How much cherry juice should I give my toddler?

Tart cherry juice: how much do you give your child and what time do you give it?My girl is 3.5

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My ped always tells me my kids should have NO juice at all. That seems a little conservative to me… like no OJ even? I try to balance it at home, if they’ve had juice with breakfast or lunch, then milk with dinner or vice versa. Throughout the rest of the day, they only drink water. If we go out to eat, they’re allowed to have pop or whatever.

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I’ve seen many different amounts and times. If I had to guess, or suggest, I’d say 1.5 to 2 hours before bed. Maybe start with 2oz and see if that works. Google gave me so many different answers.

And make sure to dilute the juice ALWAYS. I’d only give her a small amount with the rest being water.

Just remember it could turn her BM red (bloody looking) from the juice, I only gave it in small amounts

Unless you make the juice yourself and it’s all natural I would say none. The amount of sugar and chemicals are so horrible for a kids.

Are you asking because it’s suppose to “help them calm down” kind of like a melatonin type thing?

My pediatrician recommends not to give juice. To give fruit instead