How long did you wait to start driving after a c-section?

Moms that have had a c section , how long did you guys actually wait to start driving again?


2 days with my first, and a week with my second

A few days. I had twins in the NICU and I drove myself to the hospital - only 5 miles away.

I waited 4 or 5 days after both of my c sections. I just took it slow, no sudden braking (if possible) my doctor actually didn’t mention not driving. I figured if I felt good enough to get out, I did.
Good luck mama!

I drove 4 days later and was back to work at a daycare center 2 weeks after my c section.

About a week to drive, 2 weeks later I was back to work.

2 weeks the first time and I think about the same for the second maybe a day or so less

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1st one 6-8 weeks. 2nd one less than 3 days.

I was driving within a week (without pain meds)… I still had one twin in the nicu and I wanted to be able to feed him.

Doctor told me no driving for 2 weeks when I had my c section

I don’t remember if my doctor said not to, but I think it was two weeks after? I had a diabetes appointment and went to a drum corps competition with my disabled dad. Two gentlemen ended up helping my dad to his seat and when I mention I had just had a c-section, one of them came back to help me.

I drove my daughter to her first doctors appointment. So I guess four days? I didn’t really have a choice though. I had her on a Thursday and was driving Tuesday I believe.

About 2 weeks. I had some complications and still needed the prescription pain meds.

I drove myself home. I wasn’t on pain meds though.

I drove home from the hospital both times

7 days… I drive to go get my staples taken out !!

I drove myself from the hospital w my last baby.

I waited 4 days. I have two older kids that had places to be and don’t have a choice. I did ok tho

I was told to wait 6 weeks so I drove a week or so after that.

I didn’t have c section so no help there but I distinctly remember my aunt trying to tell me that if I drove too soon my insides could fall out :rofl: I drove within a day or two after both births and still have my innards lmao

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I drove 3 days later to Walmart to get my first born some cookies :rofl:

I drove home from the hospital after mine 2 days after section :joy:

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I’ve had 4 c sections and none of my doctors have ever told me not to drive afterwards lol, I think I was driving like the 2-3rd day I was home from the hospital :joy:

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How ever long the doctor said

Technically 2 weeks, but after my 2nd was born, I had to still get my 1st to school

I couldn’t drive for 3 months, physically couldn’t do it.

6 weeks after your 6 week check up with GP

I wasnt driving then but it took about 2 weeks for me to recover

2 weeks. Second was more like 3 because I got re-admitted 6 days after because I have a post op infection.

Drs told me 6 weeks with both of mine. I was instructed to wait until cleared at checkup

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Immediately lol - I just made sure I hadn’t taken any of my pain meds

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I had my c-section Friday morning and had to take my other daughter to school Monday morning. I had no help and still had to get my oldest daughter to school and baby to her newborn appointments so I had to drive.

6 hours…up and walking catheter free in 2 hours and my son was transported by ambulance to another hospital so I had myself discharged

After first I waited 2 weeks after second I think it was closer to a month

When I was off of the medicine that said “not to drive while taking!”

I was driving within 2-3 days of being home. I had places to go and no one to drive me there.

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The day after in a manual car :joy:

I drove home from the hospital :woozy_face:

Until each of my kids first dr appointments after coming home.

The Dr had to clear me. I believe it was 2 weeks tho.

You ladies got pain meds ? I was sent home after both of my C-sections with nothing. Lol

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The doctors told me i couldn’t drive for 6 weeks after my section, as you are not covered by insurance for that amount of time as you have had a major operation

Anyone should wait 4 to 6 weeks to not driving. Your inside is still healing. Any quick movement could cause your incision to dehiscence. You may feel good but it generally takes 6 weeks to heal safely. Plus if your taking narcotics it’s an extra issue

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I drove after 2 weeks with both my C sections. I contacted the insurance company and they were fine as long as the hospital had no restrictions.

You should check with your insurance company. Mine told me 6 weeks after before I was insured to drive again

Last C section drove home from the hospital in a car with a manual transmission.

6 weeks, has to be safe to do an emergency stop and you may not be covered by insurance company if you have not had doctor’s clearance