How long can a toddler go without pooping?

How long can a 3 year old go without pooping before it’s a concern? My youngest daughter has constipation issues and when she poops it’s usually huge and hard. I give her a laxative to help with it but it didn’t seem to be helping much so her doctor told me to increase it but she has not pooped in at least a week maybe longer that I’m aware of. She has been passing small amounts of liquidity or soft stool but has not had an actual full poop that I know of. I’m starting to get worried and I don’t know if she has a blockage or not. She is acting normal and isn’t showing signs of any discomfort or pain at all. What can I do to help her poop? Should I just take her to an urgent care? How long should I wait before taking her in? Her regular doctor is closed on weekends and due to it being Christmas Eve so I can’t call them and ask what I should do.


We give my three year old some prunes and half cap of miralax mixed in apple juice and it helps him. He has constipation issues and will sometimes go a week at a time without going unless we give him something for it

Prune juice or stool softeners for sure.

Fruits & veggies…most kids eat a diet of mostly carbs! Oatmeal is a great source of fiber.

More fiber , fruits , veggies , pear juice and more water . I would take her to a dr since its been a week though .

I give my kiddo poly glycol. It works great.
Is her tummy hard?

Stool softener not laxative. Lots of water. I would take her in to her looked at. Anything longer then a week is cause for concern 

Prune juice. I just mixed it with some other juice and it worked everytime.

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Prune juice or apple juice can help.

I had one that would hold it for two weeks at a time. My granddaughter was recommended restorlac and she was two it works

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Probiotics were a game changer for us

Give her some karo syrup the red one just a little in some milk or juice and give it an hour

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Stool softeners like Colace so the stool isn’t so hard when she does go. I would definitely get her checked out if she doesn’t go soon.

If its truly been over a week, I would seek medical attention. The longer she goes without pooping, the more painful it will be and she will refuse to go, making it harder (both in consistency and effort) to go. Give lots of fluids, preferably water, and contact your doctor


Just went through exactly this with my 6 year old. This is what the doctor had us do… they called it a bowel flush… within 2 days she was cleared out

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Maybe the soft liquidy stool is her pooping??

How is she acting?? Does she seem to be in pain??

Daily prune juice twice a day will get your child on track.

My daughter has issues as well and her pediatrician recommended one cap full of miralax a day. I mix this in her water bottle or milk when she wakes up and it helps soften everything and she goes about an hour or so later

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Glycerin suppositories are natural and will work in minutes


Take her to the ER. My three year old granddaughters appendix ruptured. They thought she was just constipated!


Could possibly be an obstruction if it has really been that long get to MD asap.

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She needs a referral to a gastroenterologist.

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Give her a good dose of castor oil or a decent teaspoonful of dried prunes, natural, gentle on little tums and she’ll poop by tonight. If she likes licorice that helps loosen the bowels, let her enjoy a snack for a good reason

My son had some issues like that. I used to get these Babylax glycerin suppositories. They were like a little squeeze bulb & helped him every time. He used to get such hard stools as a toddler.


I started my little guy in probiotics to help aid with digestion and going poop. They’ve helped quite a bit.

Miralax works wonders the only one I’ve found that works.


Have you tried pear juice or prune juice?
My daughter suffered with constipation and at one point the doctor had to manually disemapct her. Avoid carbs, dairy, and bananas. If it continues I would call the doctor

Any longer than 7 days without a bowl movement is cause for concern. I would contact her doctor asap

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You could use suppositories but be aware she will be in PAIN and it will be very sad.

Give her fruit juices every day. Try out which one works. Cherry juice is excellent for that. Prune or Apple juice too. Blueberries and prunes. Ask a pediatrician for advice. I would stay away from suppositories and enemas It has been known that if given often that it relaxes the spincter at some point. That’s why hospitals quit doing rectal temperatures.

Go to Walgreens and get her a suppository she should poop within a few minutes and you may wanna repeat a few days :pray:t2:

Also less processed foods no judgment just trying to help :pray:t2:

increase her fiber, try more fruits, prune juice maybe if she’ll drink it. will she eat a cheese burger (lol) those work for me
but it does kind of sound like maybe there’s a blockage if she has loose stool snd not much of it. usually that’s indicative that looser bm is going around the blockage. extra hydration and more fiber for atleast 2 more days, if no help talk to your Dr or have her seen. constipation can also be a sign of something else going on, over a week seems so long to not go and I’d be concerned


My 2 year old is scared to poop :face_with_spiral_eyes: I literally have to get in the bathtub with her to get her to poop (it helps her muscles relax) on top of giving her miralax plus she eats pretty well. She never constipated and not painful but for some reason it scares her and she will not go.

My daughter does this she’s holding it in she’s got some reason terrified to poop we took her in they gave her a water enema and man that worked so well they have them at the store but I took her in 4 times for them to do this she hates it but poops in seconds and they are huge!

Parents Against Miralax Restoralax Movicol (PEG 3350)

Adjusting dieting. Less of foods like make it harder to go and more foods that make us easier. A little apple juice, fruits or veggies. Lots of water. Massage her tummy. Maybe a stool softer? Not sure about the otc ones for littles tho.

Make sure she gets enough water. Take her to Dr.

Boy, do I understand. My daughter is almost 3 and has a huge constipation issues since she was about six months old. We give her laxative daily. Specifically MiraLAX. And we also give her Ex-Lax daily. Which was what was recommended by my doctor. it’s called a clean out. If a child has one poop that hurts when they are very young, it will scare them and they will hold their poop as long as they can. So you need to make sure the poop is soft. I recommend half a cup of MiraLAX daily, and also chocolate ex lax once a day. I have a ton of experience with this, so if you want to give me a personal message, I’d be more than happy to talk about it. My daughter still does struggle but she is getting better. Also, please do not do any suppositories or enemas. That will scare her and traumatize when it comes to pooping.

I would get some toddler slow ease laxatives. Their watermelon chews. Weighting within 30 min they should’ve gone. If not take the little one in.

She’s seeping liquid feces because she’s impacted. She needs to be seen by a doctor if not her own pediatrician.

She needs more fiber in her diet. Cheerios peanuts anything with fiber in it. I was told by our pediatrician when my son was younger to do prune juice mixed with water, karo syrup in liquid you’ll know she’ll drink, the children suppositories (put a little Vaseline on first), do the bicycle exercise with her where she moves her legs like riding on a bicycle but with her laying down, give her some coffee, decrease dairy products, give her probiotics, etc. If she still hasn’t gone by Thursday I would take her in.


Take her to the ER.

My son has started holding his in then doing huge ones

My grandson takes fiber gummies for kids and they help alot

Yes take to a Dr. The soft stool is leaking around the large blockage. My son suffered from this for years and was hospitalized for it. Had a tube run into his stomach and had to pretty much be given an IV for a WK to flush all the stool out. It was a constant problem for years. They become so impacted there is no way but hospitalization. They can also.start throwing up literal stool. Plz be careful. After this is cleared up I would ask the Dr about daily stool softeners such as miralax. I could feel the large stool when u gently push on their stomach area.

Miralax daily. Milk of magnesia5 ml

My son had this problem until 4 years old. Give her more water and control her dairy intake. We used those glycerine suppositories and they worked to get the blockage out.

My son use to hold in his bowel movements when he younger. Caused such an issue that when he finally did go they were the size of softballs (not exaggerated either). He would have the liquid/soft poops that would leak around the blockage. Eventually took him to a pediatric gastrointestinal doc. We were told to do a system flush and to keep up with a full cap of mirilax daily until regular bowel movements happened


Miralax twice a day and take away dairy until she is a little more regular.

My almost 3 year old holds his poop and he is scared to go in the big potty. We give him fiber gummies once a day and when he has to poop We put a diaper on him to let him poop. We are struggling but have finally figured out a way and now he isn’t holding it anymore

My son has to have half doses of restoralax (pharmacist recommended) once in a while to help.

Increase fiber. Apples and apple sauce. Etc. Also usually after 3 days it’s pediatrician time. At least that’s what mine said anyway. More liquids. Like apple or prune juice.

My daughter had terrible constipation issues. We ended up in the ER two or three times. She was only a daily Miralax regimen and water, water, water. I stopped juice altogether. She loves fruits and veggies, so I pushed those foods constantly. Whenever she would go to her dad’s, she would eat like crap and he’d only give her sugary drinks and she would always come home terribly constipated. Her doctor told me to start a journal of when she had a bowel movement and her babysitter would jot it down, too. That way I knew when she was pooping. Her dad would lie about it so I learned to just automatically assume she hadn’t gone at his house. It really helped to get a handle on it!

There’s nothing wrong with taking your child to urgent care. Worst case scenario, they’ll send you home with a list of things to do to help relieve it. The longer you wait, the more she won’t want to go because it gets harder and more painful to actually poop. Once she does go, be sure that she is getting enough fiber in her diet to help keep her regular and introduce pear juice. Tastes better and helps relieve constipation in toddlers.