal.

Just at work… 16-18 hr shifts, raw hands from washing them so much, mask marks all over my face… & still got covid. So hubby and i were both out for 2 weeks so money is crap!

N.S.W Australia everything is pretty much normal now we still do the distancing and hand cleaning ive worked through the covid as a community age care worker and none of our clients caught the virus which was great ,just hang in there and do the right thing and stay safe merry christmas


In ky a d we are suppose to be restricted

I don’t think about it. I keep busy and listen to a lot of music!!!


We shop with masks , small gatherings… social distance… lits of covid . (In mo) they rushed a vaccine here… some are not willing to be a gunies pig. I dont blane them. I dont isolate any more.i am safe tho. I lost a good job because shit down and no office space and they didnt need most managers. So i went back as a cna again at home health

I wear the mask but I m staying home only goes to the feed store2xamonth for animal food I cann my food every canning season so I m good i m in north east Texas i do not visit never did to busy to gossip lolol

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i am in New Zealand, things are basically normal here


Western Australia, we were only in lockdown for 6 weeks and everything is back to normal now.


Manitoba Canada here too… we will get through this. Somehow, someway!

Near Chicago IL USA Nov 4th my fiancé tested positive it was mild he’s better he missed 3 weeks of work. 11 people at his job tested positive the first 2 being people who didn’t keep mask on at work. I lost my sense of smell and taste and stayed in for 3 weeks I didn’t get tested but realized I caught it based on headaches back of my ribs hurting and I never got a fever my 4 year old had a fever for 2 days said her throat hurt other than that she was ok. Now this Christmas is going to be hard my MIL just died in September from cancer but they stamped covid on her death certificate anyway even tho she already had it in April. Hoping we can’t get it twice. We wore our masks in public and he kept it on at work but he did refill his water bottle at water fountain that could be how he got it.


Woodstock, ontario. We are seeing approx 20 new cases a day. Life is fairly normal except we need masks in all public places. Restaurants and stores take our info for contact tracing. Restaurants close at 9. No gatherings larger than 10. Still encouraging no gatherings outside of family though. Hopefully it stays like this over xmas. I havnt seen my dad in forever as he is caring for my great uncle. I miss my dad :frowning:


southern oregon here, its ridiculous here. we are on “lockdown” that no one is following. me and hubs work in a grocery store so we work 12 hours plus most days. still recovering from the Alameda fire on top of covid. kids are online classes and it’s hard they are definitely struggling like we are. I just hoping things calm down and go back to somewhat normal

We had 233 positive cases today in Winnebago County, IL. I work in a hospital as a pharmacy tech and it is rough. We go through spurts, one week it’s quiet, then for 2 or 3 weeks it’s crazy and then it goes back to normal for a week.

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elyria ohio small business closing kids remote learning me out of work i work one day a week though iam getting pd though other wise just hate being home home learing in school learning short staffed of teachers in and out of school my kids teachers one was sick one had surgery one is about to have surgey ugh. masks mandatory.

In Scotland tier 1. Masks in shops and restaurants, and for kids on school bus and in school communal areas. Not allowed others in your home or visiting people in homes. But can meet outside or in pubs cafes etc.

I’m from Illinois, our cases keep going up. We cant have more than 10 ppl in a gathering, restaurants only do curb side, some still open. All non essentials places are close, like gaming,bars,gyms ect my job being one of stores are still open. Schools are open with your choice of e learning or send them. But I live in a town everyone thinks it’s fake and majority refuse to wear mask. Its sad.

In New Zealand. Life is good here​:revolving_hearts::sparkling_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

Australia, NSW no local cases and life is pretty normal here compared to everywhere else.

In rep of ireland… a lot of restrictions lifted…on the 18th the whole of the republic is opening up :two_hearts:

In south Africa the cape doesn’t look good but covid is starting to take its tall on people it has to stop and next year don’t see a good year stay safe

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Northern Ireland- Belfast. We are in lockdoen till Friday but nonessential shops closed, but come Friday they reopen schools still open an can visit in a bubble of 6. Shops restaurants that sell food open Friday but wet bars to stay shut… seeing family everyday an not panicking wee one goes to school ive done well over it

I lost my job way back in march tried to scrape by til this went away my unemployment kept getting less and less my jib never came back had find different one which meant moving to another town so my life that I had for 23 years was totally gone had start all over with everything

Michigan…im a bartender been in n out of work due to shut downs since march n gatherings are limited hugely… Am relying on government resources to survive as unemployment is only so much of my normal income…been off 4 weeks no check yet…surviving currently off plasma donations n family support.

Gauteng, SA.
Everything is open. Still need to wear masks all the time.
The Cape is getting us nervous. Lots of talks about a second wave. People are getting tired and frustrated…and unfortunately reckless.

I’m south of Perth, Western Australia. The shop I worked at closed for 7 weeks, I still haven’t got my full hours back. There is a lot of freedom here now as we have been 40 days with out any community spread. The rules are changing but most things are back to normal. There are still occupancy numbers in venues and we have to keep our distance. You just have to do what you can. If everyone plays their part then the time spent in isolation will decrease.

The isolation part doesn’t bother me that much I enjoy being at home cause I’ve been home now for bout 4yrs it’s something I got use too and the mask thing I do wear a mask in public have sanitizer in pocket and my car and do social distancing as much as I can…I will honestly tell you…yes… I am a “Sheep” but I’ve been a sheep way before Covid hit…I am part of Jesus’ flock, he is my Shepard and I will do my part to take care of myself and others, whether others don’t see it the way I do it will all fall into place one day.:wink::wink::wink: USA


Me I think all the bills should be stopped since we can’t go to work and everything is closing people are losing everything but the bills still got to be paid


Arkansas USA…haven’t Skipped a beat work wise. I’m considered essential. My kids are doing virtual school which is not beneficial to effective learning but my 11th grader is passing and my college freshman is excelling considering he’s teaching himself. Bravo kiddo bravo. I consider myself blessed. I have many friends that own small businesses that haven’t been so fortunate. Tho most are still open they are heavily restricted so likely not going to be open much longer. Mental health is becoming an issue for many especially tho time of year. I stay in prayer for our country and our world.


U.S.A and I will not live in fear! I know the way maker, miracle worker, light in the darkness! His name is Jesus. God bless you in your struggles. Prayers for you. :pray::pray::heartpulse: