How long did you work while pregnant?

How long did you work? I’m going on 11 weeks, and I’m a caregiver… I’ve noticed that I end up having abdominal pressure when moving around and didn’t know if it was normal or not lol my next appt is Aug 1st, and I’ll bring it up to her then.


It’s completely normal! Happened with both of my kids and I was reassured it’s normal … if I were to have another baby I’d work till I was full term

I worked clear up until I had my baby. It is possible to be pregnant and work

Worked up until the same day as my induction

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I worked until about a week before…my hips hurt so bad that i couldn’t stand it anymore. But, I also stand and walk all day for work.

My oldest… I went to work the day I had him. Long story short, he was born at 9:18pm that night
My 2nd, I stayed at home because I was. High risk because my 1st was 4 weeks early. My 3rd… I don’t remember

My water broke at work with my second kid, and I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with my second I plan on working until my water breaks. I have been caregiving for the last 12 years thru both of my pregnancy’s.

I worked up til 32 weeks, I’m on leave right now cuz of cramping, spotting and was having horrible back pain.

I worked till 4 months then we moved closer to my husbands family and he agreed I shouldn’t get a job.

I left three weeks before I was due with the first one and probably about the same with the second

My 1st I was a sahm my 2nd I worked 2 jobs housekeeper and independent consultant from home until almost 3 weeks, 3rd I worked as a school van driver and substitute paraprofessional until the day I gave birth, my 4th I was school van driver until about 20ish weeks.

I worked waitressing until 2 weeks before.

I was constantly moving around for my job and worked up until 2 days prior to having my daughter.


With my last pregnancy I worked up until 2 days before my induction date… my current pregnancy has been a bit more complicated, I’m currently 36 weeks and was pulled out of work medically 2 days ago.

I was a cna and worked till 35 weeks would of done longer but my doctor said no because I hade preclampsia

I worked until a week before I was induced with my oldest. That was just because I was tired of workplace drama. With this pregnancy I can wfh some of the week so I’m planning to work until I go into labor

I worked up until I had my daughter. I work M-F. My last day was on a Friday, and I had her the following Monday at 39 weeks 1 day

I worked til the day before labor with 2 of my 4 kiddos. I was a sahm for my first and 4th. With my 3rd I went home with contractions and then to the hospital was sent home and then induced the next day. With my second it was my day off. Boy was my boss pissed because I called in let her know I was in labor and would not be into work for the 6 weeks.

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No joke, I got off work and went to the hospital that day. It was a sitting job though.

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Work all the way though, with all 3 of mine. My last one was the closet call, she was born at 4am and I was schedule to be their at 7am.

With my first, I worked up until like 37 weeks. with my second, I worked up until 12 hours before I had to be to the hospital for my induction

I tried going into work while in labor :woman_shrugging:t2: I was high risk in all my pregnancies & worked until I went into labor. & I did hard physical work. I’m pregnant, not broken.


I worked until day before delivery and unfortunately had to return 4 weeks after .

It will depend on your pregnancy. For most I worked well into it, but with my 8th I was physically disabled and was barely able to stand, sit or walk for nearly half my pregnancy

Worked until 3 weeks before the due date.

37 weeks, meant to be 36 but was asked to stay back a week, I work in childcare. Ended up being induced at 37+6

I worked up until 34 weeks and I’m now 37 weeks and since I stoped working at 34 I feel much better my work was hard work

I was taken off work at 24 weeks. I was having back issues and nerve pain in my legs.

i worked until 37 weeks with my first (doctor said no more because of pre eclampsia) and my water broke at work with my 2nd🙃

I worked up to two weeks before delivery. But had a desk job so it wasn’t strenuous

I was high risk so I was on bed rest from the day I found out for sure I was pregnant.

I worked up until 36 weeks with one and 37 with the other, I work as a cna, I was very high risk but I had a ton of pelvic and abdominal pressure but what helped was getting a belly supporter!

Depends on situation. I have had 3 previous C-sections and am not able to lift more then 25lbs per Dr. So I would definitely bring it up and see what they say!!!

I’m a cna and worked till 36 weeks pregnant. I was taken off due to medical issues.

Was right up til due date. Make sure they do risk assessment for you with being pregnant at work. They have to for caring

I worked in a pork factory up until I had been in labor for 5 hours. I would have made it the rest of the day had my supervisor’s girlfriend not noticed I was in labor while on lunch break. My husband was not to happy with me for not telling him when I went into labor.

I was in construction I went all the way to the 9 month mark . 1 week before my boy came

I worked until I was 38wks and 6 days

With my first I worked up until my due date and my dr told me to go on bedrest until he decided to make an appearance (he was a week late) and my second I worked until 8 months and left my job to be a stay at home mom

Up to my due date with my first baby and a week past my due date with my second baby

I was actually getting ready to go to work when I went into labor

I worked 38 weeks and 1 day. I wanted to keep working but my DR said no haha. I was on my feet all day

I worked retail, and working the day I had him. Everyone is different.

I have worked an entire shift while in labor; and I’ve worked up to 4 weeks before birth. Every pregnancy is different for everyone. You never know what complications any pregnancy will bring. The answer will vary person to person, pregnancy to pregnancy.

Until 4 weeks before I was due to have my first, lucky cause he came 3 weeks early. And I finished work like 3 weeks before my second was due in worry shed come early ro but nope right on due date :joy:

I worked until 8 months pregnant before going on leave

I worked the morning unloading trucks with my 1st n went into labor in the afternoon. 10 days before my due date with my 2nd and a week before with my 3rd.

I was a caregiver and unfortunately it was not taken that I had restrictions, I was still lifting and carrying patients up to 200lbs. I actually went into labor at work my water broke I was 37 weeks with my other child my water broke at 38 weeks 4 hours after shift

As someone who was high risk and on bed rest most of my pregnancies - after my previously losses - I stopped at 12 weeks with one. And the other I worked at a university, i was able to finish my semester around 25 weeks and then teach online the next one.

Lots of slow walking, cane walking, or taking breaks on the way to classes. It was hard. I wish I had been able to switch my class to online that first semester but I couldn’t.

Every pregnancy is different. With my 3rd I worked up until the day before I went into labor (and she was 2 weeks late :roll_eyes::unamused:). With my 4th I lost my job 3 months before but I could barely walk and I was a server and should have quit long before I got as bad as I did. Your body will tell you when it can’t handle it anymore, it’s up to you to listen to it. With two of my 5 pregnancy’s my body over made relaxin and that shit will make you hurt like hell. Pressure can be normal but make sure you let your doctor know and don’t push yourself.