How much screen time do you give your kids?

How much screen time do you give your babies? My baby is one year old, and he wants to watch cartoons while he is eating every time. I feel guilty because I put him cartoons while I do the chores around the house. So he gets a lot of screen time. But I have no other way to keep him in one place while I do the work since I’m a single mom. I’m afraid he will hurt his eyes. What do you think? Do you let your one-year-old watch a lot of cartoons or is there any other way? (We have no playpen)


My daughter LOVES TV :woman_facepalming:t3:
We started with Little Baby Bum when she was three months old. But she has an intense love for music now at only 1 year. Its educational, she can hum the songs and it keeps her occupied if i need to clean, keep her sitting while eating and even if she’s just crabby that day.
Netflix has it and I’ve bought a few DVDS off Amazon. I have it on a couple times a day…for us. I’m not saying everyone should do that, every household is different. But it works for US. :relaxed:

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My 7 month old watches little baby bums when I’m cleaning or cooking or need a minute to myself. No mom guilt here

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Maybe do more educational shows then cartoons.

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My daughter loves Dave and Ava on YouTube. It instantly calms her down

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It depends on if it’s a phone or tv, phone have been proven to be bad all the way around for young children. My 3 month old will sit in his jumper and watch Nemo or Family guy (yes adult show but he’s 3 months old he’s happy with just the colors and doesn’t understand words yet) while jumping around while I clean.


Being a mom is rough, being a single mom is even more rough. If you have to put him in front of a screen to get something done, then you do what works for you. Mine is almost 7m and has an iPad to watch in the car so he’s not screaming bloody murder. Do what works for you.


Make it educational sesame street, mickey mouse club

My daughter is 15 months and loves watching simply songs but barley pays attention to the t.v. I let her listen to them maybe twice a week. Besides weekends our t.v is never on and she could care less.

Can’t really get my son to watch tv

Some parents do the “TV is bad preach” but my kids LOVE TV :joy: I do anything to make my life easier. I have two boys & man can screen time help to make them sit still! Don’t feel guilty! I bet your an amazing mummy. You deserve two minutes peace! Mine are also avid hikers so as long as there’s some sort of balance. Don’t even worry about it :joy:

My son watches blippi, little baby bum, cocomelon, and Ryan. He’s 3 1/2 now and he’s very smart. He’s watched quite a few educational ones (his choice). Dave and Ava is another one.

My son watches blippi on YouTube on the PlayStation. It’s educational and I can tell a drastic increase in his vocabulary

I have a 17 month old , absolutely no screen time ! And also a single momma high chair , or something that keeps him busy .We listen to music all day and he LOVES IT !


My ped says screen time has nothing to do with hurting their eyes, but it’s more about the dependency to be entertained by electronics. Kids should be encouraged to have imaginative play and to be outdoors. I think at such a young age you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself and do what you need for things to get done. As long as you’re putting toys in front of them to encourage play you’ll be fine and baby will be fine.

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Sometimes TV is the only way. But I get the guilt. I try to keep loads of toys around, have him help with chores, or put on music instead and dance with him. Its tough though, sometimes they just want the tv and we all know how arguing with a 1 year old ends. Dave and Ava and Cocomelon. At least then they learn something while their at it. :joy:


It’s on all day…mainly for background noise. They take maybe 5-10 mins to sit and watch then they’re gone again


Include little one in with chores- it’s never too early! I font think I know one person that follows the pne hour rule. Try to aim for a certain time of day for tv, outside time, playtime, meals etc- then a routine will set in and make things easier

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My 8 month old loves Daniel tiger and story bots… he will only be still and watch for an episode tho lol so he watches no more than an hour a day…
a bunch of small safe Tupperware, lids, spatulas and random safe kitchen stuff in his playpen keeps him busy for over an hour lol :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2:
When he gets bored with that… I switch the kitchen stuff out for “new” safe kitchen stuff and he’s busy all over again :joy::clap:t2::raised_hands:t2:


As long as it’s educational I don’t think it really matters. People have me crap about it but my two year old knows all his letters, numbers, and a lot of his shapes and colors, he’s even starting to recognize words and read. It’s all about what they are watching to me.


We do education while it’s tv as well like little baby bum and there is things with ABCs and 123s and shapes and stuff like that


I have a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old I’m also a single mom I play everything that is learning shows. I do Disney JR and paw patrol. They play with their toys and watch tv while I do house chores. I also try and have one on one time with them both to know I still am thinking about them


There are so many Educational shows for kids. They will learn more watching those shows than people realize.


i have a 5 month old that will sit in his swing and watch baby shark for a long time, he loves the colors. My 6 year old, as long as her homework is done, she can do whatever she wants in her spare time. play, or watch tv it doesnt matter to me either way.


All mine are older. And well, most days it’s as they please! Because they’re pretty good about not being stuck to it anyway. They’ll play or watch for 10-30 min then get bored and move on to outside, creative or other things. Then might come back an hour later to look something up on YT. Etc. As long as behavior, attitude and responsibilities are in check. If I say get off the phone, and you do it respectfully, awesome! If it turns to fit throwing, it gets taken away for a week.
When they were younger, they didn’t really have anything. A tablet for shopping or appointments. Some TV at home in morning, nap time and evening.


When my oldest was 1, all she did was watch disney junior on the ipad. She’s now 4 and loves to watch ryan. She gets 4 hours total…2 at quiet time and 2 before bed. She usually lays it down somewhere and goes to play.


My daughter is now 3 but I would put BabyTV on for her a lot while she was younger so I could get things done and she wouldn’t cry when I was away from her. Now if I put it on its after dinner on days hat we work and it’s usually Disney jr or when we are home during the day PBS shows. They are educational so I don’t feel as bad. She does have a tablet that we have ABC Mouse and amazon FreeTime (kid oriented) that she plays on when we get home from work until dinner is ready (she is usually on her lil potty and want her to WANT to go on it), so about 30-45 minutes of games that are helping her learn (colors, numbers, shapes, hand/coordination). I don’t feel as guilty when it’s educational, and 50-75% of the time I’m playing/watching with her and talking with her about what’s going on.

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There’s a difference in screen time to entertain for certain periods of the day versus constant screen time. My daughter is almost 10 months old, and I turn 80s music videos on the tv for her every morning while I’m getting dressed for work. She sits and plays with her toys and dances while I have time to do what I need to do. It’s an appropriate eye distance away from her so there’s no strain and she’s still encouraged to play. Just make sure there’s an appropriate balance between screen time and play time and everything will be fine. Moms deserve breaks, so don’t be ashamed for giving yourself some peace to get done what you need to get done.


My tv is always on mostly cartoons if my older kids aren’t home. My little one will babble to the cartoon characters if he likes them. But mostly he is into whatever I am. I give him kitchen spoons when I’m doing the dishes. I sit with him and do laundry occasionally. I dont really worry about the screen time. Alot of things are educational now. Do what you want and what works for you. Dont worry about other people talking crap.


Shouldn’t even have screen time at that age.


I have the TV on just about all day. I don’t limit unless they are misbehaving or have had bad behavior in school or something. We watch coco melon on YouTube and little baby bum. Also have some silly songs we listen/watch on YouTube as well. We have some movies they love on vudu, Netflix has shows they all love and we watch disney junior on cable.
Have 2 step kids, 7&4, and 2 biological, 2&newborn, so I enjoy my sanity very much and TV helps give a few minutes of quiet every so often throughout the day!


When I had my son I did not want him watching any TV whatsoever. I wanted to be that mom and just had heard it was horrible etc BUT I found out quickly it is not possible to be the perfect mom…
But my son started watching baby bum and I hated that he was watching T.V especially starting so young ( my mom turned it on for him around 6 months and he instantly loved it) BUT now he is 22 months and due to that show he loves learning and has learned his all his colors, numbers to 10, all his letters, the sound the letters make, shapes, body parts, animals, and that’s recognizing and saying all of these and isn’t even 2. It is incredible and it was due to that show! I think where it sings it it helped him learn so well and so quick! There are a few on Netflix but tons on YouTube under the Little Baby Bum channel and they continuously put new ones up as well. There are many about manners and going to the potty etc as well :slightly_smiling_face: but he also plays a lot with it on in the background and he is obsessed with books and playing with cars and blocks etc. So he doesn’t watch it continuously and I don’t use it as a baby sitter.


I feel you. Most of the time TV is the only babysitter I get, so I use it. Keep it educational or simple. And limit time.


Do what u gotta do to function girl. I have a one year old and i only wish he’d be entertained with a cartoon so i could clean without him following behind me making mess after mess. Lol

Id put him in the high chaire with food put him 6feet from the tv he will be fine a baby is never bored ive been single 20 years i had twinsi did it all 4 girls 1boy the babys never bored thats what ypu do if you have a play pen with i believe that dont have rhem ok go get that huge gait give him a pam turn ot upside down a wooden spoon let him play with it show him how to bang on it while you vaccum the noise wount bother either of yous

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If his going to be watching anything maybe make it educational? Shapes, colors, numbers, ABC’s or nursery rhymes. If you’re cleaning get it done. If that’s what you have to do to keep him entertained then do it. Who cares what everyone else thinks lol. As a single mom u gotta do what u gotta do. After ur done cleaning then take him off the TV, and do something else. If he gets bored of the TV I always used to put books out. Or I would have a few toys around him and when he got bored of that, I would take out different toys and rotate them. You have to get those chores done cause no one else is going to do them for you. Someone is always going to judge or say don’t do that or o never did that with my kids. Just do what works for you.

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Baby wear while doing chores.

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1 to 2 hours after school, if they do their chores, their room is cleaned, and they have to play outside for 1 hour, weather permitting!!

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The TV help keep children calm and “can” teach them thing they enjoy it. I am 24 now and I grew up watching tv and playing games and outside and I turned out really well! My life is pretty good so I know Tv doesn’t affect our children. I understand why some parents want to keep tv from them or set a time… like seriously?! You didn’t have that when growing up so why make you children go through something you didn’t have too! As for it hurt your child’s eyes just don’t have to up to close and the screen won’t hurt him. Let your children be kids and if that means watching CARTOON then so be it!! It DOESNT have to be educational… your kids are going to have PLENTY of education when they start school. But for right now I would let them do what they love to do which is watch tv. Our children does and we could ask for more better behaved children and their so smart even with NOT watch educational shows!!!

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Start doing blanket time. And no I’m not taking about abusing ur child but by being consistent u will be able to put the child on a blanket with a select few toys only used for blanket time. And u will be able to have the child stay put while cleaning the house taking a shower and cooking dinner. It’s a sanity saver.

At age 1 not a lot maybe 30 mins a day!

My son is 5months… Hes watches kids movied all the time all day every day… Keeps him oocupied while he eats his bottle and i do chores or whatever i wanna do… I see no problem in it


My daughter watches whatever I’m watching, IF she’s even paying attention. She’s usually playing with her toys (which I prefer). The only time I’ll put it on something kiddish is if I need to get some stuff done around the house. Even then, I’m choosy about what she watches. I only put it on stuff I grew up with like mister Rogers or big comfy couch etc. None of this high pitched, annoying, brainless trash that’s popular these days because my head can’t hack it. But majority of the time, the tv is set to what I want because she obviously loses interest and resorts to playing with her toys. I prefer her to be actively playing with toys than glued to the tv. That’s just me tho.

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My two year old get about 0.5 hr of cartoon time and it’s monitor to learning stuff. Like Wiggles or Baby Bum. I have a 7 year old that maybe watches abt 1hr day of if that. And I have a 16 and 15 year old who have phones so I have no idea lol. But they where raised the same as the younger ones. I don’t watch my shows till younger ones are in bed. Cause there minds are so fridgel there learning sponges from birth -8.

I’m the bad mom. I leave the tv on all day. Its background sound. But I leave it on educational shows. My daughter doesn’t just sit there and watch the tv. But by hearing it she has picked up alot of words. She is 1 and can speak pretty good. My daughter is more interested in playing with her legos or other things. Every now and then she looks up at the tv if something sparks her interest.


I have a day care in my home. They watch TV at the most 45 minutes a day. Tops. And video time maybe an hour a week. And it’s the shows you have mentioned.

I think it’s fine as long as you find balance.

PBS is a great channel for chilfren. My son is 4 and has Downs syndrome and he has learned a lot from it. Plus he goes to school too. I have to do the same thing, put the TV on and let him sit in his highchair until I am done doing the dishes and etc. Then when I am done we play together.

As long as its educational Im sure its fine ! Then when you two play …you can sing the songs he listened to, count, say colors , shapes, ect ! And mostly they love when they know you were listening & learned the songs & stuff too

Toys. Education toys. I have 6 kids they love to play with education toys

I have an almost 11 month old and I have some kids show on constantly. Blue clues, bubble guppies, just something educational and for kids.
But her actually watching it? Maybe 30 minutes all day. Lol. I just keep it on for noise. We go outside, go play in her play room, but she spends most of her time following me around while I cook and clean. She’s got toys in every room, so she plays with that while I do whatever. I don’t really think a kid should be glued to a tv or iPad all day, but there’s nothing wrong with them watching it for a little bit everyday.


Girl do what you want. Dont let others put you down for how you parent.


I would say as long as you are trying to get him some time outside everyday when weather permits, working with his learning (like speech, colors, counting, nursery rhymes and such) tv time isn’t horrible. I do try to make most of it educational but he does watch things that aren’t. My son is three and he often watches t.v. while I clean. There is times I get him involved in the cleaning. He likes to help with the laundry (can hand him the wet clothes and he can put it in the dryer), dishes (really just plays in the rinse water), picks up toys, and likes to wipe the table. It’s all fun and learning for them right now and starting at one isn’t bad.

We always did educational shows or kids songs on YouTube to keep my kids busy at that age. If it wasn’t for Dora the Explorer, I would have never had a clean house, cooked dinner, or managed to make myself presentable when my girls were little. In my unofficial study (my own kids), all 3 of kids are just fine after having and still having a lot of screen time. My middle daughter is an avid and advanced reader who’s very smart (9 years old in 2 weeks), my oldest daughter is very smart and crafty (she taught herself how to sew by watching tutorials on YouTube and she’s about to be 11) and son uses good manners and phrases from his TV shows too. You have to do what works for you. Don’t stress out.

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We do cocomelon or Dave and Ava, my daughter knows tons of songs, she can do itsty bitsy spider, Patty cake and a ton of other hand motions to the songs. She has learned sign language, numbers, shapes, letters. I use it to interact and teach because it’s all music and nursery rhymes. But we also watch movies at times, and we still do a ton of floor time. Shes 15 months and can do a flip by herself and climb like a rock star. I think you’re doing great. You know what’s best for your baby and you are in control. You got this mom!

WHO recommends no screen time whatsoever until 2 years old.

I understand it’s frustrating as a mom trying to “do it all” and can only imagine being single on top of that. The pressure to have it all together and have it all done is killing us. First, you need to lower your expectations. So what if there’s a sink full of dishes, or there is some dust on the bookshelf, this is a short window of time where your baby needs you this much which you’ll never get back. No one has ever looked back when their child was grown and said “I wish I would’ve vacuumed more”, so spend these moments with your son as much as you can. The dishes can wait. I understand that there are some things we can’t avoid and sometimes a show is a lifesaver if you need to make dinner or even just go to the bathroom so a few min here and there wouldn’t hurt. The problem lies with turning to it as a crutch for everything. Try to implement other ways of getting stuff done before turning to the TV. Wait until baby is sleeping, baby wear, include him in your activities… if you’re doing laundry, yeah he’ll just be spending the whole time taking clothes out of the basket but at least he’s preoccupied and it gets him to feel included in the family chores at an earlier age.

My 1 year old won’t watch cartoons lol

My 7 month old always has cartoon on … keeps her happy … but just learning videos from YouTube… or kids songs … she freaks out over b.i.n.g o lol… and my oldest boys are always on fortnight yes … I’m that mom and I’m not ashamed … both my kids boys grew up the same as my daughter is and they are both on top of their classes and their eyes are fine … no issues … other then when the power goes out … there is quick panic but then they always find something to do …


My son is three and I’m disabled. I used educational TV to occupy him. Not only is he learning but it gives him down time. At the end of the day it’s your child. I grew up watching what my parents watched mostly. As far as affecting his eyesight. Don’t let your child be right up on the TV. Just be careful spoiling him with the TV. You don’t want him to assume he will always have it. Cause if for whatever it’s not working a temper tantrum won’t be far behind.

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I have to have background noise when I do housework. So the tv is on almost all day. Same with my 2 year old’s tablet. But the only time she is really watching is when we sit at eat while the older 2 are in school and then snack after school. But there are some days we just lounge around and it’s a free day.

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If you are concerned with the amount of time your child is watching TV try different things to keep him busy. Maybe corner off a section of one of the rooms in the house. Give him toys while you clean. Of that doesn’t work try doing the chores while he is asleep. If not you should really look into a playpen you can get one really cheap and sometimes people give them away.

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I have 9 kids lol tv is on all day 🤷🤷 its not like they just sit there and watch it only…they play with toys, do arts and crafts etc so if that makes me a bad mom then so be it. My kids are very bright for their ages.


Okay so my soon to b 2 year old does not get to play on phones or tablets. But I have the tv on I put on pbs kids and learning shows or ones just for little kids. And my tv is on pretty much all day but my oldest o my sits for a bit to watch lol

My babe is almost two and she gets elmo and educational shows for about two hours or less in the evening so I can get things done. I’m working as both parents at the moment since my husband is in the army so I feel ya sis! I play kids music during the day if we’re home because I can’t stand silence. But she LOVES the music and will break out some moves and dance with me as I’m doing chores etc

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My baby is 7mo and when he wakes up at 5:30am he plays with teethers & watches leapfrog until his first nap. After that, i do my best to occupy him the majority of the time. It’s hard, but i have bouncers swings books playmats and he loves to be outside. But sometimes, i just have a day, & he ends up with more educational screen time than others. :woman_shrugging:t3: Were human and we have to take care of ourselves too! Baby will be OK!

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I’ve never liked mine watching too much TV,I would always incourage them to play with their toys and work on their fine motor skills and use those little brains. And it made it very easy for me to clean house if he was in his room with his toys

The tv is pretty much always on at my house for background noise for me if nothing else. The 2 month old never looks at it. Lol. The almost 3 year old watches like one show then runs off to play. The 4 year old is tricky. Sometimes I have to run her off to go play or just turn it off cause some days she’ll sit there all day and watch it. Other days she’ll watch one show and run off to play.

My kids r 12 7 two r 4 19 months and 6 months. The tv is mostly always on they will stop when they want watch 5 mins then go play. I limit their phones to after dinner time 6p to bedtime 8p or they wouldn’t ever get off. They r outside good days for 1hr chores hw ect. They have tv’s in their room that’s on as well and they like to relax on their bed or play with their toys while listen to tv. But tv’s r off at 8p. Weekends they get most of the tv weekdays they don’t get home til 4/430p from school weds they leave at 6 for awana club. My kids r active but always has tv on and each have their own phones for videos/games💁

My 18 month old will watch maybe an hour in the morning and an hour at night. The only other time I have it on for him is if I’m cooking or cleaning but it’s mainly just background noise for him.

It’s called being a parent they dont need screen time interact with them read books play with there cars dolls and bikes with them go for a walk, paint draw write learn colours numbers.


I was firm on little to no screan time at that age. Lots of sensory toys n Music nursery rhymes n such. it all changed when he climbed over gates so my lil guy will be 3 in Feb n im betting overr 5 hours a day now just because the other half gets hime and rurns it on I dont mind it to keep him off of me lol. you do you mama hang in there.

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We didnt use tv or tablets or phones to distract. We sectioned off an area, had those foam padding things on the ground, and set up all their stuff. If I needed to do something, that’s where they went. I even put in a pillow and their blanket…sometimes I would check on them and they would be laying there talking baby gibberish to themselves, then within a few minutes, they would be passed out. I never kept it quiet, I would put on the radio and check every few mins. Only time they did tv was when we dis a family movie, or I would let them randomly watch 2 or 3 little things on treehouse. They are 12 and 9 now, and they dont watch tv very often. They wanna go and play, be outside, play a bird game etc.

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My son is 21 months and gets no tablet screen time. He’s not allowed to mess with my phone though he tries. I do put PJ masks on Netflix on the tv for him, but I want him to interact with his world not his phone. I dont judge but I heard months ago about a 9 year old being put in rehav for screen addiction for Fortnite and I said ummmm Nope.

Remember that technology is advancing, each generation has had more screen time than the last, and each new generation is advancing technology more quickly than the last.
Letting yourself feel guilty because generations are changing is very harsh on yourself. Don’t do that to yourself. Know that you are an awesome mama, doing your best for your little, and know that they are happy, healthy, and loved, and that is enough :slight_smile: :purple_heart::purple_heart:


The TV is on all day at my house but my kids barely pay attention to it because they’re too busy playing with their toys.


My almost 2 year old helps me clean the house. She is not the best at it but we have fun. TV is on but she dont watch much.

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Being a single Mom I left TV on all the time. My son had a playpen though. I got household chores done after working all day. He is a certified security guard now, don’t think it hurt him.


First …you’re not the first mom that don’t have a play pen. But some refuse to use one. I loved having one with my babies. I knew what they had in it & they were safe. The cartoons-alot are guilty of letting their babies watch quite a bit . I believe its up to you. Nobodys bussiness. You’re raising your child not anyone else. You have to do what you can do & what you think is best. Good luck.

I’ve had the tv on all day every day since my son was born, he’s almost 16 months now. We don’t do screen time as in a tablet or phone, but I don’t think tv is gonna hurt him. He has a few shows he likes but other than that he doesn’t pay much attention to it.

Youll get conflicting advice on this subject as everyone has different parenting styles, do what works best for you and dont feel guilty, my children have screen time, some days more than others , but it has never effected them negatively and theyd still much prefer being out doing things or being creative,

For my 1 year old - none.
She glances at the TV now and then but even won’t watch it yet… She’s normally off playing.
She loves the radio though if we have music on she’s dancing

We also eat at the table where there is no tv

My kiddo wasnt interested in TV until about 2yr old she was all about her toys .

I dont think it will hurt him, just watch what kind of cartoon hes watching cause sometimes they act on them.

My tv never shuts off they stay busy with toys throughout the day and sometimes comes back and watches tv, in the end you do what you think is best for your baby,

You could put on kids tube, like you tube and have him watch nursery rhymes and ABCs. Stuff like that.

None. Arts and crafts much more fun :blush:

My 2 year old has his own tablet I don’t limit his screen time because he also plays while stuff is on. He can count to 100 (thank you spiderman) knows all his ABC’s and colors and most shapes he even knows the difference between a square and a cube and can read simple words because of YouTube I wish I could take credit for it but I can’t if we watch TV though it’s usually educational TV something he can learn from not just be distracted by

If he’s walking get him go around with you. My kids used to love following me around with the hoover and a cloth from a young age.
They grow out of it quickly. Have you a travel cot? Musical books and toys
Put kids cds etc on si g along songs etc if he naps work while he’s sleeping, try limit it to when you are working if he has to watch it. At meal times screens off put on music and talk to him at meal times.

As long as you remember to interact with him it’s fine. Being a single mom is difficult. Even some moms that aren’t single have to work full time jobs and do the same thing. Maybe interact with him some and talk about the cartoons with him. Encourage him to sing along if a character sings a song like blues clues and mail time. Most age appropriate cartoons have alot of singing, and you can pause in your work for a little while to stimulate his mind for the short song. It will help build language skills. Just do what’s right for you and your child.

The living room tv is usually on Disney channel most of the day. Bleuy is the best damn show on these days. Anyway I have a 12 year old who I can’t get away from her phone and a 3 year old who’s a nutcase when we try to take hers away that being said when you need them to be in a spot so you can go bathroom shower clean etc screen time is the way to go. Just dont feel guilty about it momma we all do it I swear

my daughter is 1, our tv is always on, I switch them up. cartoons, learning and music. the most she watches is 10 mins at a time. but I dont like to confine her so she is always on the go or in something. I can get dishes and laundry done with her up (night time I fold and hang laundry she likes to “help” which is unfolding so I just wait) I vacuum when she is eating her her chair. and every thing else I cant do while she is awake I do when she sleeps or naps. and my night end to picking up toys, straightening up and sweeping my floors after putting her down for bed. then I go to my room to finish up that laundry. just gotta find what works for you.

I’d you can get your hands on a large box(ie. Refrigerator,etc) cut it down to a play pen size and put in toys for a change up from tv. TV. As he agrees, he can color and draw on the inside.

Honestly, my TV is on all the time. My kids don’t sit and watch it constantly but it’s on. I’m also a single mom (but to 3 kids) I just make sure they aren’t super close.

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When mine were little I did the same thing and they all are very successful

Moderation… life moves fast!:family_woman_girl_boy:

Books, interactive toys, more mommy time :heart:

Let him watch cartoons

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