How much did your baby weight at their last appointment?

My son is 15 months old and weighs 33lbs he’s a beast :joy: not fat just really tall like me and stocky like his dad. Every baby is different try not to compare to much xx

At my son 2 month appointment he was 14 lbs

If the doctor said everything is okay, then don’t stress in it. If there was a problem, the doctor would have made suggestions to improve her weight.

Doctor :clap: said :clap: everything :clap: looks :clap: great :clap:

That’s all that matters

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As long as your doctor says your baby is healthy and where they should be - it doesn’t matter what everyone else’s is! In ten years, it won’t make a difference. :slightly_smiling_face:

That being said … my child is a monster, weighing 19 pounds, and 27 inches long, at four months. :woman_facepalming:t2: but his dad is also really tall so we expected this!

My 18 month old is only 19 pounds but she was a 34 weeker born at 4 pounds 11oz

My daughter was only 14lbs at 6 months and only 17lbs at 10 months old…she got really sick with necrotizing pneumonia and came out of the hospital at 14 lbs at at 10 months old. Since her 4 month appt she has always measured way below on the charts even to this day. The girl eats nonstop though! Pediatrician said that is HER normal since she eats so good and is healthy! She’s just very petite. She gets it from her dad…the man eats non stop all day and literally doesn’t gain an ounce. As long as there not giving clues that there underfed it may be that that is there normal. If pediatrician isn’t concerned than don’t be. Plus at 6months if you haven’t started giving solids than you probably are getting ready to start and that will Help pack on a little more. At 6 months the 50th percentile is 16.5 lbs so your baby is definitely within normal…my daughter doesn’t even measure on the charts most of the time!

My youngest is 6 months and he weighs 24lbs 4ozs. He’s in the 100th percentile for both weight and height. I breastfed both my kids but my oldest wasn’t nearly as big as my youngest. Every kid is different and if doctor isn’t worried about it I wouldn’t be either.

Thats a pretty healthy weight for a 6 month old

The curve seemed to designed for chubby babies when mine were born. My oldest was forever below there curve and he ate constantly, waite he still eats constantly 22 years later. Each baby is different.

My sons 2months and weighs 11LBS 12OZ

You need a new dr if you trust Facebook MD more than your doctor

My boys 2 months old 15 lbs 25and 1/2 length

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Every baby will be different. For every one of my daughter’s checkups until her 4 month check-up (which was about a month late), she was in the high 80th percentiles. Made me feel like the baby standard was super low. On her most recent checkup she dropped to 65 percentile for height and 60 for weight. For a 5 month old she’s wearing 6-12 month clothing and has been for almost 2 months.

Focus on her health rather than her size. A lot of variables play a factor in why she might be smaller than expected. Pay attention to your diet and watch her development signs.