How much bleeding during pregnancy is normal?

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Each prenatal visit i got asked if i was bleeding. So i would say not much

None. If there’s bleeding there’s an issue. It could be as simple as a uti, but it’s still something that needs addressed with your doctor.


If your asking the qs hun then you should get to your midwife/obgyn ASAP


I think no bleeding is normal


A little bit of bleeding is actually normal depending on the circumstances. You should always bring it up to your OB and allow them to determine that, even if their office is closed they should have someone on call for triaging possible emergencies. Like some people bleed bright red blood after sex due to a soft cervix or just get a little bit of spotting in early pregnancy while others have potentially life threatening emergencies like an ectopic pregnancy or placenta previa or just have a miscarriage , either way call a medical professional please.


It’s normal to spot especially during the first trimester as blood flow increase and your body is changing. Heavy flow (filling a pad) needs to be seen right away. I spotted the first four months of my pregnancy


I wouldnt say normal but sometimes not horrible? I know people that were pregnant and got “periods”. I had a lot of bleeding and was listed as a threatened miscarriage due to a small clot that resolved itself. Its definitely worth talking to your OB about asap though…

My first pregnancy I didn’t bleed at all so I thought that was normal. My second pregnancy I had some bleeding and ended up with a miscarriage. I’m 31 weeks pregnant right now and in the beginning I had a little bit of bleeding so I went to the ER and they said it’s actually normal to bleed during early pregnancy :woman_shrugging:. I always say they should associate what’s normal with something different then bleeding


I had a regular cycle for my entire pregnancy. HOWEVER, I was in the ER with cysts 3 times and I was dilating and effacing at 22 weeks and it was my first child. Then put on bed rest by 30 weeks and had her at 34 weeks. So…:woman_shrugging:

None!!! There is always a reason why you are bleeding.

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It’s very common actually. As long as it’s not bright red blood. Brown a d light pink can be normal. I had light bleeding for about 3 weeks. My doc said it was common but since I had a history of miscarriage, they ran tests and did ultrasounds to ease my mind. They didn’t find any problems at all. I went on to have a healthy baby girl.

Spotting happens…but bleeding? Not normal.

I bled with both pregnancies, my OB said it wasn’t uncommon. There weren’t any problems other than preeclampsia… but I bled before that… I’d say at around 9-12 weeks.

I have 7 kids. It’s normal to bleed a lil

Highly recommend going to the ER or Urgent care if you can.
I was told not to worry once & the next day, I was VERY worried… and my worry turned into heartbreak.
Go in now honey. That’s your best option.

I had bleeding and blood clots. Hospital said I was having a miscarriage but I have a healthy 2 week old baby boy!

I’ve just miscarried and I was bleeding from the day I fell pregnant. I’ve had 4 other pregnancies with no bleeding. Agree with the other ladies, if your concerned contact your gp or midwife

Check to see where the blood is coming from specifically. Theres 3 different options down there (anal, urethral, vaginal). If its vaginal bleeding call dr. Better safe than sorry.

Some light spotting but I’d still get checked 2 make sure nothing is wrong. Better 2 be safe than sorry

I bled in the beginning of 3 out of my 4 pregnancies. I was told that a light amount of bleeding was very common. If you are concerned, I would call your doctor to be safe. The worst that could happen is they tell you it’s completely normal.

I spotted after the first time I had sex when I was pregnant with my son and it was fine but my cousin was spotting with her pregnancy and had a miscarriage. I would call the doctor to be on the safe side.

Spotting is normal. Anything more than I wanna say a quarter/half dollar size is not normal and needs to be addressed immediately.

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A little bit is considered normal, I guess it depends on what other symptoms you’re experiencing along with the bleeding

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None… unless it’s spotting and even then if you don’t know the reason you should always call your doctor

I have a subchorionic hematoma so I have bleeding quiet often. Check with your doctor before you worry to much

Ummm definitely not a question I would be going to social media for!? I would be calling my OBGYN or going straight to an ER.

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