How long does a brazillian wax last?

How long do you stay bald after a Brazilian wax and how long after does it hurt

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You have hair growth come back in about 2-3 weeks but alot thinner and slower then shaving. It is a quick hurt and the pain doesn’t last.

First one is the worst. Hurts pretty good but isn’t intolerable. It takes a few months to get your hair on the same growth cycle so some hairs may come in sooner than others. The longer you get it done the hair comes back thinner and thinner. I’ve been getting mine done for a couple years now and at this point it is just more of a sting than a hurt and it’s over. My hair is so much thinner even when it grows back it hardly looks like anything at all. I also started doing my armpits a little while ago and it is so nice to not have to shave them every other day!

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I always premedicate with Tylenol and Motrin and LATHER myself in lidocaine cream. It helps :+1:

Minimal growth noticed by 4-5 weeks. Yes it hurts but tolerable.

Hurts more if you go just before your period too