Hey so I have a question for all the moms… how much formula do you give your three month old? My daughter seems to never get full and I give her 3 1/2 ounces. Please no negative comments first time mom
My 3 month old was drink 5 to 6 each feed.
There are guides on all sorts of stuff but as a mom of 6 this is just guesses. I had a baby that ate more and is 16 yrs old completely healthy. I asked my doctor concerned and he always said if baby was breastfed you’d never know how much baby actually ate and to just feed baby they will not over eat. And I did. I fed my baby.
My daughter will be 3m Friday just in the last 2 weeks she started taking 4 ounces and she eats every 2hrs If she shows she hungry hour later I give her 2 ounces she will tell you when she is done or if still hungry
Try to give her 4 ounces and remember that every baby is different. If she’s still hungry, make more. Babies are trial and error, as a matter of fact, children of all ages are trial and error
It varies ! Don’t worry ! Typically 4 oz and or to 6oz ask ur pediatrician also if u can add some baby cereal to the bottle milk
Mine drinks 4oz every 2-3 hours. If we feed her more than that she spits it up.
If she’s still hungry make her another 2 ozs. It completely depends on the baby.
My granddaughter is 9 weeks old she drinks 5 to 7 oz . You may want to make larger bottles
Mine drinks 5 oz every 3-4 hours
Should be drinking atleast 4-5 oz by now.
4 to 5 ounces per feeding
Mine drinks 3oz with cereal every 2-3 hours. And most of the time she doesn’t wake up in the night to eat.
Depends on the size of your baby i would think. Feed her till she’s satisfied. She’ll let you know when she’s done
Feed her until she is satisfied. Usually 5-6 ounces
4-6 oz. 3.5 is not enough
Try increasing the ounces. 3.5 ounces won’t get her full
That’s too little. Hence why she’s never full….when she doesn’t seem full you make more by an ounce and see.
Atleast 4 or more depending if she is just right on weight
Just follow babies lead she may be ready for more milk
Mine was taking 4 oz every 2-3 hours at 3 months. If she still seemed hungry after, I’d let her have more until she was full. One thing her doctor stressed is that babies are really good at stopping when they’ve had enough, so it’s okay to take their cues and give them more when they want it.