How long does it take to lose pregnancy weight?

How long did it take you to lose your pregnancy weight after second baby? My babes are 17 months apart, lost every pound of second pregnancy weight 2 weeks postpartum now I’ve gained it all back 5 months postpartum.


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13 years, and working a very physical job lol. Depends on your body and genetics. How you readjust after pregnancy. Roughly 2 years for your body to get itself back in order for your organs and such, unless you get pregnant again.

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Literally too many variables. Talk to your doctor.


Don’t stress
Your body will decide for you
Some women bounce right
Some women dont

2 years. Put on 30kg, lost 10 straight away, 12 months to lose another 10 and the last 10 after I stopped breastfeeding

So far, 9.5 years :rofl::rofl: I’m just kidding, usually I start losing weight around the 9 months mark

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I’m 11.5 years postpartum and even after losing EVERY lb a few times and as much as I have lost my body is still fucked! He was almost 9lbs and I was 124 before and up till 4 months pregnant with him! He ripped my abdominal muscles a part and was internally so heavy that the weight of his body in my uterus pulled everything down and haven’t been able to physically recover to this day! Good news is that your kids don’t give an f what you look like as long as you are there for them!

It depends on the person I lost almost all of it within a few days of giving birth and I actually wanted to keep some of it on but I have struggled to gain weight most of my life I’m small and it suck’s sometimes

My kiddo will be 14 in 2 weeks - I’m still carrying that weight lol

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First pregnancy, 1 year
Second pregnancy, roughly 2 months

I have a 16 yr old daughter, it went the week after, very quickly… and now my baby boy turned 14 months today… It is just now leaving… All pregnancies are different sweetie :kissing_heart: … I thought maybe it was my age difference between my 2 :thinking:

My kids are teenagers. Still waiting!

I typically end my pregnancies quote a bit lighter than I started them and then I gain it all back and then some with breastfeeding. :joy:

Breastfeeding helps take the weight off. Drink Unfortunately the more you age & the more pregnancies you have the harder it gets, especially that saggy middle.

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Drink lots of water and do consistent exercise in any form, but be gentle. Love your body no matter what shape it’s in. It’s just accomplished a miracle.


Im 2½ years post partum. I still have 10lbs or so in excess baby weight that i cant get rid of

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About 4 weeks for me

Going on 19 years now, I’ll let you know if I actually succeed :joy:


a few weeks for me if that, everyone is different. i didn’t gain much anyway but what i did gain went pretty quick

Took 10 months to gain it give 10 months to lose it. I have 5 children that i breast fed which also helped me

l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15984 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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The second pregnancy is definitely harder. Drink a lot of water, watch what you’re eating for a while, try cutting back on gluten and dairy and try to get some rest. It’s the rest part that gets us. Not sleeping enough can cause weight gain. Soon babies will sleep through the night and it will get a little better

My kids are 40 and 42 still got it

l Get paid over $117 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17454 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Nursing helped me drop all the baby weight for my first one.

l Get paid over $117 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17454 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Everyone’s body is different. Some can lose it fast and easily and others hold on to it for years upon years. Focus on being healthy and enjoying your babies/ life, not “how fast can I lose the weight”.

l Get paid over $117 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17454 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Going on 11 years and counting :joy:

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l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15984 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

It all depends on your motivation too. Nursing helped, but I couldn’t keep up with my twins, and was done after 3 months. I lost most of it by the time they were 2. They’re 7 now, and I’m lighter than I was before them. I follow a program, and exercise often

l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15984 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Just be healthy.
Weight is just a number.
Our bodies change so much from bone structure to metabolism. Some can bounce back and some can never get back to what they were before
Eat right, exercise and remind yourself that you are enough

I’m 7mo pp and I’ve only lost 15lbs lol I still have 30lb to lose

Mine all came back 13yrs later :joy::joy::joy:

A week with my first and 3 months with my second but I’m a smaller built girl. It’s different for everyone. And you just gotta learn to love the body that gave you those babes

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I’m at a little over 19 years and still trying to get some of it off. :sob:

If all depends on you. If your active, work out, eat healthy, you could loose it pretty quick, 4 months. Also depends on your age, health and genes.