How long after birth can you have sex?

From personal experience…WAIT THE 6 WEEKS! A uterine infection is horrible and will make your waiting game even longer.

6 to 8 weeks…give urself time to heal

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Definitely wait atleast 6 weeks

I only waited 4 days after my first c section.

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Considering that your body has a diner plate sized hole in it, wait like you’re told until MINIMUM of 6 weeks but the longer the better.


Who in the world is even thinking about sex!!! I was too tired. Breastfeeding…being awake all day and all night…sore…sex was the last thing on my mind.


I always waited till after my 6 week check-up just to be safe

6weeks. I didn’t want to risk infection. You can’t end up in the hospital/ or end up having to take meds and not have sex even longer if you get an infection (not to mention if the uterus gets infected badly enough you can risk infertility)
Just because you stop bleeding, doesn’t mean you are done healing.

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That is worded wrong. I was gonna say most guys wait until they are at least 15,

I’ve heard it hurts super bad if you don’t wait the full 6 weeks! Also it can cause an infection as well because you are still healing!


1st section I waited 8 weeks per doctor orders 2nd I waited til I felt good enuff which was about 4 weeks I believe tht docs say 6 weeks but u know yr body n as long as u take it easy n feel up to it n I wouldn’t go full on kinky the u should be good but would run it by yr doc especially if u had complications

Definitely wait 6 weeks.


Please wait 6 weeks at least. I had to learn the hard way ended up becoming septic from an infection and put my life in jeopardy because I “couldn’t” wait.


No less than 6 weeks after a c-section.

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With all 3 of mine, I waited about two weeks (with advice from my doctor)
Wait a few days to a week after bleeding or spotting before doing the deed. Your uterus has a big wound in it from where the placenta has detached. It needs time to heal. You’re at highest risk of infection during the first 6 weeks.
Of course you can do other things (without penetration) in the mean time. Just double check with your doctor because I’m not sure what your other health factors are.

6 to 8 weeks. When your doctor clears you. Be careful. That next one comes right away

I was four weeks pp after c section and everything was fine. I say listen to your body

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Idk why people don’t wait until 6 weeks or after. You just birthed a human being or had a major surgery. Let it rest lol


When your doctor clears you


Until doctor okayed it


when dr okays you so wait 6 weeks thats what they natural or c section


I waited until after my first postpartum appointment so I knew everything was ok.


Well, you have to reach puberty first. 12-15 years.

Even tho your done bleeding your uterus may not be all closed up and healed your high risk for infection up there having sex too soon I was told It takes 6 weeks for your uterus to be done healing and 8 for your incision to be funny functional I wouldn’t play around with that


I waited only 2 weeks after my C-sections(I had 2 C-sections).


The big reason, besides that your healing, they say to wait 8 weeks is because you have a much higher chance of getting pregnant again. If you don’t want to wait 8 weeks you better be prepared to hurt.

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Depends on your night nurse…

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I think it was 2 or 3 weeks but I had a natural delivery

I waited until after my 6 week post parting check up with all three of my csection. They okay sexual activity at that visit. Just follow your doctor’s recommendations.

Yah I know quite a few women who didn’t wait the 6 weeks and got pregnant so there babies are 91/2 to 11 months apart and it very hard on your body for not waiting ijs

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8-12 weeks with c-sections anything can rip to limp from limp

6 weeks. Your uterus is a giant open wound. Intercourse too soon puts you at risk for infection. I waited 6 weeks after my c section and it still felt like sand paper.


I was told “nothing in the vaginal for 6 weeks”. And I had a c-section. 🤷

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Wait on a Drs ok which is usually 6 weeks! I waited a couple months.

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My sex drive took a long time to come back after my first…after my second, we honestly waited until I felt comfortable (maybe 2 or 3 weeks) and with my third, we waited the 6 weeks.

About 4/5 weeks but I took it slow and gentle untill I got my doctors okay

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I was in so much pain after my c-section that sex was the last thing on my mind😂I chose to wait the 6 weeks just to be on the safe side. Because I didn’t want to have sex then something happen and it be my fault. Then I’d have to suffer for doing it. But everyone is different and I’ve heard of a lot of women doing it right after. So it’s really just up to you and what you feel ready for. If you do it, just please make sure you do less work as possible. The more you move, the more it hurts.

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I waiting until my doctor cleared me. With my vaginal and c section baby I was cleared at 6 weeks

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6-8 weeks. You just had a major surgery and have a wound in your uterus the size of a dinner plate. You don’t want an infection.


I guess I don’t understand why anyone would question this… your doctor is the only one that can give you your answer. God only knows what’s going on in there and chances are so does your doctor :woman_facepalming:.


6 weeks. Make sure you use protection in addition to the pill. 6 weeks postpartum, I was preggo again🤦‍♀️

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Wait the 6 weeks. Speaking from experience! :woozy_face:

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Wait the 6 weeks, you don’t just have stitches on the outside but on the inside of your body as well. Don’t chance tearing them (aka internal bleeding) or getting an infection. I got an infection (not from sex but the use of drainage tubes) with my c-section and it was not only painful but I wasn’t cleared until 9+ weeks.

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i never had a c section, but after the birth of my second i only waited 2 weeks :woman_shrugging:t3: with my first about 8 weeks & with my thied about 4 weeks, so i feel like its when YOU feel ready!

I did it the night I was discharged from hospital… so… 5 days post op… on the bathroom sink :woman_shrugging:t3:


Wait until you go and see the doc


My doctor did not recommend six weeks for me, so I waited only a few days. We were careful and slow. Only your doctor can tell you the best amount of time to wait, based on your body. Everyone’s experience will be different.

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6 weeks. Always 6 weeks. Not just it says. Don’t do it before your postpartum appointment. It’s not a suggestion. Nothing in the vagina for 6 weeks. It doesn’t matter if you feel ok you are not healed on the inside and you risk infection and unwanted pregnancy. I’ve had 3 csections and I promise you are not ready. Don’t take the risk.
Wait until you see your doctor.

I didn’t wait the 6 weeks with any of my kids so I’m no help here. I’d say if your safe go for it but I’m sure that would cause alot of disagreement here

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You had major abdominal surgery and a massive wound on the inside of your uterus from when your placenta detached. Wait. The. 6. Weeks. You have to heal or you could get infections!


Listen to your doctor and wait to be cleared.

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Wait till your check up! U may feel ok but your body has to heal!

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I had sex 4 weeks after and no issues. If u feel ready go for it but take it easy

I waited 4 weeks to the day with both and was fine

MD should clear you…if you are bleeding than nothing in the vagina! Plus you better use protection.

So with each of mine was different first was the full 6 weeks second was maybe 4 weeks ( those were natural births) 3 was an emergency C section and I waited 6 weeks. Your supposed to actually wait 8 weeks for a csection. But 6 weeks is the grey area. So I really say when you feel no pain when moving from you csection, when it doesn’t hurt to exercise and workout, when going for long walks doesn’t make anything hurt, and do kegles lol I know it seems dumb but you’ll thank me later when you don’t pee your self when laughing. Remember you have a major abdominal surgery where they cut through 7 layers. Take it easy and no one said oral or outter play are off limits. So just take your time healing and don’t rush it or you could rip open internally.

Waiting the 6 weeks is important especially after a c section because you could get an infection …from your major surgery you just had which hasn’t had time to heal

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I would defy wait to be cleared by your doctor. I had 4 natural births, my third was rough an I wasn’t cleared til 9 weeks an it was extremely painful. There are major risk,that’s why your doctor tells you to wait. I definitely understand your hormones are going crazy, but better safe then sorry hun. Congratulations on you new bundle of joy.


Wait… also speaking from experience I fell pregnant a month after birth that was after stitches :woozy_face:

6 weeks and even then get the all clear from a doctor. If your body isn’t ready you can get an infection.

I had 2 c sections and it was around 4 to 6 weeks, I was pretty sore though until then.

We all have different opinions on this but personally I would wait until your appt with your Dr. You are super fertile after giving birth so it may be your best bet waiting until you get on birth control

Had sex just as soon as I stopped bleeding. Just don’t do back flips. I had two C-sections. I healed up pretty quickly though…was breastfeeding and honestly did not think that I would get pregnant again. Luckily I did not.

Whenever you are comfortable but beware you are VERY fertile so if you don’t want another right away USE PROTECTION!!!

They say 6 weeks for a reason… your body needs to heal.


Its not recommended but, with mine I felt great after 2 weeks and we had sex. Nothing happened to me and my doctor told me if it didn’t hurt I was fine. I’m not recommended you to do that since I’m not a medical professional though. Just how my body healed.

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Wait for your docto to clear you, no need to risk infection that could cause serious complications.

The reason your supposed to wait is cause you have a bowling ball size hole in your body that you dont want to get infected . So do you but at least know the risk your taking

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Wait until you’re doctor clears you! It’s not about whether you had a vaginal birth or C-section it’s about you have a giant wound inside your body where the placenta detached that needs to heal and having sex too soon risks infection


Um depends on the person. I was two days after vaginal birth…probably was dumb but I am fine and it wasnt a neg experience for me.

I got pregnant right away doing that 5 years ago. 4 weeks I waited and when I went for a check up I was already pregnant again. Be careful!!! Lol

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I would wait for the all clear from your OB. With my first csection I had sex before seeing my doctor and ended up bleeding for four months consecutive. No one knows if it was related or not but I would recommend waiting

I had sex at 5 weeks after c section. And it was very uncomfortable. I was still never sore and tender.

Wait for doctor to ok it

Couldn’t think of anything worse :joy:

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They say 6 weeks so you ca heal.

I understand why women might ask this. When it’s because they want to that is. I remember feeling this surge of hormones shortly after I had my daughter. I felt super horny. First time her father had to tell ME No. Lol

I would wait. Also make sure you are on some type of birth control because you’re very fertile afterwards.

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Since you had a C-section, no direct trauma occurred to your vulva, vagina or cervix. In fact, you were probably well ”cleaned out” before they closed up. Technically, nothing has happened to those parts involved in intercourse. I had 3 C-sections and resumed sex whenever the romantic mood struck.

I was about 4 weeks when my doc cleared me, but I still couldn’t do it… it was too uncomfortable. I waited until about 8 weeks, and even now 3 years later, sex isn’t what it used to be. I’m still uncomfortable during sex. I guess my little one rearranged something while she was in there :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::joy:

Anything that strains that c-section wound before it’s completely healed is a bad idea. I’ve had three c-sections, and stretching it will make it suck so much more.

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I applaud you ladies. After my C section, all I could think was “SWEEEEET now I have 8 weeks of being left alone!” :joy:


I had mine Monday and my doctor said to wait for 8 weeks… I would think you would want to heal all the way…

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Well FB will know more than your Dr so definitely ask FB instead. Dr obviously told you to wait just to be mean, not for your health or healing. :expressionless::expressionless:


I had both my children natural. I waited about 3 months with the first and maybe a week or 2 less with the second. I had to get stitches both times so I definitely wasn’t in a rush

I would wait until I see my gynecologist

6 weeks is what I was told but I had a natural birth.

And that’s how I got pregnant again with my other son. They are 10 months apart, just beware you are very fertile