How long does it take to get hand foot mouth after exposure?

How long does exposure to hand foot and mouth take? My kids were exposed 3 days ago. Around baby that was sick with fever, didn’t interact a ton but did a little. Baby next day showed hand foot mouth bumps symptoms. It’s been 3 days since seeing the baby, and we have no symptoms at all. Am I in the clear?


The daycare made us keep my babies out for two weeks because it can show up typically 3-7 days up to 10 days, to run it’s course. Till then keep up the hand washing and washing every thing, and sanitizing. Check the mouth and feet for bumps, inner thighs, tummy sometimes it’ can look just like a small rash or bumps. Babies drool allot and get dehydrated and loose appetite. Common for obvious symptoms with getting fever, sore throat, feeling sluggish.

It took about a week to show up on my kids after visiting the Drs (where I’m assuming they picked it up at because we didn’t go anywhere else before or after other than Walmart the same day)

Yep 7 days later and my son was miserable. We assume he caught it on the little car rides in the mall

With any virus it’s 7- 10 days but go outside of that norm also.

Almost all viruses have a 7-10 day incubation period.

Probably. I used to work in child care. Specifically with infants and toddlers. It’s very contagious, but in all the time I worked in the field, I never caught it. We’d have a couple outbreaks a year and roughly half of the kids would end up with it. I don’t recall how long it takes to show symptoms. Maybev3 to 5 days?

It usually takes an average of 7 days for a virus to appear if you guys caught it

My kids touched nothing the others did, weren’t close at all, etc. Got it within the next week.:man_facepalming: I’m still peeved lol.