How long would you leave a 7 year old alone for?

No. To many weirdo’s out now. To young

I was left alone when I was 7. Granted my brother’s were supposed to watch me but they always left lmao

No time! 7 is way too young to be left alone…at all…ever!!


7 is too young. Mine would probably be scared I wouldn’t even think about it I didn’t leave my kids alone my eldest was 13 and the longest I let her alone for was to run to the grocery store

Zero seconds … 1/2 the time I’m afraid of what that boy will get into in the time it takes me to open the door and check the mail !

Hell no. Unfortunately not in this day of age

7 is way to young to be left alone for any amount of time.

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It scares me to think that someone would even consider this :pleading_face:


My son is 7 and I can’t imagine leaving him alone at all.

No. Too young and immature.

Uuhhh no! No! Not ever!

Wtf is this a serious question? NEVER!!!

Most social workers will tell you even though there’s no state law on age, they suggest at least 12 years old and even then 2 hours tops. Really depends on the situation and how much you trust your child. Mines ab to be 12 and I don’t plan on leaving them home alone anytime soon. Way too many people with ulterior motives out there when it come to ya kids. Not worth the chance at all. Imho.

Never!! I have 5… Never ever leave a child unattended!!

I was home alone at 7 after school. But only for about an HR.
In today’s world, someone would call the cops. So, I wouldn’t.

Ahh my daughter will be 7 this year and there is no way I’d leave her home alone! Much much too young! Anything could happen within 1 minute - 1 hour


Wayyy too young :scream::scream::scream:

You leave your child alone when they done with school so for me it’s 18 years old an sorry a minor is still a minor


Hold on! You can give CPS a quick call. I’m sure they can come right on over! Never!!

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Depends on the kid. My 8 year old i could trust to be home if I’m not far away for a half hour to an hour. She has a phone, knows not to answer the door etc. Ive never really had to leave her but I could trust her home alone. My 11 year old on the other hand I could probably leave him alone for the same amount of time, but id be way more nervous about his maturity

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It really depends on how long…an old friend of mine used to let her 7-8 year old get off the school bus and let himself into their house, lock the door behind him until she got home from work less then an hour later.
I’ve left my children home alone before to walk to the convenience store a couple blocks away.

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Maybe if child is responsible and your going nextdoor for no more than 15 minutes tops and that’s pushing it

I personally wouldn’t leave my 7yr old home alone. I’d leave him home with his older sisters, but not alone. That’s just crazy to me as a mom. That being said, I started being left alone at 6 (my by step grandma) and had to watch my little brother and cousin too. It was only for short periods, but nonetheless I wouldn’t be doing that with my own kids.

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Way to young. Would not leave alone at all


We didn’t allow our daughter to stay home until 6th grade

Depends on the maturity of the child.

Long enough for me to sneeze!


Not at all. That’s way to young.


I would never leave my 7 year old home alone.

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Never leave a 7 year old alone they are not mature enough to be alone at that age.

What??? 7 years old??? No frigging way…I won’t even leave my 11 year old or 13 year old home alone…You can say all you like about they are mature etc etc but accidents do happen in the home in seconds and you would have to live with that.


lol long enough to make a serious bathrooom call.


Not at all, ever. If i go, my son go too

I’ll go check the mail at the end of the block no issue

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Never! They are not savvy enough or responsible enough to be left alone. I have left my 7 yr old with my 16 yr old son while I nip to the shop, for 10 mins or so. But that’s it.

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My daughter would be left home alone for 30 minutes…she’d get off the bus from school right outside our house and I’d leave work when school finished which was 20-30 minute drive.Only then she was alone and rung me when she wakes in the door from school.



I wouldn’t leave a 7 year old at home alone, but if I were to pop out to the mailbox or have a chat with someone on the driveway I’d leave the child inside for a minute or two.

However long it may take to take something out to or bring something in from our detached garage or to check the mailbox. I’m not going any further than that.

My daughter is 7 an she won’t even go to the restroom at night alone with out a house full of lights on . No 7 year old should be left alone

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No. I think 7 is way to young to be on their own.

Actually alone? Not at all. Stepping outside while they’re inside, sure but not going anywhere that you cannot access them within a minute for safety issues.
My state minimum recommendation for 3 hours and under is 10.


Never would j leave a young child alone
Let a lone
Can’t imagine any mother would

Maybe if you’re going out to check the mail but that’s about it.

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I was a 7 yo granted it was also 1997 but I got of the bus alone with a key and went it did what I was supposed to and just be chilling till time for bed I had a whole routine. But these kids these day are cut from different cloth and don’t even get me started the parents that are the problem I’m sure this will get backlash but I said what I said it’s your fault that 7 can’t be home alone for a little while like a couple hours or so.


Definitely no. Here, guidelines are at 9 can start to leave them for 1/2 hr max…As by 12 can babysit…

Personally, too young.

I mean if I HAD to my 7 yo is self Sufficient and would be able to take care of himself for the day but I wouldn’t ever want to

7 years old? Erm… Maybe a minute while I take the bins out?


What year are we talking?? Cause I was 5 playing in the woods n creek getting into trouble then… This childs capable of peeing and feeding them self if there going hours starved? So how long of a time are you talking… You guys act like kids are incapable of life.


Honestly can’t believe some of the responses here….

I was left home alone many times at 7 nothing happened ive run to get medicines when my child is poorly in bed shops only 2 minutes away


No. My son is 7, I consider him a good kid, but way too many things can go wrong. They go wrong when I’m here lol They don’t have the experience, mature judgement, and skills needed to be home alone at that age. 7 isn’t an “it just depends on the kid” age lol

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God no never… with my 19 year old maybe 30 mins

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My son is 8 and I can’t imagine leaving him alone for any period of time.

Not at all that’s far too young

You just wouldnt! :woman_facepalming:

Not at all. Just No. Adult supervision required.

Nope. I have a 7 year old and would not leave him alone!

My kids would be fine (7 and 9) but wouldn’t incase I had a car crash or something and couldn’t return

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No way never at that age…I’m even hesitant to leave my nearly 13 year old alone lol

Maybe tell a neighbour if you need to leave them alone for a few min

No not at all. In Texas there is.

It really depends on the self reliance and responsibility of the kid. But I personally never did with my daughter at that age. Lol my fears were more of it she would get into my make up or something and play in it

How responsible is the child?
How long are you going to leave them alone for?
Am or Pm?
How far away are you going?
What type of neighborhood do you live in?
All this has to be answered before hand.

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We were home alone at 7,8 and 9.

Never is my opinion at that age maybe 12 onwards

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No way far to,Young to,be left

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Never. Far too young

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I wouldn’t leave them alone at all at just 7 years old

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In Japan, in our culture, we start teaching very young kids to be responsible about your own cares. Some kids go to school about 30minutes to 1 hour away by themselves starting 1st grade. And after school, they can go home with their own house key until parents come back from their work. So it’s the culture. In the US norm is not leave kids alone. And in Japan, norm is kids can be alone with guidance. But do as romans do, I would not practice one culture believe in another country. It causes too much misunderstanding.


Wtf did I just read… no you do not . Maybe at 15.


We all are different. I would say not longer than 2 hours

Um, no way in H*** I would leave a 7 year old home alone in this day and age. I won’t even leave my 11 year daughter or 12 year old step son home alone. Kids are so far behind developmentally compared to when my generation were kids and the world in general is just more dangerous.


If I left my 7yr old at home I’d probably come home to no house :rofl:

Just depends on how far away an adult would be, how long the adult will be gone. Like my kids stay at home sometimes but I can see the front door of my house from where I’m at. We usually have big cookouts for us and the neighbors and the kids will go home or I’ll take them home and put them to bed then go back outside. Our yards connect and I am still outside where I can see the house. They also have computers that has kids messenger on them and they can call me if need be.

No way. Each to their own but I definitely wouldn’t

Absolutely not. No way at 7.

Definitely not old enough to be left alone

Madeline McCañn springs to mind.

I wouldn’t. I don’t even leave my 8 year old home alone

There is a lot to consider here that is not listed. Maturity of the child how long will they be away how far away will the person be away. We have been leaving my kids “alone” for a while but we are still technically on property just doing things where they aren’t at like cutting down a tree or mowing but we live on 65 acres so we aren’t right next to the house but can be there within 2 minutes if they call.


Na not at 7 far to young maybe 13/15 and defo if can be wild naughty n usually bein watched x

How is this even a question. Who in there right mind would leave a 7 year old alone at home :woman_facepalming::disappointed:


No never 7 is way way to young to be left alone…too many things can happen even in a short amount of time.

This is indiana law/guidelines for unsupervised child

No … what sort of question is that! No way.

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Why would any parent leave a child of tgat age alone that is so wrong on so many levels, teenagers can look after themselves but not any younger than 13​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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7? Hell no. My daughters 7 in a couple of months and she’s very capable etc for her age. But no.

You mean alone watching TV or alone sleeping. Anything outside of that I’m calling the police Susan.


I’m afraid to leave my 7 year old alone in the house when she’s asleep and I have to walk her little brother down the street to the bus stop. I can see the house from his stop and it’s only a 2 minute walk because it’s uphill and I hate leaving her there alone.

My son is 9 and I wouldn’t leave him alone if I went out.

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Did you not just see the news recently ,an American mother has been jailed because she left her 14 year old in charge babysitting cause she had to work

If the child has parents that work long hours. Maybe be a good person and check on the child? Not everyone can afford child care or find someone to help with their children. So before jumping to CPS, ask a hand. I have a 7year old. No I haven’t left him a lone he has older brothers if I or dad are late at work.

I would never do it but In the state of Michigan there is no age limit on how old they have to be to stay home by themselves. It’s the parents decision if u think the child is responsible enough.

I wouldn’t leave my 7yr old alone at all. My kids are unpredictable.

Only while I go to the loo but that’s about it!

Who leaves a child that age home alone. Honestly don’t understand some parents choices.

Not at all, what the fuck.

Never. My daughter will be 9 end of April and there’s no way I’d leave her alone for any period of time

I don’t even like leaving my 7 year old alone while I shower during the day :neutral_face: