How much do you spend on groceries a week?

How much do you spend on groceries a week? I am trying to spend $100 a week for a family of 6 but dont think its possible…anyc heap meal ideas or advice?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How much do you spend on groceries a week?

For a family of 5, I would spend about $500 weekly. Some weeks more, some less. That also includes personal hygienic products.


300 a week family of 4(me and three kids)

For a family of 4 (myself and 3 kids) I spend about $135-150 a week


Like $300 average weekly.

Family of 7 here. We typically spend 120-150 per week

I spend 350 weekly for family of 4.

I really dont think its possible, especially in this economy.

I would suggest coupons


That’s a lot of spaghetti y’all gonna be eating a week


That would be just Beens and rice.


I have a 2 year old, 6 year old & 7 year old. So we’re a family of 5. We spend about $600 or $700 a month.


I spend $100/per person per month. So about $150 a week. Its a little easier to sbop for 2 weeks at a time. You can buy bulk meat and split it up

I spend $200 every week on a family of 4.

So carbs, fibers, and proteins are going to be a go to. They are the most filling. We spend about $700 a month on groceries for a family of 8, and by the end of the month, we get a little low on food but still have stuff for dinners. Just remember you don’t have to ditch healthy entirely to get cheap. Looking up ways to make certain instant dishes can be healthier and even cheaper at times.
But as I said, fiber, carbs, proteins, make sure you have at least 2 of those per dinner to make sure everyone gets filled up.


We have a deep freezer full of stuff. It cuts down on week trips.

$250-$300 a week , family of 6

Ruffly 450 for 5 people

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Lol 100$ a week for a fam of 6?! Yeah I have a fam of 6 and it’s just pointless to go to the store for something every week what we do is we meal plan for the month go out and buy what we need for those meals we have a “snack cabinet” for the kids with quick snacks and we usually only buy those from Costco because we get more for our money that way… and then we have a random list where what ever my boys want they write their own list and they are each allowed to have 4 things that they want for random eating we call it. For fruit and veg we go to farmers markets way cheaper then the stores or we get from Costco because again more for your money.

And then we will do rewards programs at stores so like your a member at Safeway and you can get things for discounted prices or last week there was a deal on soda. Buy 2 get 2 free and then it’s a discounted price. That’s just what we do


I spend $150 a week for three adults and one kid.

If you have a winco nearby, you’re solid

Family of 6 $150-200 a week. Frozen pizzas, homemade salads, Tuna, Spaghetti and garlic bread, chicken alfredo, Salmon rice bowls, and sometimes breakfast for dinner. Shop at stores with sales and get meat bundles.

We have a family of 5 and spend $50 a week. :slight_smile: message me if you want tips


I don’t think that’s possible.


Family of 7 450.00 to 800.00 a week


I’m only one person but I spend about $100 a month

I buy a cow each year and still spend 300$ everytime I go to the store!

I pick what’s prob a light amount of protein, then I’m purposefully heavy with the fresh veggies (specifically squash, zucchini, broccoli and asparagus…they just seem to stay kinda cheap) and then use rice or pasta or potatoes as filler. Seems to save us a ton


I spend about $250 for a family of 5… it fluctuates a little. That includes dog food, personal hygiene and cleaning supplies. Plus we have dietary restrictions…

Start cutting out coupons, and get really good at it. It’s not impossible, just time consuming. But if keeping to your budget is important to you, you’ll have to put in the work and find coupons, and probably shop at a couple different grocery stores. Meal plan ahead of time, stick to your list.


Family of 6 and we spend $200-250 easy a week

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I spend any where from $230 too $300 a week

Family of 5… $150 ish or sometimes less sometimes a little more…plan my meals every week… Plan to buy in bulk. Separate chicken, and ground beef or any meat into meal size portions. Frozen veggies in big bags go a long way for sides.


I’m spending about $350 a week , family of five. $100 worth of groceries is a joke these days.


5 and spend more then $200 a week.

A family of 3 I spend $100-140 a week.

Yeah nope unlikely . We buy 1/2 a cow and 1/2 a pig and we are about $200-$300 a week for a family of 6

$400 for 6 every 2 weeks

Family of 4 here, and we spend at least 200 a week

Family of 3 for groceries cleaning supplies, toilet paper etc (everything comes from the same store) we spend $500-$600 per week


Sam’s Club has hamburger cheaper when you tell the butcher you want the bulk case of ground beef, I got it $3.58lb, the bulk box is 8 10lb logs, the bulk box was just under $300 and that was for 90/10 we haven’t bought ground beef for a couple months and we gave some away to friends in need. It’s mainly my husband and I that eat it, we have a super picky almost 5 year old and our 3 year old who’s completely different and we call “Little Mikey” lol

We spend 200 every 2 weeks on food, house and pet items. I make a menu and grocery list. Family of 4 with 2 teen daughters

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$300-$400 a week! 4 kids and myself.


I spend roughly $300 a week (that’s usually $200 food. $50 nappies, then we try an get a $50 of fruit an veg from the farmers market as we get already boxed for a mix lot of veggies an fruit so it gives us a variety

We aim for usually toast an juice for breakfast - with spreads.,
pancake or eggs an bacon for a weekend occasionally)
Kids aren’t really big cereal eaters

Lunch is usually- toasted sandwich, pies. Sandwich, wraps noodles, etc

Tea - we do one day a week take away.
Sundays roast an veg
Then it’s usually one pasta meal - one rice meal - usually chicken legs or a chuck steak usually add veg to these meals
Then usually either a meal with chips an salad or veggies

Plus variety of savoury snacks for kids - the occasional sweet snacks -,school snacks - yoghurt pouches -
Then plenty of milk.

Family of 3 and I spend around $100-$120 Each week. 2 meals a day

You’ll be lucky if you make 7 items with 100 bucks in Canada unless you’re really scouting the deals.

Cut cupons. Shop off the off brand of the items.
I do all of my shopping at walmart, and get all great vaule ( If its in stock)
Check dent a can stores ( Dont know if thats a thing where you live at ) But they sell canned goods for half price that have dents in them.
Check local grocery stores for sales.
I live in Alabama and some of the local grocery stores here offer a pick 5 for $19.99
If you have a food city near you, Sign up for their food city value card, You get stuff at a cheaper price

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Not alot these dayz. No matter if you work 40. 50 60 hour a week. Tax man takes more off you everytime you try to earn that bit more extra coin to try an get bye… Most of money goes into electricity , Gas. Fuel :fuelpump: Bills. ,:rage:

Noodles and canned chicken and rice is key. Left over nights help. Produce stands and prepping and freezing stuff goes a long way too. Taters, bread and sides help. Foodstamp, WIC, and coupons are ur best friend.

I was doing it 100 per week for a family of 4. It was hard but doable woth planning

$300 per week for a family of 6.

I spend an average of $1000 a month on groceries for 7 when I bake all our bread from scratch. More when I work too much to bake bread. Less when I have a garden.

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Family of 6. 300-400 a week. 2 adults 4 kids with healthy appetites (all boys)

1000 easy a month for 3

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Family of 6. 300$ per week but that includes paper products, hygiene stuff, pet food for 2 dogs 1 cat. Etc

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I can’t even figure out how to make a meal for less than $50 for 7 people :weary:. Aren’t y’all being hit by this inflation??? I don’t get any assistance. I spend close to 2k a month on 2 teenagers, 1 preteen, a toddler, and 4 adults. I must be doing something wrong! :weary:


Around $350 every 2 weeks for 2 adults, a toddler, dog and cat. (This includes toiletries)

200 a week for 5ppl. Meal plan ur week.
For a hectic week, my go to meals are, spaghetti,
meatloaf with mac n cheese/smashed potatoes,
Fettuccine with chicken n brocolli,
Loaded tostadas,
Chili cheese dogs w/ fries,
Oven baked chicken with sides u may already have.
homemade sandwich subs. Honestly price matching may help as well. And alot of the same items that can be converted into diff. Things helps as well.

Approximately $450 every two weeks for a family of three. That’s for god and household, dog food ( we have Great Danes) and cat food etc.

$400 p.w family of 5.

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Family of 5 i spend $300 a week

Not sure where you are but store like aldi, doller tree, krogers etc… bargain stores. A lot of people will say they have expired stuff but i found lots of things that were good for a while. Not a huge fan of aldi for fruit i feel it goes too quickly. When our farmers markets open i’ll be there.

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400-500 weekly 4 kids 4 adults & 1 dog before the pandemic hit I was an extreme couponer and would get my groceries for practically nothing I can’t see that happening that much anymore

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We spend 50 a week in drinks!


Bare minimum is 25 a week per person in a lower cost area - can you get some help? Food pantries or snap? Because 100 bucks a week for food is very low

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Try and grow some of your own if u have some soil.

Only 100 a week for family of 3.

1500-2000 a month for family of 5


Family of 6. (6 week old baby).
$300 a week of formula is covered by WIC- more if not.

At least $200 a week, unless I need formula then it’s usually $300. That’s for my family of 4. Prices have gone up so ridiculously much at the grocery store. It used to be $120 a week just last year. I don’t even buy anything different than I always have other than formula. But thats only once or twice a month that I have to buy that and I budget extra just for it.

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buy in bulk when you can , shop sales and sign up for store points/ members only deals, dont always buy name brands, 100 dollars can go down to 80 or less , coupons , buy the large bags of frozen vegetables, compare prices with other stores you shop at, also, visit local food pantries once a month to supplement your food supply, you often only need your ID and a piece of current mail to prove current address, they will ask how many is in the household so they can give you an adequate bundle of food items, also limit any "extra items " shopping, like a big cake from the bakery for $15 , go to the dollar isle and get cake mix and frosting for $1 each

I spend at least $100/week for 2 people

I mean it’s so able but you aren’t going to be eating good at all I grew up with 10 siblings one working parent so I mean I get it for sure a lot of noodles but we also ate a lot of deer and I mean a lot … rice goes far ask produce department at grocery stores if they have mark down good in the back they normally do this made it possible to get produce when I was hurting also butchers some times have stuff not as much but you can call eggs from locals on Facebook put and ISO you will find a bunch right now

300 a week family of 6.

We like our cupboards freezer and fridge full so depends what we need that week

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We spend 300 a month for a family of four.

$200-$290 a fortnight

A conservative estimate for my adult family members is $8/day. There are three of us so 8x3= $24/day. 24x7 days a week is $168 a week. $672 a month and that is a conservative estimate. That’s not including paper products, cleaning supplies, hygiene, etc.

Check out the Facebook page: Cheap Meal Ideas.

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Family of 3. $150 week.
Wonton wrapper pizza, tacos, lasagna.
They have meat pks at Safeway 4 meats for $29. Albertsons/Safeway has bogo meats every week. I shop a lot of sides and some frozen stuff at dollar tree. I buy my Hamburger at Costco and divide it for freezer.
Pinterest is my best friend for cheap meals.

I spend up to 600$ sometimes PER month for a family of 5. Even then it’s a struggle. Seems like no matter how I go about shopping we’re out of everything before I know it.

ITS so hard today, Go to Aldi more for your money …

I average between 2-300 a week for my family of 5/3 depending on the week. I always buy for the full 5 and then I have a stockpile for weeks I don’t want to shop/don’t have time…

Around 300$ for out family of 5

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I spend around 250-300 for a family of 4 :woozy_face:

$100 a week for a family of 7. We are hunters so I integrate whatever we have butchered.

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About 300 a week. Family of 5-6. That doesn’t include any takeout

200 a week. 4 kids 2 adults

3 adults, 2 small kids- about $300/wk. We eat tons of fruits/veggies and have a couple dietary restrictions.

We have a family of 5 and can do 300$ a month. Find things on sale. Chicken is always good. Soups are cheap to make and good for leftovers. Spaghetti is also very cheap. 1$pasta 1$ sauce, done and my kids actually eat it.

I average about 500 a week for a family of 7


$150-$200 it’s four of us
Doesn’t include take out .
Per month is $800+

I spend about $150-$200 a week for 4

125 to 130 a week for two groceries are-to expensive now.

I shop biweekly and spend between 200-300 for our family of 5.

$350 a week. That’s not including top ups of milk bread etc. Family of 8 and we can all eat

$200 a week for a family of 3!

I’m a family of 6 and we spend $200-$300 a week


I spend about $80 a week on family of 4. Although my meats come from my dads barn and we pay for that in a lump sum at one time. About $1500 a year for beef.

I spend about $200 every two weeks for a family of 3-4.

I spend ~$300 a month for a family of three. Part of that goes toward my oldest kid’s school lunches. I cook 2-3 meals a day.

I’m lucky to have a Brookeshire’s where I live. It, along with some other select grocery stores, gives discounts if you sign up for their store card and scan it before you pay. It’s totally free. I could end up saving $15-20 on my weekly purchases, which helps immensely.

I buy ground turkey instead of beef, usually. I chop lots of veggies to mix in with it, then I can just add it to any meal. I also always have rice. It’s always a wonderful, inexpensive side dish. Soups and pastas are super easy and cheap and there’s a ton of variety with both. Yesterday, I made cheesy pasta and added jalapeños and tuna fish. It was really good, cheap and we had leftovers (for a family of 6, this meal would probably be gone after one sitting, but it’s still really cheap)!

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About 4 years ago, we spent about $80-$100 months very two weeks but now we spend about $250-$300 every two weeks for a family of 4