Well its been 10 years since I had a toddler just wondering what words or phrases should a 17 month old be saying. Heres his list
Desi (cats name)
Addi (sister name)
Nama (grandma)
Mmmmm (something is good)
Pluh sound when things are icky
He says no sentences just random words and talks jibberish if hes in a deep convo.
He does goes to daycare idk if that helps
My son said things he shouldn’t have been able to say so I honestly don’t know!
Now I’m asked if I understand him
My son would talk that n argue with u in jibberish n he was in daycare other kids his age not in daycare would say simple phrases… by 2 my son knew his alphabet can count to 10 all his colors n shapes it all depends on them every child develops differently if ur really worried talk to ur pediatrician but he’s doing fine be proud work with him 
Normal. My son didn’t talk more till after 2
I just made a list of my daughters words the other day. Shes 18months.
- Mama
- Dada
- Blake (dog)
- Coco (dog)
- Mimi/bean (dog)
- Papa
- Moma (grandma)
- Mo mo (Morgan)
- Uncle
- Up
- Down
- Cookie
- Chip
- Cup
- Juice
- Milk
- Blanket
- Bath
- Socks
- Shoe
- Pants
- Phone
- Truck
- Pretty
- Ayyyye
- Teeth (so she can brush her teeth)
- Caca
- Nasty
- Bye bye
- Hi
- Poop
- Diaper
- Dog
- Cat
- Bird
- Banana
- Baby
- Car car
- Good
- Apple
- Bite
- I love you
- Yum
- Bottle
- My
- Water
- Ball
- Eye
- Nose
- Hair
- Chin
- Ear
- Mouth
- One
- Two
- Bear
- Doll
- Spoon
- Fork
- Gross
- Tree
- Feet
- Gage (sisters boyfriend)
- Please
- Thank you
- More
- Belly button
- Booboo (boobs)
- Butt
- Book
- Blueberry
- Gone
- Cheers
- Clap
- High five
- Pound
- See you later
My sons pediatrician said that 2 is the age they should really be trying to put sentences together. If you’re concerned with him not knowing very many words reading to him will help him learn new ones, that’s what I did.
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From 18 to 24 Months
Most (but not all) toddlers can say about 20 words by 18 months and 50 or more words by the time they turn 2. By age 2, kids are starting to combine two words to make simple sentences, such as “baby crying” or "Daddy big
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Rule of thumb, don’t be concerned with whatever words they say or don’t say before 2. Don’t panic until 3.
If you’re so inclined, you can always get a hearing test done, but kids aren’t cookie cutter moulds and generally learn at different times. My daughter didn’t really talk until 3, before that was a lot of babbling. She’s smart as can be and reading at a middle school level and she’s only 8 now.
Talk to the pediatrician about it, in the meantime, if you don’t already read with him start with his favorite subject and read a lot, point to things in the books and ask him if he can say it, like sky, star, tree etc. Word Party on Netflix is pretty good too.
My daughter is almost 3 and a lot is jibberish
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Keep on repeating things to him and eventually will pick up sentences. My son is 3 and he can say a bunch of words and phrases now but he still baby babbles when it comes to him trying to say a full sentence.
My niece started talking at 2 because of YouTube & also started confusing words of other language with English ones because of YouTube 

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Normal, most kids start talking more until after 2
My daughter was speaking full sentences at 16 months but kids are different and they travel at their own pace. Every kid isn’t the same.
There isn’t a set amount because everyone learns differently. The pediatrician usually gives you a survey to fill out with the milestones that are important. Anything else is just opinions.
My kids and grandkids are early talkers…we never talk baby talk to them.
But just to check…visit his pediatrician to get a professional opinion. When I worked for one…there can be a diagnosis of a tongue or lip tye…just an extra growth of skin that restricts him from forming words he knows but cannot form.
Very easy to repair now with a fast lazer procedure that is very minimal discomfort with a slight pre-sedation. Takes a second.
It would be beneficial the earlier the better.
My grandson just had that performed because we noticed it.
He is under 2…it was upper lip inside under from inside lip between front teeth to the top of the gum.
But it can be the area under his tongue.
His pediatrician if has a concern might recommend some speech therapy…which I have been assistant in and find it is fun for the child.
Just an idea…everything could be just individual need and he will be talking your leg off and asking “why” continually…you may be longing for this stage! LOL
Don’ttt worry about it seriously. Coming from someone who’s child was the exact same and I spent thousands in speech therapy for over a year just for me to realize she didn’t need it she just needed time. Now she never hushes 
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First daughter talked at 18 months very well, she’s 5 my 2nd is 20 months, don’t talk much as her sis does all the talking for her, but she’s matching colors, and says many more words when big sis isn’t around! I’m not worried about it, most kids don’t till 2 to 3…
Girls first word, “Mamma”, second word, “Mine!”.
My daughter didn’t really start talking until 2.5. she’s almost 3 now and says sentences and holds conversations. Don’t stress. All kids go at their own rate