How long does tiredness last in early pregnancy

You’ll be tired for the rest of your life now :woman_shrugging:t5:

9 months + 18 years :joy:

Until they move out!!!

It’s different for everyone :woman_shrugging:t2:

Til.the kid graduates college

The rest of your life :joy::joy::joy:

All the live long day

For the rest of your life, welcome​:wink::upside_down_face:

I’m 30 and my mother is still tired. Mostly tired of my shit but tired none the less


For the rest of your life

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For the rest of your life !


Just get use to it lol

Forever! Lol you think your tired now lol

For the rest of your life…:joy::joy::joy:

for the rest of your life

Oh…I’m still tired hun.

The rest of your existence

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For the rest of your life

The rest of your life

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Forever. You will never sleep again

The rest of your life

The rest of your life!! Lol​:heart::heart::heart:

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Hahahaha!! Silly girl!!!

The rest of your life …

For the rest of your life

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Forever this is your life now… lol

Oh honey bless your heart

Last forever :laughing:

Welp, my oldest is 14 and I’m still tired, so…


Edith Swenson. Lol smh :woman_facepalming:t4: we always tired

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For the rest of your life

These comments tho :joy::joy::joy:

The rest of your life

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For the rest of your life

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This is your life now :rofl::rofl: Godspeed lol xx

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Lol it never goes away

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You’ll be tired until you die​:grin::woman_shrugging:t3::heart:

The rest of your life

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The rest of your life!!!

For the rest of your life…

You will just be tired now… forever…

The rest of your life😂 just kidding lol

The rest of your life

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For the rest of your life!! :joy::joy:

For the rest of your life. Lol

The whole time. Good luck!!

Till they graduate college

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I have been tired through out the whole thing. 1st trimester was pretty rough with the morning sickness, 2nd trimester was a little better, for a few weeks I felt great, didn’t feel so tired or achey, then 3rd trimester hit and I feel it’s the hardest, I feel just as tired as 1st trimester if not more tired, out of breath easily, and hard to bend to pick anything up. This is my first pregnancy. I’m currently 32 weeks.


I was exhausted for 3-4 weeks straight with really bad morning sickness. Then I wasn’t so tired, but still had morning sickness until week 16-17 I think. I’m now in my third trimester and I’m back to being tired, but I also work 9, hours on my feet for work and now my feet are starting to swell. Might be easier for someone else who has a more relaxed job

My babe is 14 months and I’m still tired…

For real though, I was tired through the whole thing. Got a little better during the 2nd trimester then back to 2 naps a day at least during the 3rd

Until your child moves out on their own. I really don’t know, my child didn’t sleep all night until she was 5. When daughter was awake, so was I.


My second trimester wasn’t bad. And the about 30 weeks and up cause my nesting got so bad I couldn’t sleep. And then for the rest of your life.

Approximately 18-20 years


With my first pregnancy it lastest until the 3rd trimester than go better until I had my son. With this pregnancy I’m always tried. But I think that’s because I have a one year old and 25 weeks +6 days pregnant.

I was tired in late pregnancy. But couldn’t sleep which made it worse. Morning sickness was the only issue I had in early pregnancy. Both late and early pregnancy suck. Mid-pregnancy is the only good phase.

For the rest of your life lol

But honestly usually just the 1st trimester. I was a zombie with my 1st and 2nd for the first 10 weeks.

About 9 months. It gets worse after the birth with sleepless nights.

About 18 years or till the last kid leaves home.


From watching my flatmate, I know the answer is at least 12 months :rofl:

(At the very least, the tiredness sure lasts longer than the pregnancy!!)

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totally depends on you it is different for everyone and every pregnancy

Technicallyyyy they say by the 2nd trimester it gets better. I’m 18 weeks and I still feel exhausted some days, but not as bad as the first 14-ish months.

Usually, he’ll fall asleep for a while after impregnating but the effects shouldn’t last longer than several hours…


Only the first 45 years or so…


The tiredness you feel during pregnancy is nothing compared to the tiredness you experience until the baby sleeps all night.

Until the baby moves out about 20 or so

During and beyond until they’re about 27!:rofl::rofl::rofl:


At least until the kid reaches high school.

Sorry but it lasts approximately 90 years.

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Through the next one and for the next 18 years but I’ll let you know when it’s over


My oldest is 12 and youngest almost 1.5 and I’ve never once in 12 years felt like I’ve got enough sleep lol :rofl::laughing::rofl::laughing::laughing:. 5 hrs will start to feel like 10 though and we adapt bc were momma’s and we can do anything!!! But believe we’re going to do it tired!!! :yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face::heart::heart::heart:

The fatigue ends when the child leaves gone!

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Enjoy pregnancy tired. Because “once the baby is here” tired is a whole new level of tired.

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I had tiredness all throughout my pregnancy. Took naps and slept my 8 hours. :sleepy:

Woman. I,m 65 and still tired


The first 18 years?!?!?


Till they turn 25… kidding For me first trimester was the worst until right near delivery.

If u have no other kids…not long if you already have a child or two…nine months

Almost 15 years so far…

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It goes away? Lol. Mine lasted 12ish weeks

In 34 weeks and it hasn’t stopped :joy:


Only the first 22years

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9 months through pregnancy, then the first 18 years.

When ya get up at 5am for work while pregnant, the answer is always lol

Until they move out of your house :joy:


45 years! Because you never stop worrying about them.

My oldest is 19 years old and I’m still tired lol


About eighteen years then they move out. LOL

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Don’t expect to feel rested ever again…welcome to motherhood

Mine just turned 1, haven’t been well rested since before I got pregnant

The rest of your life :two_hearts:


At least the next 20 years…

Actually comes and goes up til last month when ya just wanna nest.

About 18 years .
My eldest is 10 and I’m still tired :joy:


Until they leave home Tam
( dad ) :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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A kabazillion years. Give or take.


Get use to that hunny. You’re gonna be tired for the rest of your life

At least until they are 21, could go way longer ….:blush:

Well im 27 weeks and still tired sooo the whole time + newborn +toddler stages

Until they are at least 20 years old :rofl:

At least 18 yrs & 9months.


18 years, until they got to university, good luck :+1: