How long did it take your shortness of breath to go away?

I have covid. My symptom is shortness of breath. Who has or had covid and had shortness of breath. How long did it take for your shortness of breath to go away?


I’m suffering the same thing. All my symptoms have subsided except the Shortness of Breath. I’ve had it a week so far.

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Mine was about a week

I still have it and it’s been 7 months. It’s just worse some days more than others. Same with my cough.

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I had all my symptoms for three weeks

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It’s still hard for me to breathe right sometimes and I was diagnosed jul 27

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3 months. That was the worst symptom I had. I used an Asthma pump to help me.

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I’m still short of breathe since 20 October take steroids and antibiotics and three inhalers but they dont work that well also get really bad head and sore eyes have to wear sun glasses all the time

Still. Had it when all this started at the beginning of the year

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Contact ojukudel if you need your ex lover back urgently, he is the best love spell caster online, his spell casting has no side infect and it works effectively. You can contact him through his Email address: or whattsap/call him directly Is my gratitude and honor to say a big thanks to a man with truth and do as he promise please every one on this site should join me and thank Dr ojukudel for the glory and happiness he gave to me, i break up with my lover 2 months back and i was down and do not know what to do until i saw a post about this spell caster ojukudel who i explain my situation to, and then he said to me cry not my daughter for what you seek for is right here in my temple he gave me hope when i have no hope to my greatest notice, he did the spell for me and my lover was back 15 hours after the spell please if you need any help my advise for you all is go to ojukudele cause he is the best of all, contact him via or you can also reach him on WhatsApp +2348037946490 pie

Took about a week-week a half. If I exercise or do much physical work It still comes and goes. I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago, so still pretty recently

Someone I know had it back in May and still has bouts during the day to this day of shortness of breath and they are in their early 20s and in great shape.

I was sick for 34 days!!! I still struggle breathing every now and then!!

Hope you feel better soon :purple_heart::purple_heart:

This is advise for the normal cold congestion. I have ZERO idea if this will work for covid . But here goes- boil water, pour in a large bowl with or without a drop or two of peppermint oil, put your head over the bowl and a towel over your head and bowl. Breath in as deep as you can for about 10 mins and repeat . Like I said, this helps me and my kids , but NOT sure if this would help. Just a suggestion, I really wish you best of luck and im sorry to hear your sick ! And im not one of those crazy essentials oil lady’s, always consult your doctor :heart:

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My mother in law did and she finally got a spirometer to help the lungs

My husband had a harsh cough with shortness of breath for about 2-3 weeks. This was in october and he is perfectly fine now. As stated above it does effect everyone differently but it doesn’t hurt to have some information to go on. Feel better!

It varies from person to person. My husband works in a CICU and he has patients who still have breathing problems months after the initial infection unfortunately.


I still get shortness of breath if I do to much. So I’m not sure but mine did start to be less slowly after the 14days if that helps you any

I hope you feel better. I’m one week into my 14 day quarantine due to being exposed to a known positive. So far no symptoms, but it’s still very scary.

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My husband was sick testing positive for 3 months. His struggles for breathing lasted over 2 weeks. Just don’t get scared and get with your doctor.

9 months later still short of breath

I was short of breath for about a month

Luckily the shortness of breath subsided at about day 16 for me however 3 weeks after returning to work I am still struggling with migraines which are most likely a residual effect of covid. It’s so unfortunate that there are so many unknowns of covid and yet so many people that still feel it’s a hoax and jeopardizing so many lives.


For me- after visiting a cranio sacral specialist, she found that the connective tissue of my diaphragm had become all twisted up from the heavy coughing and vomiting during the time I had covid. She manipulated and moved it back into place using Rolfing techniques, and when I stood up from her table
I took a deep breathe for the first
Time in months. It was incredible release and since then I haven’t experienced the shortness of breath and tightness again. I referred her to a friend who also had covid and she had the same experience of relief. I think she’s onto something!! Good luck, it’s a long road ahead of us all- but there are alternative ways of healing for sure!!


I had COVID . But no shortness of breath . I just wen threw a similar type of extremely bad cold three days the rest was stuffy nose . Then no taste buds and smell for three weeks

I am very happy about my experience with Priest Andrew who helped me to reunite back my broken marriage. My wife and I had so many up and down​:broken_heart::broken_heart:, we decided to go our separate ways​:broken_heart::broken_heart:. I couldn’t ressist living life without her, i tried everything to have her back but nothing was working until I heard about priest Andrew, and how great his work is. I contacted him immediately for help, he promise to help me. he provided the best solution to my marital problem and my marriage was restore back. my wife came back, we got reunited again. she promised nothing more than to have me in her arms forever. I had so much joy and happiness that in me from the help of Priest Andrew, Here is Priest Andrew email: priestandrewcureservice123@gmail. Com
and whats app him +2349064356977

My sis had it in March an her lungs are all messed up from it she still is short of breath and has to have treatments for it now and her heart is damaged .

I did nebulizer trearments with steroids around the clock for a week at home. the urgent care doctor said proof it was working in other countries but US didnt want to treat it with that. I was back to normal breathing by end of week husbands lingered but he is also a smoker. Lots of factors to consider

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Still suffering but I also have asthma!!! 3 weeks on, still shattered but getting there slowly. Everyone is different x

When were you diagnosed? If you have not been evaluated for the shortness of breath, please do so…

I’m on day 16 post diagnosis. Still have times when I’m short of breath. Or coughing fits. Or pulse racing or extreme fatigue. Other times I almost feel normal. Hoping the normal times outweigh the symptomatic times soon!

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Please get an Oximeter (Amazon) and monitor your oxygen level. It can turn into COVID viral pneumonia. If it does, you need to go to the hospital.

Prayers for a speedy recovery. :pray:


It varies for everyone sometimes it can take months. Get medical attention though for sure. I had covid in May and it took a few months for the shortness of breath to go away completely.

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My son still has some side effects and he got it in July, they are slowly going away.

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My stepfather was on oxygen for 3 weeks at hospital and for 3 months outside of hospital

It’s been 3 months for me and I still have symptoms, fatigue, weakness in my legs and foggy brain.

I was in bed for 17 days , about 2 weeks of that was bad for breathing, my cough didn’t go away for about 2 months , my son only had the cough but for 14 weeks ! My brother was poorly for 20 days - no cough but still as no sense of smell or taste since March :scream:, my mom was poorly for 6 weeks 4 of them in hospital on 94% oxygen, the fatigue hung around for months , everyone’s body deals with it differently it’s seems , on the plus side 3 of us have underlying health issues and we all made it through :+1:t2:
A face sauna , head over a bowl of boiling water and a humidifier helped us greatly when we were struggling with cough & breathing


My husband and I had it in August. My symptoms lasted about 7 days. I fully recovered with no side effects. My husband had symptoms first about 9 days but he coughed for over a month but thank God, he also had no side effects. I pray for every one in this world. This is very serious. I just wish everyone thought the same way.

A friend of mine had it. She is young & healthy with no medical conditions. It’s been over a month and she still has difficulty breathing.

6 months later I still have shortness of breath but everyone is different


Everyone is different. I have a friend that 6 months later is still suffering. Another friend on oxygen probably forever.

3-4 weeks of awful symptoms for me. Mild symptoms two months after that. 6mo post Covid now & fully recovered🙌 It takes time!

I’m a week after quarantine and still have moments and the tiredness …

Please make sure you drink hot genger tea with lemon and honey

All my symptoms were gone one week after end of my quarantine

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My husband had it 3 weeks ago and still is not back to normal

:pray:t2:I don’t know but I’m praying for you

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Mine lasted a week after testing positive

One of my FB friend had it in April last year and was hospitalized, I will tag him maybe he can answer your question, his name is Mike papa

Omg the breathing difficulty sucked but the Fever,chills, the heart palpilations, depression and the feeling of confusion was the worse for me my family was saying I would call them and be talking off the wall mess the whole time. The fever was so bad no matter how much medicine I tried to take for it I would hallucinate luckily someone told me to sit in a lukewarm bath and cool down that way

Had it in March. Every symptom, pretty mild, though it still felt like a very deep, heavy bronchitis/pneumonia mix. Kinda hurt to take a deep breath and felt like my lungs were heavy. If i forced a deep breath, even though it hurt, I never felt like I could get more than adequate air. Laying in my stomach helped, alot, but it sucked because I am not a stomach sleeper. Fatigue and crappy feeling for about two weeks, then fatigue for about two more weeks, and then shortness of breath with any physical activity (such as walking to work) until sometime in August. I had asthma and a heart valve issue as pre-existing conditions, so that’s probably why it lingered so long after I was technically recovered. I’m back to normal now and have been for about three months. One star, would not recommend.

These are seena makki leaves this has been proven by my friends and family who have had covid and they have become better. ( You boil the leaves and make green tea)
Prayers for your recovery

The dr told me the shortness of breath is not gonna go away its a lingering effect of covid

I was diagnosed on Thanksgiving and the worst thing has been loss of taste and smell, along with some shortness of breath but it all stems from the horrible cough stemming from pneumonia on top of covid. Not sure but these symptoms seem to stay around for awhile I am soo beyond exhausted the fatigue is real.

I heard that doesn’t go away, even months later

I had it for about two weeks. I got a eucalyptus injection and drank eucalyptus and ginger tea. Maybe ask your doctor for an inhaler to carry with you just in case.

I have had it since March . It really sucks and I hope it gets better with time. It is different with every person sadly.Both my lungs were affected

I just got over it about two weeks ago, I still have a hard time breathing and frequently get short of breath doing even minor things.

I had it is April. Was down and out for at least 2 months. Had shortness of breath but did not need to go to hospital. It all messed up my heart and GI tract. Still very foggy brained and forgetful. And I was considered a mild case!

I have had strange short of breath for months. Doctors can’t find what is wrong. Had covid in March.

Growing up has never come the easier way. It comes with lots of challenges like lost marriages, lost love, financial and job problems and so many more, but still there has always been a solution to every challenges that we face in life. Life has been so difficult for me these past few months and I had given up on myself knowing that I will not find love or true happiness again. Two months ago I found out I was pregnant and I was so happy and excited to have my own baby and I didn’t even call my boyfriend. I just wanted to take the results to him and show him face to face and share the good news together. But when I reached his flat I saw his car parked outside and knew he was home so I went straight to his room. When I knocked, he allowed me to enter because he wasn’t expecting me at the time, but when i opened the door I nearly fainted because I caught him ready handed with another woman in his house. I looked at them and closed the door and ran away, he followed me saying his sorry and the woman is just a friend and nothing else but I knew he was lying and I walked away. I reached home and cried a lot until i told my best friend everything and she told me to fight for my man and not loose him to another woman. She gave me Sir Marere contact +2348109805184 email is: marerespells@gmail. com and told me Sir Marere will bring back my boyfriend to me and love only me. So i contacted Sir Marere and told her everything, he made a love and binding prayers for me and in 1 day of the prayers my boyfriend came to me with that woman I saw him with and knelt down and begged for my forgiveness and told the woman that am the love of his life and he doesn’t ever want to see her again. The woman walked away and that evening my man came back with a baked cake and gifts and flowers and asked for my forgiveness again and promised never to hurt me again and I told him that we are having a baby, he cried and smiled with joy and happiness. We are back together and so much in love and waiting for our baby to arrive. Thanks so much Sir Marere your prayers indeed work. You can call or whats-app Sir marere on +2348109805184 Email: marerespells@gmail. com incase you are passing through the same situation. Don’t be discouraged by what people may tell you that even don’t know the situation you are going through, all that matters are the results so feel free to contact him.