How many weeks postpartum were you when you got your period back?

How many weeks PP were you when you got your menstrual cycle back when starting birth control at 6 weeks PP? (Not breast feeding) I’m 10 weeks PP right now and haven’t gotten my period yet… kind of freaking out.


After my first child I didn’t have a period by 3 months pp and found out I was pregnant again by 3-4 weeks. Found out the hard way. I kept being told that your period can be irregular for a year after birth anyway. Also it takes at least a month for birth controls to work once you start taking them. Even starting a new one you need that month where other prevention needs to be used. It could go either way.

Depending on what birth control your on you may not get one

my period was never regular, so a couple of my kids it was like a year.

Lol, a year and a half after both kid. :woman_shrugging:t3::joy:

About 4-5 months…

I had a tubal at delivert though