How likely is it that I will make it to term with this pregnancy?

Hi! I’m currently 34 weeks with my 4th baby. This is my third pregnancy. With my first (twins) I gave birth at 36w4days due to growth restrictions in the babies. My 3rd baby (2nd pregnancy) I went into labor naturally at 36w4days. How likely is it that I’ll pass 36 weeks with this pregnancy? Will my body naturally go into labor again around 36 weeks or will I make it full term? Thankyou in advance

As every pregnancy is different and all experiences are different it’s best that these are questions that you should ask your OBGYN.


I had my first two daughters at 37 weeks on the head and my 3rd daughter was a scheduled c section at 39 weeks. Every experience is different there’s no way to be sure.

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Literally no one can answer this.