Did anyone have their membranes strip, and how long after usually go labor in?
With my first child, the NP midwife stripped my membranes and said I had a few weeks. I went in to labor the next day.
I had 3 sweeps and didn’t go into labour until a few days after the last sweep.
I have had it done twice, with My two youngest. The first time I Went i to labor a hour or two after. Second time I Went into about 12 hours later.
Had mine swept in the morning, went into labor that night
Membrane sweep on a Tuesday morning and then went into labor the next day early evening.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long after a membrane sweep did you go into labor?
A few days. Maybe 2.
My first pregnancy i had mine stripped that morning and went in to labor that night
But you have to be active after otherwise it doesn’t take the same effect.
I had 2 different sweeps and neither worked for me, still had to be induced 8 days after the 2nd one
I had mine done and I never did. Sadly I had a lazy cervix.
Had it done Monday morning he was born Tuesday morning.
Started labor like 4 days later but was in labor for three days so 7 days from swab to birth
Dr told me when she stripped mine normally within 72 hours, I went 3 weeks dilated to 4 as well for 3 weeks then water broke on it’s own…
Got mine done at 1:30pm went into labor at around 9pm had my daughter the next day after 13hrs of back labor at 3pm
I had my done at 11 and by 9 pm that night i was in labor had my daughter the next afternoon at 1:11pm
I went into labor about four hours after they swept my membranes. I had my son about 6 hours after. I was 36 weeks.
Had mine done once on the Friday before I delivered did nothing. Then on Monday dr had me come back they did once then was told to eat lunch and come back did it again and told to go exercise I made it to the main road out of the parking lot and Instant labor started contractions 2.5 min apart and 5 hours later she was here
Did nothing for me just made me bleed bad
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long after a membrane sweep did you go into labor?
I was told I’d go into labor within 24 hrs, took less than 6.
1st baby, I still had to be induced.
2nd baby, he was born 6 hours later
Everyone is different but they say it could take 24hrs or longer
I had mine stripped on a Wed gave birth Saturday.
It didn’t cause me to go into labor. Every situation is different.
Lolzz I didn’t they had to induce me 24 hrs later
2 weeks later i gave birth. They still had to fight to break my water.
Had 2 sweeps done
Didn’t make a difference
Took me 3 days with my daughter and 4 days with my son but I agree every labor is different
Within hours… but the dr did tell me that if I wasn’t close (within 48 hrs) to going into labor it would not do any good.
3 days after she was born
I had 3 of them and didn’t work for me until I had a Luke warm bath x
Doctor shouldve given you a time line…
Starting having hard contractions within hours but still had to be induced.
Striped on Friday and went into labor and delivered on Monday.
Within 24 hours , even though dr guessed in about a week .
Both times I went into labor within 12 hours
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long after a membrane sweep did you go into labor?
I was 3cm and fully effaced I went into labor the same day
I had it with 3 of my pregnancies and sometimes it took a couple sweeps. I think it’s all based on if the cervix is ripe.
I was at a 3 and had mine stripped still ended up being induced with 1 dose of cytotec had baby within the hour after
Mine was a few hours later. I was already having contractions, was at a 3, and overdue. All it did was finally help me dilate to a 5 to get admitted.
Like 2 hours later! But that was with my second! Good luck mama!
Contractions always started right after had one the next morning and the other the same day. With my 3rd the Dr wouldn’t do a membrane sweep.
I never had the membrane strip put me into labor unfortunately.
My daughter. 5 hours. Everyone is different though
One hour after for two of mine! Quick labors also.
I had it done several times. Never went into labor
Never worked for me. Ended up being induced.
About 30 hours later labor started
Had it done on may 6th and by mother’s day I was in labor
My water broke the same night
7 days…lost plug the day of sweeps for my last 2 kids.
I had mine done on a Wednesday around 4 and went into labor at 1030 Saturday morning and had my daughter at 1014 that night.
About 5 hours for me
Had it done on a Wednesday my water was slowly leaking on Saturday this was my 5th baby and I’ve never had my water break on it’s own or go into labor on my own I had no contractions until they broke my water the rest of the way and induced me. Also you could walk, exercise, dance or other things to help it along
had one on friday still not in labour im 10 days over due getting induced tomorrow
Contractions started right after, from then till she was born was 44 hrs.
1 hr 45 min of pushing and they still had to break my water.
Contractions started with in a hour and had her 24 hours later
40 minutes at the Hospital
Didn’t work for me🤷🏻‍♀️
Same day, seven hours later.
I had mine swept at 39 weeks but it didn’t do anything. You will know that your sweep worked within 48 hours
1st- the next day.
2nd, 3rd, 4th- I had done like 5 times each before going into labor
Had it done with my 3rd and a few hours later my water was leaking had him the next day but it didn’t do anything with my 4th or 5th
Membrane sweeps will only work to put you into labor if your body is ready to go into labor. Doing one can help trigger the release of hormones that can help get things moving, but it’s not 100% either it’s only if your body is ready.
My water broke the same night.
First time that night. With the second it took getting it stripped twice and the second time I went in a few hours
I had it done twice with my youngest and they tore my cervix, I still had to be induced.
It didn’t work for me. I still ended up being induced.
The first child and third child they had to induce my labor. I was having contractions but my water wouldn’t break. My second my water broke on its own
I had one with my son an like 2 days later i woke up to my water breaking an then my daughter i had it done didnt really do anything that time for me
I had a membrane sweep at 39 weeks but it didnt do anything. I hope it works for you! Good luck!
I had it done at 39 weeks but all it did was rupture my placenta before my labor started so I had to be induced the same night. I personally wouldn’t do it again.
I had mine done yesterday. I was 4 centimeters and he did it at 2pm. was back in labor and delievery at 6pm and was dialted at 10. my ob broke my water right away and I pushed 2 times! no epidural
I had two membrane sweeps and I still was 9 days late and had to be induced…twice!!!
4 hours but I was also 6 days over due.
The first time didn’t work but the second time I went into labor that afternoon and had him the next day
All three times I went into labor within 24 hours or less
Didnt work for me at all.
I had mine done around noon, and my baby was born at 8:43 PM that same day.
I was in active labor for over 12 hours
I had 3 done and still had to be induced.
I had one 11 days over due with my son, stayed in hospital that day had a 2nd one done just on dark stayed the night then they broke my waters the following morning and went into labour straight after that
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long after a membrane sweep did you go into labor?
First one it was 5 week after the last twoit was with in a few days
With 3 of my babies I had my membranes swept and never went into labor.
I got swept with my first. She was due june 25th, got swept on the 3rd of july and scheduled induction for the 5th so my doc could have the holiday off. Hung with family for a pre 4th of July night of fireworks, started contracting that night, woke up on the 4th in labor, stayed home for about 4 hours then went in and had her at 10:02pm july 4th. She was very independent and always will be. I believe the sweep helped, because I had her at 41w 3d.
About 12 hours later
Got swept at 12:30, contractions started at 13:15… my 9 lbs baby boy was out by 15:10
For me, I had my doctor do that for my third child and my contractions started right away. My doctor told me to walk around because it helps push the labor and I ended up having my son the next morning around 6:30. It doesn’t work all the time just so you know. It helps push it. At least it worked for me.
My water broke within a few hours and i had him within 24 hour.
If membrane sweeping is going to work, it will happen usually within 12-24 hours. So, pretty much if you are on the edge of going into labor on your own it might get you there a few hours earlier.