How many c-sections are considered okay?

I had 6… and long as your body can handle it as many as you want

Depends on how you were cut. I had a t incision on my uterus because my first got stuck, they couldn’t pull him through the low transverse incision. I was told by 5 different doctors/specialists/midwives no more than 3. I also had to have my last 2 prematurely to reduce risk of rupture.

Everytime after the first carries risks. A big one is the placenta attaching to your scar and tearing it open as the baby grows.

I was told when I was having my second that they would strongly suggest I tried vaginal if I wanted to have more babies. They said they would do more csections if I really didn’t want to try vaginal but they strongly recommend not to have more than 2. The more you have, the higher at risk you and baby are at. This is what my surgeon told me.

I’ve had 5 no problems and barely scar tissue. My Dr cleared me to have a 6th if I wanted to

I had 4 between 2010-2018 and my dr cleared me for at least 6 more before she would be concerned about my scar thinning :slightly_smiling_face: to clarify I’m not having 6 more even with medical clearance . I stopped at 4 and had my tubes tied .

I had 3… 4yrs apart. My first was an emergency and my son was 2 month premature. My 2nd pg they told me it would be dangerous to attempt vaginal birth… I was told 3 c-sections is all. And that was all I wanted.

I have had 4 altogether. I asked to be fixed…instead of tying my tubes (i signed for that surgery along with my c section ) the Dr took my tubes without asking me to sign paperwork first.

I “assume” after the 3rd the risk of having issues increase and that’s why some doctors will cap at 3 just to be safe… then there’s some doctors that will let you keep going until you can’t go anymore.
I say go to a doctor and talk to them about it, and then you decide if you want to go through it again.

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Until you decide youre done…lol

It depends on how much scar tissue you get with each c-section.


My dr highly discouraged a fifth

I had three c-sections.

I’ve had 2. I was told 3, but that I was too high risk after my youngest. I’m not gonna risk it.

I have a friend who had all c sections with 4 babes. I honestly think you should talk to a gynecologist. Every ones bodies are different :heart::blush:

I’ve had 4. Had my tubes tied after the 3rd… but got pregnant again anyway!!! This was the hardest one though. Placenta attached to uterus so I had to have a partial hysterectomy. But all 4 were healthy!!!

I was told by my doc its 4 unless certain curcumstances

Having my third in a few weeks…the excitement and simultaneous anxiety rn is crazy.

You’re not SOL to have a vaginal birth if you have already had a csection. Great VBAC doctors are out there

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I’ve had 3, the last one was really complicated due to the first two. I’ve been told it’s to dangerous for me to have any more.

ETHEL KENNEDY had a ton of them and that was in the 60 & 70s when they weren’t as advanced…and also I had 3…

My Daughter-in-law has had 5…and not by choice…was only recommend it 4 children, but due to medical misadventure, by surgeon…finished up having baby no 5 , plus another ceasar…All babies are dearly loved, and are well…Praise God

A lot of it depends on the size of the window after the last. My daughter had 5. There was nothing from preventing her from having another.

Im getting 5th done in May

I’ve had three. During my last csection i was told my scar tissue looked excellent. I didn’t want anymore so I had my tubes tied after my 3rd.

I was told 3 by my OB.

I was told 3 was the limit. On the 4th it will require a complete historectomy.

Ive had 4 and my OB is ok with another one

C-sections are painful but totally worth it. Only took me a week to fully heal.

I’ve had 4 and doctor never told me to not have anymore, I think as long as you have a healthy c-section without complications then I’d say keep going

I know some one who’s had 7 children and 7 c- sections

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I would talk to your OB since everyones body is different. Lots of factors into a c-section such as the healing and how your body handles it each time and ect ect. For example my grandmother was only able to have 1 but my aunt had 3.

I’ll have my 5th csection, 6th baby, this August and no one has ever told me that… however, I’m certainly done. (my last (4th) csection was twin girls.)


I had 2 c sections. My aunt had 5

I’ve had 3. That’s one of the reasons why I didn’t have more. The more c sections you have, it gets risky. I wasn’t comfortable having anymore.

I think it depends on the scarring and how you heal and recover.

I had 3 c sections. I was told not to have anymore, but I had several complications. My ex’s wife has had 5 c sections. Shes been considered high risk the last 2.

I had 2. And I stopped on my own, but nobody said anything about stopping. I know ppl with 6 kids/ same story.

I think it all depends on the womans body and how things went. I had a C section due to health issues and the OB told Me I shouldnt have anymore, defiently nomore than 2, but also know woman that had multiple and did great. I think it depends on the person

When I had my c section they explained after as it was an emergency that the most u can have is 3. The reason being is everytime they have to cut through scar tissue which becomes harder and harder to cut. 3 is most dangerous. Also it gets more painful the more u have for the above reasons. I wouldn’t reccomend putting your self at risk nor the baby. But then there are people who go on to have more. But I just wouldn’t risk.

(From UK) they advise 3 c sections is the best as the more you have the more riskier it becomes but it’s how you recover, how your body handles it. I know people who have had 4 + though. X

My sister had 6 cesareans

I was told 3. But in saying that my Dr did say any c section after the 1st one can be dangerous.

Strict orders for bed rest w third.

My sister had 5 her doctor said not to have more then 3 but yeah to late

I’ve had 5 children, 3 sections and have been told if I have any more babies they will have to be delivered by section.

Dr told me 3 is the cap

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My friend has had 4 babies c section

My mom had 4 because 30 years ago they didn’t allow you to “v-back” if you had a c-section plus I was delivered by emergency c-section because she was in a sever car accident

hell my husbands ex had 4 pretty much back to back after 4 kids and one being twins.
I was told by my old doctor 3 c section was the “safest” number

i think it depends on how amazing your OB is

I had 4. My doctor did one a week before mine and it was the ladies 7th!!! He said it was like cutting through cement… :woman_facepalming:t3: but i guess it’s possible.

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I have had 4 c sections

I’ve had 4. 2005,2008,2009 & 2010.

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There are people whom have had many c-sections, but in general, I’ve seen most physicians generally recommended no more than 3 or 4 c-sections.

My mom had 6 csection for the same reason. It really depends on the person and the doctor.

I had 4 with 1 abruption…the abrubtion was with my 1st and I just chose after my 4th to have a tubal

i know someone who had 5

Ive had 3 it was easier each time