How long did it take you to get pregnant after ending birth control?

Back story, I have been on continuous birth control for 13 years. I am curious how long it took for other women to get pregnant after getting off birth control. I know there’s a chance I could get pregnant right away of course. But I’d just like to hear from actual people how long it personally took them when trying to get pregnant after being on birth control for a similar amount of time.


I got pregnant on birth control both times both coils ! X

I had an iud for 8 years was pregnant a month after removal

With my first I got pregnant the week after STARTING birth control (the pill) with my second I was on nexplanon for 10 months hated it and went back to the pill and got pregnant again 2 months later obviously the pill doesn’t work for me :joy:

Got pregnant a couple months after but had a miscarriage the 2 months after that got pregnant again and my boy was just born 2-26 of this year :slight_smile:

Not even a month with all of my pregnancies

5 years (after having my IUD in for 5 years and then taken out)

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It took a 7 years after depo but it messed up my Hormones pretty bad.

Most of the time, you go right back to being fertile as long as you arent on the depo shot.

See birth control just prevents you from ovulating. Once you stop taking it, you immediately begin ovulating again and therefore can get pregnant again.

I was on birth control for 17 years. I was off it for 4 months before we started trying and got pregnant a month after trying. I’m currently 6 months pregnant. Also got pregnant without producing progesterone which I found out I don’t produce 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant.

I had an iud for 8 years and it took my roughly 4 months to conceive. My sister had her iud for 5 years and it took her like 3 weeks to conceive.

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I got my iud taken out last june. Got a confirmed positive on august 20. Due any day now haha

I had an IUD for 10 years, took it out to get pregnant and because it was time and it took us about 6-7 weeks to conceive. I don’t think that is the average, average is most likely more than that, best wishes!

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First cycle off the pill

I was on birthcontrol for about 10 years and got pregnant almost 2.5 years later witthout actually trying

First baby less than a month, second baby about a month.

The first time a week. This last time I stopped we tried for close to a year and no luck

With mine…wasnt on it that long…3 years…got off it…had a period, next month was pregnant with second. That was on the pill.

On depo for 10 years, pregnant without actively trying within 1 year of stopping. 4 years on Mirena, pregnant after 6 mos, 4 of which were spent actively trying. I ovulate for like 3 minutes a month. It’s insane how I got pregnant the first time considering I wasn’t trying.

In 2016 I had been on the pill for about 3-4 years and stopped taking it because it was causing issues, we weren’t trying to get pregnant but we weren’t being careful either. Stopped the pill in April, and I was pregnant by the end of June.

And I was on it fot 14 years

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I had the nexplanon and after I had it taken out it took 3 years to get pregnant with my daughter she’ll be two next month

I had an IUD for 6 years. After it was out I got pregnant 6 months later.

Year and a half after stopping the pill

I was on oral birth control for yeas and years, when I got off it both times I was pregnant within a month or two.

My first I got pregnant on bc then the second took like 3 cycles.

I literally missed 1 or 2 days and I’m 22 weeks pregnant now

4 months after IUD (wasn’t trying), first cycle after pill (trying)

I had the rod removed on 2nd of october, I’m now 22 weeks pregnant.

I was on birth control for 10 years and got pregnant 3 months after coming off

I was pregnant the 2nd month after stopping.

Bc removed in june and got pregnant at the end of August. Currently 29 weeks pregnant

We decided to start trying in may and officially got off all birth control, got pregnant in July , had a miscarriage and then got pregnant again in end of August! I thought it would take forever for myself to get pregnant I’m glad it didn’t take forever!

I was on the shot & got off. 7 months later I got pregnant

Got off birth control October 3rd and got pregnant October 17. The point of this is, every single woman is different. I could just look at my husband and raise my brow and I was pregnant…but have a best friend who has tried for years…our bodies are all different. I wouldn’t use these comments as any sort of guidance.

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I was on for about 12 years. Got pregnant a week after going off the pill

Well I got pregnant on birth control twice. So there’s that​:roll_eyes::rofl::rofl:

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I had the mirena for 7 1/2 years. Removed it in July of 2017. Used alternative BC methods (condoms) until April of 2018 when my husband and I decided to try for a baby. Got my positive test 6 weeks later. I was 4 weeks along…

4-6 months after removing Nexplanon

I was on the pill for 23 years. (Got put on pill early in life do to menstrual cycles messed up). Stopped the pill in November of 2016. Got pregnant first time February 2017 & had a miscarriage. Got pregnant second time Sept 2017. Had a beautiful 8pound 7 ounce girl june 2018. Side note I also suffer from endometriosis.

I was on birth control 17yrs.I was33yrs took me get pregnant with my second child

Within the first 3 months, all 3 times for me.

About 10 months after being on pill for about 8 years. Was actively trying and doing ovulation testing.

I was on the depo shot and it took me 2 years after getting off it to get pregnant

Once while on it and twice Immediately after stopping :joy:

I had one period after stopping the pill and then fell pregnant, for 2 of my pregnancies.

Took us a year after having our daughter with switching birth controls to find what worked for me.

With my daughter I got pregnant while taking the pill.

I was on the pill for 10 years and got pregnant right away

I was on BC when I got pregnant with my second. Thing is though I knew it wasn’t working for my body (gyno did not listen to me when I pointed out my concerns) and even though we used other preventative I still fell pregnant. I got pregnant 2 months after switching from an old one that actually worked (why the gyno changed prescription beats me, but I switched drs asap but was too little too late cause I got pregnant). So yeah it happened quick from going to one that works wonders to one that I just knew didn’t work. I almost feel like he put me under some kind of trial.

I was on the depo shot and it took about 7 months to conceive and it unfortunately ended in a miscarriage. I got pregnant right away and she’s now 2 :innocent:

Within the same month the first time. About 2 months with the second

It took me a a year and a half to get pregnant with my first. Trying for baby number 2 and been off since December. No luck yet though.

I had an IUD for 5 years. Took it out and didn’t get pregnant for 4 months. Got back on the pill during month 4 and got pregnant that month:

Can’t say but good luck :heart:

I let my depo shot lapse by 7 weeks and found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. The second time let it lapse by 6 weeks and found out I was 5 weeks pregnant.
No I use the implanon.

I think I got pregnant 3-4 months after I had my IUD taken out in 2019. Definitely wouldn’t recommend an IUD, I had a terrible time with it

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2 nights and got pregnant I’m 6 months now crazy

2 months after stopping birth control the first time. And 1 month after the 2nd time. Good luck :blush:

Right away, both times.

Less than 2 months after being on it for 5 years

Never…had to do IVF

On Depo for 11 years, took 2 to get pregnant

Honestly I feel guilty for saying this as I know a ton of people struggle with getting pregnant… but I had an iud, was told it would take atleast 6 months, and less than a month later I had a positive with my son

The pill and two weeks

I’d only been on it three years, not 13, but it took me almost a year before I got pregnant with my second (I hadn’t been on it when I got pregnant with my first). But before I could even get pregnant, I had to take meds to get a cycle back. For me, birth control screwed my system all up.