How long can postpartum depression last?

Random question but what’s the longest someone has had post partum depression? My baby is 8 months old and when she was first born I had it severely and then I’d seem to get over it and then go right back into the hole. I’m not sure what it is but I could use some advice


I read somewhere it could last for 3 years

Mine isn’t getting better … I’ve been on 8 types of medication but it could never go away but they say about 3 years

What does the doctor say?

It can last indefinitely. What starts as PPD can continue as a lifelong depression. Please talk to your doctor ASAP! Don’t minimize minimize this.


! Up to two years!
Your body recouping from :boy: birth

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It can last for years talk to your doctor about getting on a low dose of antidepressants if you feel like you need to try to exercise and it can be so much worse if you don’t sleep like you can actually start to lose your mind so just try to nap if your baby is keeping you up all night long every little bit of sleep helps :heart: get your hormones to checked too they can be out of balance for so long my thyroid has been messed up since I got pregnant it takes some women a long time to get their mind and bodies right but I know I had postpartum anxiety for at least a year

It can last years if you don’t get the right help.
Please if you need help do it sooner then later.
Speak to your doctor :purple_heart:

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Years. Remember mama, you’re important too.

It was around 18 months for me.

It can take years to recover.
Definitely speak to your doctor about meds.
Family support and talking to others who are going through this helps A LOT as well.

Following. My lil man in 9 months old. It’s like it’ll go away and then come back 10x worse🫠

Just turns into depression I guess. I was Post Natal & doing therapy every fortnight. Then he was almost a year old & was told its no longer due to baby… & I’m still on same 150mg of Sertraline…

I think after a year or two it’s just considered depression because it lingers. Mine definitely turned into depression because I left it un treated.

Could honestly be a couple years… please talk with your provider.

You need to see a psychologist most likely . Medication can truly help - it helped me