How many words are your toddlers saying?

How many unprompted words are your newly turned two year olds saying? Not counting the ones they repeat after they hear you say them (I guess those don’t count) the ones they say on their own.


Please don’t compare your kids to others. Everyone is different and learn and do things at their own pace. My oldest was hitting milestones early while my youngest was behind them. Now my youngest surpasses my oldest in others. Each are different.


My daughter will be 2 in 2 weeks. She says about idk… 50-75 words. She also says 2 word sentences, sometimes 3.


By two my son could say 50-60 words.

Don’t compare you child to others. My son wasn’t talking at two years old and now he’s four and you’d never be able to tell he was a late talker.


My son will be 2 in August he says maybe 20-25 words

My toddler is 2 years and 4 months old and is a talking machine. It would be hard to say, but in an hour, he probably says 40-50 sentences just having ordinary conversation. He has no constraints to verbally tell me what he wants or tell us about his day and can talk in long sentences no issues. He didn’t start singing his alphabet until about 23 months. Now he knows the months of the year, alphabet, colors, etc. Some little ones are just more quiet🙂

Just got this from my doctor a few weeks ago. All kids learn at different paces! My oldest was in a home daycare and was speaking so much by age 2-3 but my youngest is home with me full time as a stay at home parent and she speaks. But it isn’t as clear or as often. I think exposure to other kids helped so much! So covid definitely put a damper on kids getting together and learning from each other. You are doing great! Be patient and keep working with them. They will catch on in no time! Like a light switch! :heart::heart:


My toddler likes to say fuck :rofl::woman_shrugging:

My daughter is 17 months. Shes saying
Daddy sounds kinda like diddy
Popaw sounding the ways its spelled
Ba Ba

My one 22mo. Twin girl said out of nowhere “Wake up, Cat!” While holding her stuffed animal cat

My little one is 13 months but she also has a hearing impairment requiring her to wear hearing aids. But please take the advice above from the other ladies don’t compare your child to others because they all learn differently and at their own pace… I swore my lo was going to have speech problems because of her hearing loss but so far it hasn’t affected her any

When my daughter turned 2 she was saying full sentences all day, every day.
Others at 2 are saying single words…both normal I think

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My 2 yo speaks like adult convos

My sons 13 months and we only have one word so far, Baba

My LG is 18 months and can say mum
Poo from telletubbies
Says milka for milk
Bye bye baby
Each child is different and learn at different stages xx

Like 1000 by 2 lol :sweat_smile:

I have 4 Daughters. Never even compared them to each other.

If you are at all worried, get a speech evaluation. You will either ease your mind or get your child the help they need

My boy is days away from 2 and he talks and talks and talks, but we can only pick up on about 20 words, and 3 phrases. They aren’t always easy to understand though. He’s in speech therapy and early intervention. My daughter didn’t say more than a few recognizable words until 3, and people outside the household couldn’t really understand her well until age 4. She’s diagnosed ADHD/ASD. We will see about him. I’m tired of comparing my kids to others. There are kids off the spectrum that can’t talk until later, but it is what it is. Honestly, at this point, my hope is just that one of them is functional enough to hold down a job, and that one can take care of the other one after we die. We like to keep the bar low in this house. lol :tipping_hand_woman:

My son was an early developer. Crawling at 6months, walking at 9 months. At 1 you could have a conversation with him… My daughter took her first step and said “Mum I love you” the day after she turned 1.
My son is now 18 and my daughter almost 15 and I think she overtook him around 10 years ago :rofl::rofl::rofl:

My 2.5 has delays. She wasn’t breathing at birth which has caused a lot of delays. She doesnt speak very much. She is in speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy and is already signed up for an IEP when she started pre school. She probably only says about 10 words and most of those are our names and no and juice. She points to everything she wants and she has a 3 year old brother who does the speaking for her most of the time so she barely even tries.

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My 2 year old daughter talks in complete sentences BUT it is because she has 5 older brothers that are around her 24/7! Not gibberish either. She is almost completely potty trained & we had to stop at the gas station the other day so she could go potty & as we were walking out the cashier asked how old she was & I said 2 & she tells me how cute she is & my daughter says “I am beautiful that’s what my dada told me” & the cashier died laughing!

My daughter was 2.5 yrs old and she could only say 5 words. She is now 4 in speech and says over 160 words. Tbh each kid learns different it’s all about helping them to be successful. Stop comparing your child to others.

My daughter turned 2 in December and she talks like a mini adult… her older siblings are 21-20-15-13 I believe that’s why she speaks as good as she does.

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She could easily say over 150+ at 2.

My daughter just before 2 said pretty much everything. It was like having a conversation with a 5 year old but my son before two was only saying a handful of words. After 2 he started saying a lot more but their Dr said both were good and normal

before or after he had ear tubes put in? Before he only spoke 5-10 words. After, his vocabulary expanded really fast

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Don’t compare this. Mine was talking in sentences by then. Really embarrassing when others are learning baby signing. Some of their friends weren’t speaking at all. They all ended up pretty much the same. If you want your kid to communicate talk to them and don’t use toddler words - Brown dog not doggie. Use upset not sad, cheerful not happy. Point things out. It helps if they can see your mouth too so they can work out f or phone too. Talk in full sentences with them. They can’t communicate vocally if you don’t! (I ran a toddler group and you could really see the difference).

Speech therapy the sooner the better. They will do an evaluation. And let you know where your child is at

Mine just turned 2 and I was worried she was behind. But she literally flipped her switch one day and expanded her vocabulary tremendously. It went from 20-30 words to 50+ like over night.


My 6 year old son only has a few words he says on his own other then that he signs my 5 year daughter talks alot but hard to understand

It’s ok to compare your kids to others. It’s just curiosity . You can compare without being negative, which the post has done !

My daughter was talking full sentences by 2 and my niece is 2 and can only say a few words. Each kid is different. It really helps if you read to them :slightly_smiling_face:

My oldest started talking after 2.5yo, the three younger ones around 1-1.5yo. All kids are different.

Mine didn’t say much at 2. Is almost 3 now and starting to pick up a lot of new words fast and string together new sentence daily. She does still do some gibberish, but is talking more and more each day to where we can actually understand her a lot more. Give it time. They can flip a switch one day and become great talkers fast.

My son didn’t talk much at 2 but when he was 3 he didn’t stop talking so each chile is different give her time she will talk when she is ready

I have watched my 2 1/2 year old great grandson since he was 4 months old, he speaks in complete sentences,he uses correct manners like please,thank you,etc. When he started talking we didn’t talk to him in baby talk.but that’s him, his dad didn’t talk very much until he was two or three

When my son turned 2 he did not say much at all, MAYBE 20 words, he wouldn’t even repeat after us. Now at 28 months he says so much! We also put him in daycare just before he turned 2, which I think helped tremendously. They also did a lot of signing. Which he still does while he says the words. Hang in there, I know it can be concerning, each little one is different. Just talk about everything and hopefully they will catch on soon enough

Varied drastically between my 5 kids. My oldest used his first sentence right at age 1. So it left me concerned when #2 didn’t. My dr told me #2 was normal, and #1 was advanced, so not to compare them.

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