How many hours is maternity leave?

Question. How many hours is it now for maternity leave? I heard it got lowered due to covid. Any info would be greatly appreciated currently four months pregnant and wondering if it’s even worth it to work to get maternity leave. *mind you, I am on disability, but don’t make enough to pay my rent. So I need other options.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How many hours is maternity leave?

If you are currently working, I would contact HR about it. It may be different with different companies. Like when I worked for Costco a vaginal delivery was 6 weeks leave. A c-section was 8 weeks. Unless there were complications then that is different. I had a c section in March 2018 and I was out until mid August of that same year.


Moat companies don’t give you maternity leave unless you’ve been there for a year. I know several managers that have not hired someone because they were pregnant (because why hire someone that’s not going to be able to work very long?).

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Not sure where you are. But in Australia, we get 18weeks paid maternity leave if you have worked a certain time frame, from the government, which either pay your employer or they pay you direct.


Contact your HR, they will tell you what you need to know. Where I am it was 6 weeks for vaginal and 8 weeks for C-section. If there was complications they gave a few more weeks.

It depends on your company and benefits package


Your HR department will know everything you’re asking about. Contact them.

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Yeah def talk to your company’s HR dept. for my company it’s 16 weeks paid after 1 year of working there, but it definitely differs

So you are on disability and trying to find a job to get maternity leave? I am not sure I follow correctly

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your company is not obligated to give you leave Welcome to the USA! You need to check with HR and see what they have in place. Most companies have you use all of your vacation time and then move to FMLA. Newborns can’t go to daycare until 6 weeks, so most leave is at least that.

In Canada it used to be 800 hours, I belive its now 400

I did not get paid at all for my maternity leave but fmla allowed me six weeks minimum off work

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Maternity leave is not required to be paid. If you qualify for FMLA then it’s up 12 weeks.

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In the United States you’re going to get $0 paid leave. Especially if you haven’t been there 12 months! The only reason I was paid is because I had short term disability and worked over 12 months for my company.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How many hours is maternity leave?

Most places it depends on the company honestly

I believe it’s 600 hours :thinking:

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How many hours is maternity leave?

I was allowed to take 12 weeks FMLA unpaid but my employer offers a short term disability plan that paid 70% of my normal earnings for 6 weeks. Not all employers offer that though.

None of it’s paid. Don’t understand the question.

It’s really depending on your employer. I didn’t get any paid leave for maternity. I had to use FMLA -family medical leave act- for my leave (unpaid)

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A lot of factors 1. What country do you live in 2.Did you work the eligible hours required 3.It’s only paid out if you have a job therefore you must pay taxes to be eligible

Should of Waited a while to get pregnant

I live in Alabama. Worked a year and a half and took FMLA. I was on leave from March to June 2021 (12 weeks) My employer offers 4 weeks pay and the other 8 weeks I used my pto (paid time off) which was my sick time, personal time, and vacation time. Mind you, if you do this you should leave several days or even a week of time available in case baby gets sick before you are able to build your time back up. I used all my time and 3 days after starting work my baby got Rsv from daycare. Thankfully my husband and mil were able to take care of her so I didn’t have to worry about work.

I think it varies between states, perhaps, and employers. You’d have to check your state laws and employers policies.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How many hours is maternity leave?

As far as I know it’s 6 weeks +
I haven’t heard it lowering due to covid-19

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Was down to I think 125hrs in Canada

I didn’t receive any maternity leave

Depends on the company… I was approved for 12 weeks but only get paid 10 due to having to use FMLA and Short Term Disability…

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Are you on disability AND employed? Maternity leave wouldn’t apply to someone who is unemployed.

Depends where you are

Definitely talk to your company and see what their policy is. At my company you go out for 6 weeks that is paid with short-term disability. You can also use FMLA that you have 12 weeks for. You have to be at the company for a year in order to qualify for FMLA. When I had my daughter I stayed out for 8 weeks I was paid for six of those two weeks I was not paid.

Here in jersey is 6wks for vaginal and 8 wks for c section. I’ve been with my company for about 3 years so I qualify for additional 4 wks for fmla which I am taking before little man is here. Aug 2nd til the aug22. Serious braxton hicks

What state are you in… here in California they added 2 weeks to maternity leave this year I believe… my job paid me 14 weeks and then the fmla paid me the last 6 weeks… i have been at my job for 7 years though… were actually getting ready to send one of our male managers on paternity leave for 6 weeks paid… you should def talk to your companies hr department

You would need to speak to HR or your boss regarding this - they will be able to tell you their policies on it. It varies so much since places aren’t required to pay you during maternity leave and if you qualify for FMLA, it doesn’t mean that they will pay you. FMLA pretty much just guarantees that they will hold your position for you. Since it varies state to state also, it would be best to speak to your employer about it - if you are working

I used up all my sick leave first which is accrued based on how much time you’ve worked. Then I used up my annual leave. Then I went back to work and my husband worked odd hours to stay home when I was working. My son is 10 now. We had no leave with my 19 year old daughter but we lived where we worked so she was just with us all the time. It depends on the job. Family Medical Leave Act only applies to business with a certain number of employees, I think 50 or more. And it is unpaid leave that is approved with documentation after you have been on the job for at least 20 weeks. Basically, they are holding your spot for you for when you return but technically can move you to a different position if they needed to feel yours. They just can’t fire you if FMLA is approved and granted. I think I didn’t realize jobs had paid maternity leave. This thread is making me wonder why I haven’t ever had it.

In Canada it’s 12 months or 18 months on lower wage. You can choose.which option. U get 55% of your income on 12 months And 33% on 18 months.

Ouch. I was on maternity leave for thirteen months, seven of which were fully paid.

I would connect with your HR and ask for any and all forms that will assist you with FMLA, Parental leave, and short term disability coverage. You may have to do a combo to get paid during your leave (it will only be a percentage of your pay most like) Anyone else feel highly offended they like to label pregnancy/delivery as a short term disability?

Depends on what your job offers.