How long does it take to recover from having your tubes tied?

I’m getting my tubes tied once I deliver. Does anyone know the recovery? Does it add a lot to your postpartum recovery?


Mine was horrible! I had a csection (2nd one) and the pain was more intense. I felt super bloated and just plain uncomfortable ( more than with my 1st) I definitely felt the difference. Same recovery time though. About 6 weeks

I had my tubes taken out after delivery, and it was about 2 weeks that I was sore and couldn’t bend much. But after that no complications and barely can see the incision!

I had off and on pains for a year

Plan for at least two weeks of downtime after a vaginal birth and 6 weeks for a c-section!
Unfortunately, it does hurt!

I had mine done a few months after it was only a weekend down

I had my tubes tied right after my 3rd csection. It was definitely alot different than my previous 2 csections. At one point I literally felt like an elephant was on my chest and my ribs were breaking. ( Doctor told me it was bc they had my placenta outside of my body at the time) not sure if that was true or what it was from. But the recovery was easy peasy. Nothing added to recovery time or the recovery process.

I had mine done 8 weeks post partum and took my 8 week old and 4 year old tent camping 3 days later. The day of I was a little sore but other than that completely fine.


I also had mine dine with 3rd c section and there def Was a differnce. Alot more pain that previous c section but recovery time wa about the same more or less 6 weeks.

I had clamps after my second child. Very fast healing, no issues.

Mine was awful. Bout a month. I could hardly move…dont even think about coughing or sneezing.

I had mine done after I had my 3rd and recovery was wayyyyy more painful and I was breastfeeding so could only take Tylenol, which helped some but damn those first few weeks were rough. By the time I had my post partum check up things were pretty much good though.

Took me three weeks with a c-section and my baby is 3 weeks old

I had mine done the day after I delivered my son I was sore for about 3 days my gallbladder was worse I couldn’t move for 3 or 4 days from that my tubes I was able to get up & do normal stuff

God it was horrible. Had an emergency c section with my 6th baby and 2 weeks later had my tubes tied god i was in pain for weeks

I had a full hysterectomy and was able to do normal things a few days later but was told not to exert myself or do any strenuous activity for at least 2 weeks. I only needed 5 days of pain killers and the rest of the healing was fine :slightly_smiling_face:

For me it was very painful I felt the entire process and for several days I was in a lot of pain. It Made me have heavier periods and cramping for years. The only plus is not having any
More children.

I had mine out after 3rd c-section and didn’t notice much of a difference in pain or healing time!

I was down for 5 days after all 4 csections and the last I had my tubes tied with so everyone is different

I was in pain until gas they pump in abdomen was gone. Now cramps are worse and I feel a little discomfort when my body is trying to ovulate

I’ve had 4 planned c sections, tubes tied during the last one. Recovery was the same after all of them.
For me it didn’t make any difference.
I left hospital 12 hours after my first section,
As soon as my numbness wore off with my second ( my baby nephew 6 weeks old passed away the same day)
But I stayed on with 3rd and 4th because they had to stay in.
It all depends on how well you will recover. Xx

I got mine done 2 months after my youngest was born. I would’ve done it when I had him but there was an insurance mix up. I was rearranging furniture the same day. I felt no discomfort or pain and was doing what I usually do within hours.

I had mine done after my 2nd c-section with twins and I didn’t notice any difference in recovery between the two at all.

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I walked out of the hospital and stopped at walmart the day of.

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About a day or two. After the extra gas leaves your system you should be good to go

I had mine tied about two weeks ago! I felt healed and back to normal after 4 days and my doctor cleared me to go back to my normal routine at my 1 week checkup!

Lmao I legit got mine done the day after giving birth, and left that afternoon & it was like nothing happened. It’s not really recovery time when your forced to be a new mom right away again. But if it’s been a while since you’ve had a baby and getting it done then I imagine it’s take a week or so to carefully get back to normal…

I had mine removed and it took about 2 weeks maybe less for me. I’m also within an hour after birth ready to go do my normal daily stuff too.

It’s was about the car ride home when the Anastasia wore off I went back to work that Monday so I had the weekend off

I got mine burnt. 3 days later i was fine.

I had mine done 2 months postpartum, I had a newborn, 2 and a half year old, and almost 4 year old. The first 2 or 3 days I was moving a little slower, but that was it. Then had a hysterectomy 7 years later, after a week and a half I was hiking to a waterfall with a friend and my kids. Didn’t take any pain medications after leaving the hospital for either. Everyone is different though.

My hospital wouldn’t do my tubal ligation after delivery. They said I would have to wait for my first postpartum checkup appt to schedule the surgery. They said they don’t like doing the tubals right after vaginal deliveries…

I was 43 when I had mine done. I went home a few hours after the procedure. I never had any soreness, or pain and I never had any problems with my periods.

No i don’t think so . I got mine tied when I delivered and I didn’t see a difference. The only thing now is my periods are actually painful and very very heavy , which before I had a iud so I never had a period . So that part sucks if u aren’t used to having one

It took me a week to almost 2 weeks to fully recover. It was the gas they used to blow me up settling in my shoulders that hurt the most. It was pretty rough and I was glad my mom was here to help me.

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I was out the next day back to my normal. Although I felt fine definitely rest your body afterwards bc I do think I’ve had sharp random pains inside due to it and tummy (lower) pains. Also when my period comes on now I get bloated and tender and severe cramps like 3x a year.

I got it when my son was 4 months old. I would recommend doing right after delivery when you are recovering already. That way if your husband/significant other takes off for delivery, they are there to help. You need at least two weeks but it was much harder when my baby was bigger.

One of my friends had twins then had it done and she said it was just the normal postpartum soreness. I had mine done when my youngest was 5 and it wasn’t too painful. After 2 days I went back to my normal routine other than lifting anything heavy. I have a high pain tolerance so I guess it’s different for everyone. The first period after you have it done is normally super heavy though. It was one of the best decision I have ever made!! Good luck momma!:heart:

I didn’t have it done after delivery. I had it done 2 years later and except for some gas absolutely no pain at all.


I had mine removed. But 8 years after my last delivery. It wasn’t bad. But I’ve had c sections so that’s what I have to compare it to lol. Sore mostly. The periods are what’s annoying.

After having a traditional delivery I was wheeled back within the hour to have my tubal I felt pretty decent after 3 days that’s my normal self by the end of the week

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I just had my tubes removed and was only sore for 3 days. I’m 10 days after having it done and I feel like my old self. I didn’t have very much pain with mine.

I have had two children. After my second I decided to have a tubal right after delivery. There was no pain and no difference then having my son. But your period are horrible with heavy bleeding and very painful cramps.

I think it all depends on the person and their body I had mine two weeks after I gave birth and was normal self 3 to 4 days later the only thing that really hurt was when I was feeding baby he would kick my stomach or press on it real hard and it hurt

I had mine done when my son was 2. I think I was down for about 2 days. Then right back to normal. It wasn’t bad at all.

I had mine done when I had my c-section. Recovery was no different from my first. Only difference was I hardly bled after my first, and actually bled with my second.

I would wait i had mine done 6 weeks after giving birth on a Thursday and was back to work and feeling fine that Monday

It took me about a week to feel better. I didn’t have it done at the same time I gave birth though.

I thought it was painful. I had vaginal delivery and then my tubal. Took about 3 weeks for the sourness and pain to go away.

None for me? Had it done immediately after my c-section was done while still on the operating table.

It was fine. Didn’t make a bit of difference

Hi! So i had a c section with my now 8 year old. Then had a Ectopic pregnancy in 2017 almost died… I lost the baby at 6 weeks and my right tube. Was told my chances at another were cut in half. Tried and tried and nothing so I quit trying and ended up pregnant. Delivered a healthy 8lb baby boy and tied my left tube healed up from it in 3 or 4 weeks. Periods are painful though

Not bad at time of delivery.

I had it done after my second child. I was uncomfortable for a couple weeks, but nothing unbearable.

I had mine done the day after I had my son. I had no pain just a small cut under my belly button. Was a little sensitive but took a week or two for it to feel better.

I went to work the next day (desk job )

My periods became horrible after my tubes were tied.


I had a csection and tubal and didn’t notice any more pain then normal from the csection

I was back to normal two days tops!

Mine was not bad went home in normal time

I was fine after the 3rd-4th day. The 1st day for me was horrible tho

It only took me 2 days.

Had mine tied on a friend and back to work on Monday

I had mine removed
I had cramps for a few days then I was fine

I had it done when I had my c section. It took me about 2 weeks

Few weeks for me, they butchered me lol.

Had mine right after birth and it was no big deal.

I had mine we I had my daughter via c section. No problems.

The doctor will put you out of work for a month.

Don’t do it! They don’t tell you about all the possible side effects!

I would recommend waiting 6 weeks. I had my tubal 24 hours after birth. I was up walking around and feeling fine after giving birth and before the tubal. After having it done, I couldn’t get around very well for about 3 to 4 weeks. It was MISERABLE!!! I have talked to many who waited the 6 weeks and they were up and around in about a week… Having it done right after birth is such a harder time!!

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I know it’s not relevant and doesnt help but I’ve been wanting to ask, are you able to get your tubes tied even though it’s been awhile since you’ve given birth? Due to recent departures I honestly dont want anymore doesn’t matter that I’m “too young” I deliberately do not want any more kids and would rather not have to deal with abortion or birth control when I can just get my tubes tied…

I got pregnant right after tubial.lost baby at three months.I didn’t know I was pregnant.the Dr said 1 in 2 thousand gets pregnant.had to have surgery again.I was 1 in a million with second surgery.periods was a nightmare.good news 1 had 2 the year I turned 46.haven’t saw a spot since.20 years.

Had my done an hour after having my fifth daughter, gave up a boy lol. Same recovery time as suggested with any birth. I was out of town of the hospital the next day. No problems. Good luck love. :sparkling_heart::two_hearts:

I didn’t have tubes tied, but had a laparascopy for other reasons, same procedure for tube removal/tied. I was done for a week

I had my tubes actually removed during my last c-sec. It wasnt bad. I would actually clarify if they are tying or removing. Benefits to removal are 1) they cant come undone and 2) removes addtl cancer risks. My doc told me that a lot of cases of ovarian cancer manifest in tubes so my chances are lower by removing them.

I will say that the first several periods after the removal sucked. Heavy, painful. I cant undoubtedly say there was a direct correlation though because I have other stuff happening.

I had mine done the day after I delivered my third child. It was very painful for a few days, but was back to normal after that. Since then, I have extreme cramping during the first couple of days of my period, which I never had before.

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Few days and I was fine

If you’re having it done during a c-section it adds nothing different to your recovery time.

First hours or so I was in a lot of pain. Then for 2 days I couldn’t really bend over or lift things but by day 3 I was fine.
I had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery with no cuts or tears. I delivered on 7/26/20 and had my tubes tied 7/27/20

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I got mine removed. I was fine in hr or so… light lifting for week or two.

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I had my tubes done 6 week post. I was up and doing my normal thing the next day.

I had mine done right after delivery on my 4th child. I was really sore the 1st day by the 3rd day I was fine.

I was back to work after a couple days but it was a couple years after the birth of my youngest.

Had it done 2 weeks and you will need help