With that being said, how long did you sit at 3cm dilated? I’ve had membranes stripped, and before my doc did that I was at a 3. Went into the hospital that next morning, was still at a 3. Don’t have any strong or regular contractions happening.
I’ve been sitting between a 3-4cm for 4 weeks now
Every pregnancy and every person is different. Baby will come when baby is ready!
With my 3rd I was at a 4/5 for 2 weeks.
I was a three for a week until my water broke and then 3 for several hours before they decided to give me Pitocin
I was induced and stuck at 5, never got any farther… so she was a c-section baby.
Dilation means nothing if your body & baby isn’t ready for active labor yet I know it sucks!
Induced last 3 mine is when get to 5 within 30 min I’m 10. Before can be slow but I have to have my waters broke. Though 3rd was 6 hrs start to finish. All are different. I’ve 5 kids currently pregnant I know none was the same
4 days then a 5 hour natural birth lol
when i arrived at the birthing center around 8:40ish in the morning i was 4cm. they kept me there and he was born 10:12 at night
Water broke morning of C-section by the time It was time to get the c section I was at a 4 in about 7 hours. Idk after that cuz I jsit did the c section
I was a solid 0 right up to the point of labour. Even for baby 3 born at 41 3
Every body is different and there is no set answer
Never was had C-section with both
When my dr did that to me I was in full blown labor within an hour and a half. Left office at 2cm and was 6 by time I got to hospital that was with my first born
I went from 3cm to birthing my daughter in 3 hours. It was also my 3rd baby. This was 6 days ago too