How much did your 7-month-old weight

Yes I know all babies are different but when your babies were/are 7 months how much did they weigh?


My girl, born at 34 weeks, is 16.5 lbs

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Mine was about 13lbs at 7 months. Both my babies were small and healthy.

My son is 9.5 months now and is 16.4lbs!

My son was a tank at 7 months lol he was 21 lbs and in 12-18 month clothing. At a year he was in 18-24/2t and 26 lbs.

My 3 year old daughter was so tiny. Like 16 lbs and in 3-6 month clothing lol she was a slow grower.

My current daughter is 7 months corrected, 11 months old. She was a 22 week and 4 day old surviving twin that was only 1 lb 3oz when born. She’s now about 15 lbs in 3-6 month clothing

My son was 19.3 at 6.5months

My daughter is around 15lbs. Everybody in my family is on the smaller side though!!

My 2 girls were average weight, but my 5month old (6m on 1st) is 22lb, in 9-12m clothing and is a tank :heart_eyes:

Boy: at his 6 month check up he was 9kgs

Mine was weighed last month at 14lbs so I’m assuming she’s at least 15-16lbs now. She’s close to 8 months.

Boy at 7 months: 19 pounds, almost 20.

My first was 32lbs at 7 months old. She was 6.7 at birth. My second was 13lbs at 7 months. He was 4.12 at birth had iugr which led to failure to thrive the first 4 months of life. My 3rd was 18lbs at 7 months, 7.10 at birth. My last and fourth was 8.6 at birth, 24lbs at 7 months. But he is longgggggg

My daughter was a huge baby at 7 months she weighed over 23 lbs my son he was a lil one I swear he stayed forever tiny

My son is 8 months. He was 15lbs at his doctors appointment last month.