So I had a C-Section 4 weeks tomorrow, and I wondered how long most would wait to have sex afterward? I’m practically done bleeding and have been healing very well in the sense that I’m not sore anywhere. I know it says to wait 4-6 weeks after, but I don’t see my gynecologist for the postpartum appointment until after six weeks. I just wanted people’s opinions! Thank you
Wait til after your appointment. The risk of infection is not worth it. Let your body heal.
At least 6 weeks you have an open wound In your uterus
They always told me 6 weeks
Wait … regardless of how u feel you do not want to get an infection down there while also having to care for a newborn … just wait
There is an open wound in your uterus. That’s why you’re told to wait. You can get infected and that’s just… not worth it
Have to wait 6 weeks so you don’t get an infection
6 weeks because risk of infection!
I waited 3 weeks my first 2 weeks with second and 10 days days with third u know u body
6 weeks and after you have the all clear from your ob. You don’t wanna re-open your incisions.
6 weeks or more. You have a wound in your uterus that is greater than 6 inches in diameter! Infection is the main concern. Your vaginal canal is probably healed but you want your uterus healed as well!
They told me 6 but I only made it til 4 weeks after my C Section
I’m almost 7 weeks PP and had stitches for a second degree tear (3rd baby) and I’m shitting myself at the thought… it took about 5 weeks for my stitches to fully dissolve
Wait trust me on this…just wait
8 weeks for a csection. Girl let yourself heal.
Just wait the 6 weeks. I waited for the 6 weeks with mine and it still kind of hurt to have sex.
They tell you to wait that long for a reason. Not because they think it would be amusing. Good god give your body a break. Use mouth hugs in the meanwhile if he can’t wait
I would try to wait until after you see your doctor
Wait. Just get each other off some other ways. It’s better for you, you don’t want the infection. And if you do need to bang, please use protection.
I waited far longer than that… but I’d rather be safe than sorry
Just wait until after your 6 weeks is up and talk to your Ob-gyn instead of asking random strangers on Facebook
I waited until after my appointment cause i wanted that birth control also i was terrified of sex after baby lol
After a c section i was told 8 weeks.
I had a c section in December. I was told 6 weeks to wait. But you should wait until bleeding has fully stopped because if you are bleeding the wound is still open in your uterus. And bleeding can come and go. I stopped at about 6 weeks and then started again at 8.
Get some birth control first girl lol…because you are exxxxtremely fertile right now!!
This question is always so shocking to me! You were LITTERALLY just cut open and had a baby roved from your body. You have an incision in your abdomen and the wall of your uterus leaving a wound the size of a paper plate internally. Not to mention internal stitches or any other suture. Wait until you get the ‘all clear’ from your gyno. The risks of having sex too soon far outweigh the 10 mins of pleasure. Serisouly just wait.
Wait until you’re cleared to do so. Your body just went through a crap ton of trauma… let it heal!
A csection is major surgery. Wait till your DR releases you. SMH
When u feel ready but use protection unless u want another bub in 9months as ur extra vertile
Lana Finlaysonx read xxx
I waited two weeks for my first and 3 weeks for my second. C section both times. It wasn’t painful at all. But with my second I felt like I was a Virgin again as it had been four months since my s/o and I had sex. I did stop bleeding a lot sooner than every one else though.
Our baby’s have the same birthday
You just had a baby. You need to let your body heal!
Wait until 6 to 8 weeks
My doctor told me I had over 200 interior stitches and see could seriously cause death if too early…pleaS be careful
You are not healed. That’s major surgery. But if you really can’t wait make sure to use protection because you’re very fertile after you have a baby
Should be at least 6 weeks. Could be more. I had to wait 10 and even then my body wasn’t ready
U less you are wanting to to get pregnant again. Just wait the 2 weeks.
I had a vaginal birth but called and scheduled my pp visit at 4 weeks. Told them I wanted to get back at it so I wanted the ok asap. Lol
Walt till after your 6 week appointment
I’d wait until given the ok. The risk of infection is still there at 4 weeks.
I’d choose safety over pleasure any day. Better to be safe than sorry.
As a guy, I’d def recommend waiting and not rushing. My partner couldn’t wait and she fell pregnant straight away(within 5 weeks of giving birth).
6 weeks like the doctors say.
My dr cleared me for sex at 2 weeks after my c-section
Listen to your Doctor. Wait until your Appointment and wait until you’re cleared. Nothing to rush into when you literally just had major surgery. You still have trauma on inside and outside. I had a c-section with my 1st and a forcep delivery with my 2nd.
What’s up with ppl wanting to have sex after giving birth lol . I see this question a lot. I mean u do u boo
Its always best to wait for clearance from dr in case he or she finds something wrong.
You wait to decrease the chances of an infection, not based on pain or comfortability.
I would def wait on the ok from my doctor , plus a csection is major surgery. You def wouldn’t wanna mess anything up. I’ve had 3 csections and I waited till my doc cleared me
6wks you are risking infection any sooner
Don’t do it until you see your doctor, I severely damaged myself not waiting… And my ex is not very big down there… My body was not healed enough ended up having to wait another 3 months.
The placenta leaves a wound the size of a dinner plate, you don’t want an infection
C-section, vaginal delivery… doesn’t matter. The waiting for the 6 week check up is to make sure your uterus is healed. You literally had a plate sized wound in your uterus from when the placenta detached.
I waited the full 6 weeks
6 weeks. You have a plate-sized wound on the inside that has to heal, plus the incision where they took baby out. Better to be safe than sorry. They tell u 6 weeks so that you don’t get an infection on the inside
I waited 2 weeks😂 csection
Well inside your body is this giant scab. Like completely gross. Shoving things up your vagina can irritate it and make it bleed, get infected, and a range of other things you most certainly don’t want to deal with. The 6 weeks isn’t just because your tired. It’s because your insides need time to put themselves back together and heal properly. That’s what the doctor will check at your appt.
Until you go back to the doctor and ask
I waited maybe 3 days
Seeing as you have a gapping wound from the placenta and just had major surgery…wait 6 weeks. Idk why people want their husband’s jackrabbiting them again so quick anyway lol I was in a sleep deprived blur for 8 weeks
I think it’s just what your comfortable with. I was having sex 4 days after my surgery. However I was also very young and everything healed up super fast.
Its to help reduce the risk of infection. Wait to see your doctor!!
Ma’am, your uterus was just outside of your body 4 weeks ago. A C-section is major surgery and having sex before you totally heal can cause infection or even start HEAVY bleeding. TBH, I would wait the 6 weeks but you can always double check with your doctor. Hell I would probably wait until I got my first regular period.
6/8 weeks wait till you see your doctor
Geezuz…some of y’all just can’t wait!! They say 6 weeks for a reason…and its because you have an open wound from the placenta! Not to mention the hole cut through you to get baby out!! y’all floor me…who the hell has time to be worried about sex with a 4 week old baby at home?!
I waited like 2 months maybe more. But I had a vaginal birth and stitches.
I was told 6 week vaginal and 8 week c-section; if all went well
I waited like two weeks after I had my daughter. I had zero pain and we used protection. All was fine. But yeah, realistically you should wait 6 weeks lol
We were back at it after she got back from the hospital.
Wait until the doctor clears you, 6-8 weeks.
I only waited for 3 days after my c-section but I went against doctors orders. Even with c-sections, they say to wair 6 to 8 weeks for healing
I had two c sections, i waited the 6 weeks for both, after my first i immediately got pregnant lol i have Irish twins now so be careful if that’s not what your plan is! Haha
Give your body a break . Your man should also be adamant about giving your body that just gave birth a break and time to heal .
Wait it’s way better if you wait
My dr always told me 6 weeks. Tried after 4 and it was extremely painful but I also had vaginal births. It was even still painful after 6 weeks.
I also got pregnant 8 weeks after giving birth so be careful!
Why men commenting of this is women’s uncut page?
6 weeks! You have a gaping wound where your placenta used to be attached. Anything inserted into your vagina could introduce infection.
Not only that, but you’ve just had major abdominal surgery! Give your body a chance to heal!
SIX WEEKS!! The doctor doesn’t tell you not to have sex because they don’t want you to have sex, they dont care. What they care about is your health! So many risks!
Completely done bleeding. I personally was different with each kid.
I just had my baby girl March 17th and this past Wednesday marked 4 weeks. It was my 2nd C-section. My first C-section was almost 10 years ago. I saw my OBGYN 2 weeks ago and I asked him when I could start having sex and he said at least wait 4 weeks. I waited about 3 weeks 2 days. I wanted my husband so bad and waiting that long drove us crazy lol. I’m in no pain and still bleeding but not bad. I think you will be fine as long as you wait the 4 weeks.
I’m pretty sure this is something your doctor has gone over with you…you may wanna call them and ask considering you had major surgery…
Technically you can have sex whenever you want after birth. I would wait until you are at least not in pain or sore down there anymore and comfortable with having sex, but most doctors will recommend for you to wait at least six weeks to make sure you’re healed but also because the first six weeks after having a baby you are extremely fertile.
I would do the recommendation of 6 weeks until you see your Dr for a clearing. You are still healing and are still very prone to infection and possibly another pregnancy as well. Give your body the time to heal… your partner and you need to understand it is important for your body to heal the way it should. Also after you are cleared, do not do heavy Intamacy. Bc it may be painful for you. Or you can cause pain. If it’s too painful after clearing wait a few more weeks. Other than that please just rest and let your body do its thing on healing.
I waited 3 weeks with my c-section and I’ll be 6 weeks this Wednesday
Postpartum nurse here…we say 6 weeks. We say this because your body needs time to heal. You have a wound the size of a dinner plate in your uterus as well as an incision that needs to heal. These put you at increased risk of infection and bleeding hence the recommendation to not insert anything into the vagina.
The man should have a right to say stuff too they have experiences but I don’t remember how long I waited but I’m pretty sure it was a month or more the only reason the doctors tell you to wait that long is so that you’re healed enough cuz if you do it before then something could happen especially if you had a C-section so I would just be careful
6 weeks. Or when your Dr clears you. You can literally get an infection and die. It’s not worth it.
Oral and gentle play until u get the clear
I only waited 2 weeks after my c-section. After vaginal however 8 or 9 weeks
Shit i was a couple days later with all the bleeding done i was ready we just was very gentle
You need to wait 6 weeks, even though you feel better the inside of your uterus is still healing it becomes a opening for infection! When the placenta pulls away it leaves a wound and then you have been cut open and that’s another wound! Please wait you can get an infection!
The first six weeks after having a baby you can very easily get an infection. You have an open wound. That’s why they say nothing inserted into the vagina. Your body needs time to heal.
I’m at the 8 week mark after my c-section and I did it at 3 weeks and 4 weeks my Dr knew and was ok. It’s up to you honestly. You have a small risk of infection and I wouldn’t be all rough or super deep
You have an open wound the size of a dinner plate inside your uterus from where your placenta was attached. Just wait. Give yourself time to heal. It’s not worth the risk of infection or possibly being pregnant that soon after having a major surgery again
We waited 10 days after I had a c-section
I always waited a week after the bleeding stopped… be safe , let your body heal and take care of yourself:deaf_woman:
Your insides still need to heal no matter how good you feel right now. And unless you want to risk getting pregnant, I would definitely wait. You are extremely fertile right after birth.
I would wait at least 6.
I tried at 6 weeks after emergency c section when I got the clear, but it hurt so bad. We were finally able to comfortably after like 2 months.