How long did it take you to get a period after having a baby if you were breastfeeding? I had a baby in June (the 12th) and I exclusively bf until October and since then have still been breastfeeding but supplementing one bottle a day with formula. I have an iud but I still haven’t gotten a period. I have spotted a tiny bit here and there but no actual period and I’m wondering if 7 months PP if that’s normal?
U might not get them back until you finished breastfeeding, however I was looking forward to a break from them and I got mine back in less than 6 weeks and I was exclusively breastfeeding - everyone is different
I didn’t get my period back for 2 years after having my 2nd, nursed him for a total of 3.5 years.
I gave birth December of 2022 and still haven’t gotten mine back.
Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. I’ve had 3 first two I got my period around 3 months PP and but this time around I’m almost 4 months PP and still bleeding.
9 months with my 1st. 5 months with my 2nd
iuds are supposed to stop your period it’s not as common to get a period with an IUD at all let alone breast feeding at the same time
8 months all 4 times
Then only had 3 periods and was pregnant again
That would be the reason cause your still breast feeding and you have the IUD… You might bleed a little but it wouldn’t be a period.
Each time that I breastfed, I didn’t get my cycle back until after I stopped.