How much does your spouse help out around the house?

I consider myself to be an independent women. Worked since I was 14, currently a small business owner, mother of 3 children and try to still make time for myself when I can (socially, mentally, physically) I like being independent but also would like more help sometimes without having to ask. I was raised by a single mother so not sure if that’s why I feel like men aren’t needed (sorry not sorry) but they give the bare minimum. Feeling like I have a roommate that pays half bills rather than a partner that puts in effort into the house, helping with kids, extra curricular activities, appointments, groceries, house chores etc. He’s a great dad when he’s with them but expects me to do pretty much everything else. He’ll say just ask if I want something done but why not just look around? (Also if I ask it’s either I’m “bitching” or it’ll get done but on his own time so I just end up doing it myself) I feel like if you see dishes in the sink then do them. Laundry overflowing start a load. It’s draining and a turn off if I’m honest. If it wasn’t financially for the house being in both names I’d probably just do my own thing (feeling more resentment for selling my last house that was just in my name). I just want to know how many other women feel like this… I have a few girlfriends who are in the same boat. Lots on their shoulders. It’s stressful. We’re early 30s and feel like 60s! Expected to do everything and work as well while the man can up and leave when he wants, see his friends whenever and sleep where and whenever. How much does your partner contribute? Do you have to specifically ask for things? Is this just the normal and people pretend to be in happy perfect relationships?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How much does your spouse help out around the house?

Closed mouths don’t get fed speak up and ask.

Stop comparing your relationship to everyone else and live your life. If you’re not happy change it or move on.

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It sounds like everyone I know is in the same boat.


No one is a mind reader, if you don’t want to keeping asking then sit down and have an adult conversation together about house chores, appts etc and work out how all these can become more centred for everyone. Most of us take on the jobs thinking we can do it ourselves, but forget that maybe your partner only saw his mum doing household chores and never had to chip in, don’t assume, ask and communicate clearly your wants and needs and let him discuss it too. Maybe he feels that he might do a chore wrong or that you may not want him doing something you already did. Talk, discuss, compromise and accept there is always a chance to learn and grow together through every experience.

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That’s common, communication and understanding is the key

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I have to ask my husband, he won’t just do on his own. His mom did everything when he was a kid. Some men don’t see the mess and if they do they don’t care as much . Even when you ask, they don’t do whatever task the same as you’d do! It’s frustrating but if I want help I know I need to ask

My husband does all the floors, helps with laundry, and does the cat box. My son is 13 and he mows the grass, does the garbage, empties the dishwasher and does his own laundry. You need to tell him what you need him to do.


It sounds like you’re mad things dont get done on your terms when you you want them done, you already said you dont feel like men aren’t needed but you shouldnt “need” your partner, if all you’ve done is show him you can do it all or belittle.his efforts (even if the are small to you) wont help.
But, It’s almost always a communication thing, if you’re “bitching” in his perception you dont get to tell him hes wrong
Simply rephrasing your request is often all it takes
“It would mean alot to me if youd,…”
“I need help with ___ by (insert specific time)”
…My husband knows I hate to do laundry so does that pretty religiously. he usually takes my lead and if I pull the vacuum out he’ll hijack it. Same with other cleaning Materials and such
… also I dont think youd really respect a partner who jumped when up you asked from the way your post is worded :tipping_hand_woman:

Girl! This is exactly why I’m GAY! lol. The men in my life never seemed to put in any effort and I was expected to do it all! I gave up! I’ve been with my wife for 7 years. It’s a completely different ball game! If I cook, she does the dishes. I do the laundry, she cleans the bathroom. We both help homeschool our 11yr old special needs child. It’s incredible. I don’t have to beg for help. I know if I need something done all I have to do is ask.


Sounds like he’s expecting you to perform emotional labor and you’re not happy with that. I get it, you’re both adults he should be able to walk in the kitchen and see if the dishes need to be done, if the counter needs to be wiped etc and just do it without asking.
Me and my partner struggled with this a lot the first few years we were together.
It takes honest conversation and willingness to change in order for it to change.
For my partner, a lot of it for him was that he was pretty spoiled by his mom, grandma and even great aunt. They did everything for him, even when he was living in an apartment on his own. His aunt lived in the same apartment and often went to make sure he was up for work, her and his grandma would do his laundry, clean his apartment and leave meals for him. Whereas I grew with a mother who had diagnosed ocd, her compulsions we’re mostly cleaning based. I was 5 years old scrubbing walls and toilets, 7 years old being expected to fully clean rooms to her standards.
We had massively different upbringings when it comes to things like that.
Now, he’s so much better at just doing things when he sees it needs to be done. Not perfect, but neither am I. It’s a work in progress for both of us on many parts when it comes to household chores.
Have an open conversation about it with him, figure out where the issue is stemming from for him on his side and try to find a solution that works for both of you.

I too hate asking for help and am in the same boat as you! Taking initiative to get things done around the house not bc I ask but bc you can clearly see what needs to be done would be nice. I definitely don’t feel like you should even have to ask. Husbands are our PARTNERS and we are not maids. Household responsibilities fall on both shoulders not just the mom. It’s very difficult always being the default parent :confused:


Women must raise their sons to be equal partners in their households. I somehow managed this as a single mom with 2 kids. My son shares all chores with his wife . He is an excellent cook and when he is at other people’s homes always helps clean up after meals. Regularly puts in 60 hr. work weeks as a mechanic. I am very proud of him as you can tell. I am a retired truck driver after 32 yrs. over thee road. I taught my kids there are no male or female jobs, just jobs. I can’t leave out my Daughter, retired do to job injury. Youngest Sargent Correctional Officer at Big Mac.


My mother did everything, dad did nothing. He wasn’t allowed to. Didn’t do it good enough. Well none of us did anything good enough. So I guess ya women do must of the house work not the man. I don’t want mine helping either :woman_shrugging:

You will burn out and it will be ugly! Three things…try to change the situation ( therapy, communication & action), or accept things as they are ( which it sounds unbearable :flushed:) or leave it ( separation/divorce). Personally, I’d hire help if he isn’t willing or able to help…thats a start!

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From experience men need told. He will do anything I ask but understand what you mean there doesn’t seem to be much initiative there

I kind of laughed when you said you think “men arnt needed “ while in the same breath asking for help by said man…. You mother being a single parent helped you be independent but probably didn’t give you the knowledge of how to pick a good man ( sorry not sorry ) and you seem to be going down the same path …. Choose a man that will be your partner in life not just give you babies and pay bills


You should have this conversation with him, tbh.


Is very common actually

My husband easily does just as much as I do! We both work full time. He does ALL of the laundry. Helps with dishes, cooking, vacuuming, kids…:anything that needs done. I don’t have to ask for help, he just does what needs done. If I’m having a rough day, he will do extra so I don’t have to worry about it. Even when I was a SAHM, he still helped me with household chores, etc.


And even tho I get lonely sometimes,this is why I’m single lol

This is my husband too. Raised with the old school mentality that women do it all but what they don’t get is that now we work too so it’s much different


Talk to him. You both live there. You are both adults. You are both parents.
Make him a schedule or list and don’t do what’s on it.
If he won’t change some, stop doing it all. Do the minimum and let him see what you do.


I suggest you both read the books “Fair Play” and “This is how my marriage ends”. This very scenario is one of the biggest issues in marriages.

Men aren’t toddlers. They shouldn’t have to be told how to “help” in their own home. We’re not their mothers. Do not allow this to continue, further resentment will ensue.


My husband works and I stay home I do everything in the home he does the yard and fixes things around the house I have a list on the fridge of things I need him to get done things I can’t do he throws out the trash and he plays with my boys so I can do my shopping and things. We came to a agreement before we had kids that he would be hands on in raising them just as much as me and that I would stay home till my boys could watch them selfs we also decided that Sundays was family time and I would not cook on the weekends and if I needed something done I would make a list and put it on the fridge it always gets done I believe that if it really bothers you then sit down with him and explain things to him men cannot read minds and what bothers you may not bother him and come up with a plan because it sucks to hear married couples say they feel like roommates that’s not okay good luck

I know how you feel. I’ve been married more than once, always worked, always had a man who sat on his tookus or had outside fun activities. Did nothing around the house. Now I’m 65, divorced, and not looking. I have my emotional support dog and I am quite content. I’ve been alone for a number of years now. I don’t answer to anybody. I come and go as I please. I don’t get static if I want to spend time with my family. I don’t have to wait for the bathroom. I control the TV remote. I eat what I want, when I want. When I wake up in the morning, no man is pushing his “package” against my butt when I’m still half asleep. I’m truly content. I love it. You will too,

Well we been married for 49 years and we work together, he helps with nearly everything, housework… not his favourite item but helps making beds or when I have my mood for changing the living around he works with me… he will hang out the washing too… am glad there cos I can’t reach the rope haha. Also he hates it when I wind down the washing line cos it hits his head, so we agreed I wash and take out of machine he goes and hangs it up for me. Your partner made a promise to look after you through sickness and HEALTH so if he feels he is lord muck leave his dirty washing, don’t do his dishes, tell the kids if he passes comment about you to mention everything is team work.


I’m disabled and a sahm , the only thing I do is cook and do the dishes, he does everything else.


Chris David Kershaw did I write this

Mine would help with what ever I didn’t get done. Now my health has gotten worse he does it all with out any questions.

You can be happy in a relationship without it being “perfect” or fake. It’s up to you to communicate with each spouse about your wants and needs. If he is asking you what you need help with then he is trying to communicate with you and make you happy. But, your whole if the house was just in my name I would leave says EVERYTHING you need to know. Get some counseling and figure out what you want. If he’s helping or attempting to help you should at least be kind enough to have the discussion with him.

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This is 1 of the reasons I stay in my own home!

I’d make a chore list for him with a deadline that must be met each day. If he wants to have selective sight and doesn’t do anything unless told then heck I’d tell :woman_shrugging:t3:. I have no issues speaking up and saying how I feel especially seeing as my man isn’t psychic. If he thinks it’s “b*tching” then I’d remind him if you’re going to do everything alone being alone would not be an issue for you also.


I put up with this for many years. Same exact situation. Well, a lot worse, as there was abuse and alcohol and gambling addictions, so I finally got out. I’ve been single 12 years now and love and have loved every minute of it. I don’t get lonely. I do worry that once my kids get older, they are 18 & 12 now, they’ll abandon me, but a man? Nah. Don’t need one. Unless the perfect one just came along, it’s just like taking care of an extra kid. And yea, like a roommate who pays half the bills, but my ex husband only paid his bills. If he even did that. It’s taken me 12 years to finally be able to apply for a credit card again lol. But I’m fine.


I have no idea but hope you find a better solution for yourself.

My husband will help if he notices I don’t feel good if dishes and stuff aren’t done by a certain time of the day then he will do what ever after I lay down at night. Am pregnant in bed early I do get up every morning with our son and walk to bus I go back to sleep at 8 till 1030 he will get you around 8 usely living room is picked up by him from his night before he is a nite owl

Hey been Married 40 years I do all the inside work besides when I was working also I still did it besides son’s so to me it was natural wish u luck

This is exactly how my husband was, either they want to help you willingly or don’t. Even when I did tell him I’d like him to help it rarely happened

My bf will just do the chore when he sees it needs done….I would ask my ex for a favor and he would throw a fit, or do the dishes once and need a parade…

I’m not working anymore but when I was working I was doing everything still he would maybe help once in a while but now since I’ve been staying at home it’s oh well your at home I shouldn’t have to do anything this is your job not mine and won’t lift a finger it’s stupid

I don’t do dishes, fold laundry or clean his room. If I don’t feel like it he also does the cat pans.

I get paid over $ 125 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 22609 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info.

My husband does a lot around the house. He wakes early to take our son to school at 7, then I wake up to get our daughter ready for school and myself ready for work. He cooks, washes dishes and cleans the house without me having to ask. He’ll do his laundry and our son’s while I do my daughters and mine.


I did alot of everything, plus worked. Now I’m
Single… was living like a single mum anyway. So made it happen. Tell him to snap out of it, or theirs the door. Good luck.


It took my hubby 18 years to realize I can’t do it all so now he helps with household stuff so I can do whatever else needs to be done

My husband helps around the house. He does dishes, mopping, vacuuming, his own laundry, garbage, bathe the kids, help fold clothes, cooks, take the kids to school if I need him to, watch them while I do stuff for myself, and he does other stuff if I ask him to do it.
Communicate, let him know you are tired of telling him to do stuff…
My husband is very much a on his time guy so I do let him know if I need it done right then and there. I am very vocal, and it doesn’t bother me to say things. I am very much so independent and that has nothing to do with taking care of everything in the house… you need to let him know things need to get done by him…
We both work full time and have 2 young kids and one on the way… we are equals here as in this is a team effort.
If things don’t get done, who is going to do them. I am tired just like he is and some days I do more than he does or vice versa but picking up the slack of one another is a team effort… it’s not going to be equally perfect everyday either.

You enable bad behavior/ habits by putting up with them to begin with. Communication followed by consequences is the only way. If your left having to do everything by yourself then why are you wasting your life on a man when you can be living your life without the added stress? He will either want to be by your side and help equally and see the issues or you have your answer already.

You’re not alone. Trying a chore list/chart. Make everyone follow it. Hopefully he helps you out more. As a PARENT they should be doing this stuff anyway.


I always write lists. For myself and then that helps him on deep cleaning days. I just do thing and have. Hard time asking at times. He is really good about doing the dishes and loading and unloading the dishwasher. Switching over laundry. He tells me all the time “you don’t ask for help you just do it” and sometimes I need to do it because it helps when I am anxious and cleaning helps wind me down.

I simple ask or tell him when I am overwhelmed and he steps right up to the plate.

They can’t read our minds and they do not function like we do.

My husband also works A LOT. Like 80-100 hours a week. So a lot does fall on me. I know if I make a list as well as something that gets done daily. Ex. Monday: windows
Tuesday: bathroom
Etc it helped with everyone pitching in. Communication is key. I always try to keep the sink empty and have the laundry done when a basket it full. Just little things that we both know help our/my sanity. Organization too. Everything has a spot so I don’t have to tell anyone where to put things they just know.

I’m the odd one out here. My husband is extremely helpful. He helps get kids to extracurricular activities, he helps grocery shop(we do this together always), he keeps the yards up, if the floor needs swept/vacuumed he’ll do it. If I dont, he will cook. Our kids do the majority though, as they’re are four of them and two of us. The only thing he does not do is laundry. He’s not allowed to touch my washer and dryer. That’s a no no zone for him. I’m very particular about My laundry.
With all of that said, I really do not expect him to help with any of this (with the exception of kid activities). He works all day everyday to provide for this family, my job is at home. While I am not home doing nothing, I’m in school, cleaning, homeschooling our children, and keeping things together, I am still home. Therefore I feel like I should do the majority of the upkeep at home.

Also, yes anyone can see dishes need washed, laundry done, etc. that doesn’t mean they understand you want them to help do that. If you’ve always done it and are just now saying something about it, it’ll take time to reprogram how they look at these things. Until then, just ask for help.

It sounds to me like you’re used to doing it and partly because you have the “I’m independent” mentality but then expect people to know when you aren’t feeling independent and need help. When they don’t, you get mad, which translates to “b*tching” to him. I know because I used to be this way. I wanted everything done a certain way so I did it all and wouldn’t let anyone help. Then I’d get overwhelmed on occasion and need help and when noone helped (because they didn’t know I wanted help) I’d lose my crap. You either need to ask for help or not get mad noone is helping.


During the week he doesn’t. He works 230am till 9pm 5 days a week. Weekends make him sleep in and when he gets up we do yard work together. And he grills out for dinner . He works long hours and really hard for our family. So least I can do is handle the cleaning

He contributes whatever I ask him to

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You choose what to deal with. You can find a man who will do as much as you if not more. It takes time and knowing your worth and finding someone who matches it.

My husband chose not to help - spoiled !

I am a sahm, my husband does restoration work and when he comes home after his shower he helps out without being asked. I do all the cooking and cleaning etc. But a couple times a week he will do dishes, vacuum, clean up kids rooms, give baths, make breakfast etc. I don’t mind doing more since I do get to stay home with my kids, but it’s nice he jumps in and helps when I need it. Raising kids and keeping a house functioning takes more then one person. If I were you I would slowly stop doing stuff around the house and see if he can take the hint.

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My husband helps around the house, normally I don’t have to ask, but some times I do, because I just need a minute to my self, I take care of the dogs, the cat and the child we have together. But he works long hours, very long hours and is out of town a lot. So when he is home, I try not to push a lot on him. Because normally he is tired. But he fixes all the trucks we have, gives me money to spend, and buy things for our son and anything I need for the house or the dogs. So I try and keep the house in order, sometimes that is easier said then done, when there is a 6 year old running around and tearing out all his toys.

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I could have written this myself.

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You are so right, chores are a shared responsibility. I started doing chores at a young age at home, maybe you could start doing a chore chart for the kids to help out? I know it’s a lot momma, we’ve all been there. We all work hard to do what’s best for our family and yes, it can be overwhelming at times. But let’s be honest, the majority of women’s items needing done, differ from men’s. And I’m saying, we think the dishes need done because the sink is full. The men’s mentality could be, oh there’s still room for more dishes. We think, oh man I have a full laundry basket that needs washed, they could see it and think, oh there’s not enough there to start a load yet. My expectations are pretty high when it comes to cleanliness in our house compared to my husband’s. If I ask him to help vacuum or wash a load of dishes, he will do it. But it’s MY expectations and MY OCD that gets me fired up that I have so much to do. Being a working mom isn’t for the faint of heart and you choose what you can live with. It’s worth giving him that communication, letting him know how you feel. We can’t MAKE them do anything, they make that choice for themselves. I hope these opinions help you decide what you need to do and they bring you peace one way or the other :green_heart:

Communication is key.
If it’s a problem, talk to him about it. Not just “if you want help, ask”. Have a serious talk about your feelings.
We’ve come a long way but I think it’s still ingrained in us that women take care of household and men work. If it’s a problem, fix it.


I am a stay at home mom who babysits put of my home. My husband helps. He works 10 hours days monday-thursday. Sometimes I have to ask but most of the time he helps without being asked. He helps with the kids (granted they are 10 & 16 but still) On his days off he does laundry and cooks. If I cook he cleans up after dinner. He takes the trash out and changes the cat liter. We are a team and that’s how it always should be. When I read posts like these it makes me realize I am very lucky. I used to have to always ask for help but over the last 17 yrs he’s caught on. Like I said sometimes I still have to ask sometimes but he usually does it without any complaints.

Have a honest sit down with your spouse, tell him just how it is, he can change or you can move on.

We enable this by doing it all and not asking for help. Then they get comfortable watching you do the housework, and lawn. I feel that if I have to ask for help or beg I might as well do it myself. They love that.

Honestly it’s the relationship of you, your man, and communication. Seems like you went into the relationship being independent which is maybe what he like or is now what he’s used to. You’ve finally have gotten to the point where you’ve taken on too much so you need to communicate with him.

I’m a stay at home mom, so I accept the responsibilities of the kids routines and of the house cleaning. My husband works and takes on the responsibilities of our finances. However, when we are home together we help each other. If he needs a doctor appointment I make one for him. If I need help with the kids he steps up. Weekends we do things together as a family or we do housework.

It’s all communication. If he needs help, let him as and help him. If you need help, ask and have him help you.

Tell him what you told us: that his lack of help is a turn off. You both work outside the home. You shouldn’t bare the entire load at home. He uses dishes, creates dirty laundry, etc., as do his kids.

That said, this problem is typical. Boys aren’t taught to do housework like girls are. They do periodic work, such as mowing the lawn or taking out the garbage. My brothers were never asked to help in the kitchen. Sit down with him and lay out your expectations, including that he does chores without being asked.

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Your issue is you went in and continue with the single mentality. You’re trying to find excuses or someone to reason and justify you becoming single.

Either fix things or move on. The household is what you make it. If it’s not running how you would desire, then speak to your other half and either get routines you’d like or go and do your own thing.

People who don’t do the routine will ask where they can help and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Show him the article. If he doesn’t get it then…go be independent without him

I get paid over $ 125 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21657 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.

M0re Info.

Mine helps but he “helps” with things I’d rather him not lol like he went through and “organized” a drawer that had all the kids and my stuff in it none of his things but theres a drawer upstairs filled with his crap that I’ve been asking him to clean out for months or he’ll help with dishes but I’ve asked 6 times to take out the trash lol it drives me nutso crazy pants …we love our men but they are human and they have there quirks just like us!!

So many unhappy women pretending to be in a relationship if yal this miserable just leave stop playing pretend.

He gets home first, so when I come home he has cooked Dinner & cleaned the kitchen. Works for me. If I remember to ask, he will vacuum too

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This why I got a divorced and some other issues. If I’m gonna do everything as a single parent while married I’m just gonna be single. I had more free time as a single parent. The weekends that are his I caught up on house work or I had me time. It was nice. Now in a relationship have been for 5 years just moved into getting last year. I do all the house work and take care of my own kids. They are not his and my youngest is 12. However I don’t not work. I took early retirement do to medical issues. I still get frustrated at times but he works 6 days a week so he doesn’t get much time. He gets home at midnight I feed him dinner then we go to bed. On his days off I would love more help but he’s tired I get it so I don’t push it and he always says relax take a day off lol. We do spend the day together though do I can’t complain. After all he does help pay for children that are not his.

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This…this is the biggest reason I stay single. Not because of cheating, or abuse (which neither is okay) but because men expect us to take care of them while carry the financial burden. If I’m carrying the financial burden and take care of housework I’d rather be single

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Oh I can relate as I’ve said before I’ll communicate with my hubs and when he wasn’t getting the hint I’d call him a roomie throughout the house til it bothered him I told him that’s what it’s like so now he knows I don’t care what he does as long as I’m cleaning something he needs to also we both do in door and outdoor as we have fire wood that need split and stacked him and kids do that but he does the dishes when I’m cleaning the bathroom he’ll do the clothes as I bring them downstairs we both sweep but only I mop I prefer it he’ll do his own laundry to help cause 8 ppl in a home is hard our work clothes seem as tho 10 ppl live in here. He helps pick up 1 kid 1 day a week from after school activities. I’m an independent woman I was an only girl so my dad especially taught me to never depend on a man.

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I have the best husband. He works full time. He does the grocery shopping, cooking and cleans up the kitchen when he’s done. He doesn’t hesitate to run the vacuum and straighten up the house. He helps with the grandkids when I need help. It’s been 39 years. It wasn’t always like this. I worked full time in the medical field and raised 3 children. I did everything required in the house and all the yard maintenance. Dinner was on the table at 4 everyday. All my husband had to do was come home and eat. 16 years ago I got hurt in my nursing job. It was life altering. I’ve been fighting for my life ever since. I took care of him. Now he takes care of me. We have always done whatever was needed without stressing out the other. We enjoy taking care of each other. It’s not a competition. Whoever has the time does the task. It’s teamwork


Make a chore chart for your family obv if kids are little they can’t do much but even kids as young as 5 to 6 can put folded clothes in drawers, windex, run a vacumn with some supervision. Sit down as a family and get him on board. Hopefully he wouldn’t protest if you do it as a family if front of your kids. Privately if he has issues, remind him it is his responsibility to set a good example for kids. They will someday be In a relationship too and you don’t want your sons to be poor husbands or boyfriends or your daughters to be treated poorly because they grew up watching their mom have no help. Do marriage counseling if necessary. I’m not being mean but some guys are clueless. You need to address this so he and you are on the same page and it doesn’t create further animosity.


I feel this post in my soul

I think is is part of what every single married person I know has to deal with that the key is high tolerance. I don’t know why women aren’t warned ahead of time about what it’s like but I am guessing it’s because no one would get married because a lot is just powering though stuff . Good luck. It will be alot of reminding and talking but it’s happening again and again …

Idk girl that’s a tough one a man will do anything and everything for the correct women. Don’t think about it too much just don’t settle

My husband works full time in a factory and used to work tons of overtime. I’ve worked on and off some, part time. I have been a full time homemaker for almost 5 years since quitting my last job. Our kids our grown and we take care of our grandson 2 or 3 days a week. My husband helps out on his own with certain things and extra if I need him.

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My recommendation is to read a book call d “fair play”

I feel like I could have written most of this. I’m sorry :pensive: I don’t have any advice. But your thoughts and feelings are valid. Good luck

Ok so you’re basically like a single mom, just like your mom was, if you get everything done yourself and manage it all on your own then why be married to him? You deserve to be with someone that contributes and puts you and your needs first!!
You know what the answer to all this is!! You say he’s a good dad, let him do that from afar!! Good luck girl!!

Ugh! The struggle is real. :roll_eyes:

Talk to him and give him specific chores that you want him to take over.

Teach your sons well ladies!!!

Whoever started the equal rights for women I always blame it on them cause we never got equal rights period. Women still get 90 percent of the household and mom duties plus we have to work now too and these men expect it, ive never understood. Ive always said that women deserve extra tax breaks cause we have so much more mantinence too. Men don’t have monthly, feminine products, bras, birth control, make up cause God forbid I doubt we would get and keep a job without it thank God this younger generation of women get to skip the pantyhose. I’m glad I’m divorced cause the only extra thing my ex did was the yardwork and I helped with that too

This is me!!! Swear to it and im only 24. I just went from being an independent single mother of two, to being an engaged pregnant home owner. All of the men in my family are lazy (why didn’t we learn from each other?) and the women do everything. Its super exhausting because it feels like your taking on the world.