To the other homeschooling stay at home cook from scratch moms, how many hours a day are you all spending on housework? I feel like it’s all day every day (okay less dramatically, at least 4 hours of tidying, kitchen work, regular chores and deep cleaning) and it’s got me wondering, am I not doing something right or is this just what it is?
2-3 hour deep clean on weekends and maybe 30 min a day during the week. Our house stays pretty clean
I spend about 6 hours between 7am and 9pm cleaning
I honestly clean alllllll day. I hate a dirty house… I have 8 kids ages 17-1 month and they do also have chores… But since we clean everyday its not much to do all day honestly but i clean up as we go… Its makes it easier instead of letting mess pile up!
Deep clean on weekend. Pick up and wipe down through the week. Kids have duties depending on age. Four hours seems like a lot so something definitely is off lol. Make a list to plan out days and what you want to do those days.
I don’t homeschooling, but it’s get up get kids ready drop the oldest at school, come home breakfast for the Littles then clean till pick up, back home homework dinner baths and more cleaning then bed. So basically all day. Seems like I have it spotless and wake up to a mess all over again.
I work full time morning shift while the kids (i have 4) are in school. I clean and pick up every day after work before I do dinner and bathe my youngest. Laundry, counters, dishes, cat boxes, and sweeping are daily/mopping once a week unless needed. Wipe down the bathroom area 2-3 times a week. Vacuum 2-3 times a week. I have 8 cats and one dog. Dusting and cobwebs weekly. Bedding every 2 weeks unless needed. I wrote all the house stuff down for certain days and try to follow it. All in all if things are kept picked up daily then it’s not too bad. 1-2 hours a day cleaning. Usually twice a month a
I will try to deep clean everything but that is difficult sometimes. I’m still working out the kinks in some of the stuff I do. I don’t want to spend all my time cleaning. When I was a stay at home mom with my Littles. I felt like all I did was clean clean clean clean and more cleaning. It’s exhausting, mentally and emotionally draining, and alot of the time thankless. Couldn’t even tell that I cleaned all the time. Things will get easier. Got a make a routine for it and try to stick to it as best ya can. Good luck
I work full time. 5am to 1pm. I then pick my daughter up at 2:15 from school. Straight into homework and cleaning the house till 4:30 then it’s time to start dinner. Then it’s into clean up after dinner and not long after it’s bed time routine for the next day at school. I get to bed at about 9pm but can’t sleep for a few hours so I’m exhausted all the time. It’s my now normal and I’m running on empty but if I don’t do it then it won’t get done. It’s just the way life is but they are only small for a short time. None of this is forever
Sometimes 0 sometimes 4 hours but with 2 small kids the house is always messy regardless. (Messy meaning some toys and clothes, it’s always clean no dishes or trash around) but there’s always random stuff that needs to back to it’s “home” (hair brushes in the living room kind of thing) it drives me crazy
I spend at least 4 to 6 hours doing mundane, house cleaning laundry chores. EVERY FRICKEN DAY TIL I DIE!
Try doing the same things every day….wipe counters,sweep,laundry…plan your meals and have chores for the kids to help out….
Im a full time mom, full time college student, full time worker, and a farm to keep up with everyday. I have one room that I use as a playroom. The kds go to school during the day, once we get home i give them a snack, juice, and put on tv while I clean. Once cleaning is done, we either go outside or play in the playroom and do activities so they dont mess up the house! Hope this helps! Also, I try to clean while they sleep as well!
I must be doing something wrong. I never spent that many hours cleaning my house when I had kids and worked full time
That sounds about right when you have kids lol
4 hours a day!! Your house can not be that dirty