How long after a membrane sweep did you go into labor?

How long after your membrane sweep did you go into labor? I have one on Friday and still nothing. Does that mean it didn’t work?


It didn’t work for me honestly.

I had one on a Monday and went into labour on the following Saturday!

Had one done January 7th at 4pm went into labor January 8th 11:15pm :blue_heart:

Had one at 37 weeks 6 days and another at 38 weeks 6 days… I’m 39 weeks and 4 days and nothing… Being induced this weekend .

2 days done on monday dr said i see u on wed

I had to still be induced a week after mine with my 1st

39 weeks, 40 weeks then induced at 41.

I had it done and it never done anything for me

I didn’t. I’ve gotten the sweep 2x with my first. Still needed to be induced at 41w. And I lose all kinds of pieces of my mucus plug too. 6 living 1 angel. I’ve had 2 csections, 4 inductions and only my 2nd came on their own. I don’t remember getting a sweep with that one. I’ve gotten one for my other pregnancies and besides with my 5th I seen a bloody piece of snow fall out in the shower after word (my first bloody show lol) but I was induced the next morning and it still took 12 hours. Shortest labor was my 3rd induced at 37w and it was 4 hours.

I had it done on a Wednesday, was starting contractions Friday, they did another one Friday while I was in the hospital but they sent me home, still had to be induced that next Monday.

Didnt lol had it done with 4 of my 5…nothing lol

I had 2 done, lost my mucous plug and still had to be induced

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I didn’t. I had to be induced, both times. One pregnancy I was swept twice.

Like 12hrs later but i went for a longgg walk and had to go to work at an active job

I had one with my oldest on the Friday around 7 am and my waters broke by 6pm that night lol

I had it done twice and still had to be induced

I had 3 . I went less than 24 hours after the third one . I was 9 days overdue .

I had one, it was like 4 days later, but I’m not sure if it was related, or if he was just finally ready.

Hands and knees, rock back and forth like your washing the floor. Seems to work. (The wives tale is to actually scrub the floor… yea, right… :joy:)

Had one with two pregnancies went into labour the next day.

Everybody is different. I had mine done in the morning and water broke the next evening.

I think I was almost 38 weeks, that night I lost my mucus plug,got a “bloody show”, and started having light contractions, the next morning my water broke and I headed in to the hospital.

Babies lungs produce a protein that initiates labor.
Membrane sweeps are unnecessary.

I had two membrane sweeps, neither worked!! She was 9 days late! Baby will come when they r ready good luck!


Thursday had it done. Monday he was born.

Didnt. Had to be induced.

I had it done twice and was still induced

Having sex will start your labor. Worked for me.

Literally an hour later hahahaha

I had membrane sweep at 41+1 at 10.30am started getting contractions as soon as I got of the bed and my daughter was born at 12.02pm so less that 2 hours after me sweep she was born. Worked for me

Didn’t work either pregnancy… ended up going in a week later and they ruptured membranes and started pitocin.

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Got 2 sweeps with each kid and none of them triggers labor

Had 3 from 38 weeks and none worked my son was still born at 40+4

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If you don’t go into labor up to 48 hours after your membrane sweep, it means it didn’t work. The membrane sweep I had with my daughter at 39 weeks didn’t work. I had to be induced at 40+5 & delivered at 40+6 :heart:

:joy: I had contractions on an off for a week after mine​:grimacing: he was born within three hours of steady contracting :person_shrugging:

I had 2 and they didn’t work, I ended up being induced also!

I had 2 and neither of them worked

Two days for me.

I had one the Wednesday and my daughter born the Sunday

Didn’t work for me … Still had to be induced a week later.

I had one on the thurs afternoon & 1am friday morning waters broke :flushed:x

I had two done and was induced

Almost 2 weeks I believe because I had mine swept at 39 and I was 40 or 41 1/2 weeks when I went into labor. I believe, but it was so long ago I forgot lol

I literally got mine done at 4 and went directly to Panda Express to have dinner right down the road and I was standing in line when my first contraction hit. They were 5 min apart within 30 minutes of my appointment.

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I had 3 with each kid… one at 38, 39, and 40 weeks each…

None worked for me. But my cousin at 1 at 38 weeks with each of her kids, went into labour that night with both :woman_shrugging:t2:

I had 3 over 1 week and none of them worked

Never worked for me. Had it done on both pregnancies.

The next day mine was here. :heart_eyes: Good luck and congrats!!

I had mine done august 14th lost my mucus plug the same day, didn’t actually go into labor until 4 days later my water broke

I didn’t.
It did nothing for me but stress out my daughter.
Not worth it.

I had 4 with my first still had to be induced

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I got my membranes swept I think 3 times from 38-40 weeks and I still had to be induced 10 days after my due date🙃

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I had it done x3 my first pregnancy…went 9 days past due date and had to be induced/ csection

I got my membranes swept on March 30th , and my daughter came on April 1st , she’s 6 days old!

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Mine didn’t work with my 1st child but did with my 2nd I went into labour within a couple of hours