How much screen times should kids have? My husband and I are constantly in an argument about this. They are 11 and 13. I believe they should only be able to play video games for about an hour a day and TV for about an hour. The rest of the time should be spent reading or playing outside. My husband thinks because they play outside on their own and do sports, they should have as much time as they want in front of a screen, especially with summer here and school being out. What do you do with your kids?
I personally have never withheld screen time from my kids. I kinda just let them do their own thing and it has always worked for us. They all still play outside on their own too.
I think with them still playing outside and staying active I agree with your husband on this one. I would let them choose what they want to do. Sometimes it’s nice to just unwind and zone out into your favorite show especially at their age. They are getting to that age where stress can really start hitting them and it might be nice to have a little freedom.
My child isn’t in school yet, but will be soon. So for now as long as she does the little chores we give her, spends some time practicing writing letters and such (on our own), and gets daily physical activity which she loves, I’m okay with her watching a few hours of TV. Honestly it’s when I get the most done around the house. I think your little ones will be fine with screen time moderately.
My children can only play video games on the weekends and as for during the week after school and chores they can each watch one show or movie they want. Total anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on if it’s a movie
School’s out? My kids go till 22 June. You suck
Both my kids (7+3) only get 1 hr each weekdays and 2hrs each weekends on their tablets. Their tablets have a timer so they shut off automatically once that time limit has reached their end. The TV is on all day (because I’m watching it) and they usually ignore it unless a cartoon is on. They go play outside in the backyard with the dog all the time.
I let my kids use their tablets as long as their toys are picked up. The kids in my neighborhood are not the kind I want my kids around. They’re only allowed outside when the disrespectful bullying POSes aren’t outside.
I work in a group home of behavior boys(10-18age). Summer time is 3 hours. That can be split up or used all at once. But can only be on 1 electronic at a time. So Xbox 1 hour then TV 1 hour etc. School days its only for 1 hour. If they do all there chores and give no issues they get an extra 30 minutes on it. But if they do have issues or don’t do chores. Time gets knocked off that 3 hours…
I’ll be honest I was like you at first I did not want them spending a whole lot of time on the screens because I’m like they need to go outside and play have fun. And I was speaking to their pediatrician this is Ben about 5 years ago and she asked what they were doing on the computer. I said some of it is game time but they’re learning how to code. She told me that they don’t even consider coding part of screen time because they’re actually stimulating their brain. My oldest three are now almost 19, 18 and 16 and they all three have jobs so during the school year they don’t spend a lot of time on the computer. However with my 16-year-old with it being summer we give him a little bit more time.
I do agree that they do need outside time I also have a 6-year-old and we limit her screen time and she has to find other stuff to do in the house whether it be playing with her toys playing with her grandparents playing with her brothers or playing outside.
It’s been a rough year on everyone, kids included. As long as their school work is done and grades are good they have unlimited time. I have genuinely good kids though.
When my step kids (ages 12&14 at the time) where here visiting if they wanted to play video games they had to read first. Read an hour, play for an hour.
We do all day tv, no tablets/iPads allowed. She can go outside or she can watch TV, read a book, play in her room etc.
As long as my kids grades are good,they can spend as much time as they want
I don’t limit screen time during summer or vacations. My son is 11 and well behaved 90% of the time. He’s a B+ student so I find no reason to limit his screen time during the summer.
I don’t do screen time at all. Sometimes a movie in the evening, or on rainy days.
Um honestly my kids 9 and 11 get about 4 hrs a day. They’re also out playing and doing chores and we do worksheets to keep up with school.
My parents didn’t limit us. We were very active, did sports, and played outside on our own naturally. Some days and even for like a week, we’d get super into video games but then we’d go weeks without it too. It was always our own choice and often times we wouldn’t play them unless it was raining or one of those unbearably hot summer afternoons and we weren’t at a pool.
I think unless it becomes a problem then you shouldn’t need to set a limit.
I also do a hour a day
I feel like it just depends on if it is excessive or not. If they’re doing chores, helping out, being active outside a lot and doing sports, then I don’t see any issues. But if they’re on electronics for more than a few hours at a time I will shut them all off and make them get outside and get things done
Honestly…I dont limit my kids on screen time. I take them outside to play in backyard a few hours on non rainy days,take them to the park, kids play centers,splash pads, to the beach,indoor trampoline park, and water park all through the summer so get enough activity in before school starts back. However,when not having outdoor or out of house trips,they get to watch as much tv, movies, or play games as much as they want. As long as doesnt affect them while doing schoolwork and get good grades…dont see the issue. They also have play dates ,go to church,and socialize as much as possible so not being too reclusive.
An hour isn’t really a long time.
As long as their homework is done, chores, etc; i wouldn’t really mind. Especially if they’re getting outside by doing sports & stuff. I say let them have at it. It’s their free time. & if that’s what they enjoy doing.
I think it’s like fight club, first rule of fight club is we don’t talk about fight club.
get them outside in the summer
I have a 13,9,7 yr old. No screen time. We do family movie night once a week. They have bikes, dirtbikes, play soccer, outdoor games, laser tag, Pokémon cards, board games and the list goes on. They’re constantly playing and having fun.
I think it needs to be looked at as a whole. What are you doing? Are you on your phone a lot of the time, even between doing other things? Are there reasonable things for the kids to do? There aren’t a ton of kids outside to just “go play” with anymore. And a bored kid can cause trouble. So I would try to get some family activities and as long as they are doing what they need to do (school, chores, sports, other activities), they can do what they want to do. Good luck.
Could you not touch your phone for more than an hour each day…?
So this is funny but actual drs recommend screen time for one hour a day this includes tv phone and games honestly most kids would die with this expectation.
For my kids I allow them the hour of screen time plus our family movie than throughout the day they can earn 30 mins to an hour of time due to their behaviors
It really just depends. If they’re outside, turn everything off. Or, let them watch during the day and go to bed with nothing. Balance. Lol
Maybe come to a compromise on 1 hour on games but unlimited tv if they are still going outside and playing? Lots of parents have no screen time, some limit, and some allow unlimited as long as everything else is done like chores and homework. Do what works for you, but obviously this is an issue that your husband and you need to discuss and compromise on. Maybe you don’t want unlimited but you’re willing to allow more (if you’re not willing to allow more, then that’s a parenting issue between your husband and you because you aren’t willing to compromise but he probably is).
I think your both extreme . Meet in the middle . Nobody wants to play for just an hour or watch tv . That is asking for them to become worn out. to do so much and not relax . There only human .
Limit that screen time mama! At 11 & 13 they don’t need to be in front of a screen playing video games, especially with summer coming.
I definitely agree with you.
Also take your kids personality into consideration. I hate being outside, I always have. My oldest is not an outside person. He does maybe 30minutes -1 hour outside. You don’t want them miserable either because what may be fun to you or others may be unenjoyable for them. His little brother on the other hand could probably live outside and getting him to come in to eat, bathe, or bed is a pain.
My daughter is only 3 but I’ve never restricted time. Only because I feel like restricting it is basically giving them a reason to want it even more. She knows it’s there if she wants it but more times than not she’s outside playing or playing with her toys inside. If she’s wearing down she’ll watch more but other than that no. It’s not something she has to work for or constantly ask. Tv is only set to one channel when she’s awake so she’s not paying attention to said show she’s seen a million times. I see both sides but personal experience, I never have restricted it.
Being around that age i get where you’re coming from. But understand that they have friends online that they want to talk to and catch up with. When I was younger I had rules like you are trying to establish in your home. I think if they are still doing sports, and playing outside on there own it shouldn’t be a problem. I think at that age a bedtime would be acceptable with phones taken away at that time. But now throughout the day. Both of you are not in the wrong. Come to a similar agreement where both of the rules you have will work together
I want to say that I limit screen time… but it would be a lie. Lol. Do whatever keeps your sanity and them happy, as long as they are still living a life in person and getting some exercise in.
Make them read for screen time. Make them go outside and play too. Also put your electronics down and partake the same, you really shouldn’t be on your phone constantly and mad about their screen time but really whatever works for yall
Summer time is kind of a free for all in our house. It’s a very much needed and deserved break.
During the school year they are only allowed video games on the weekend if we don’t have plans as a family and no tv until all their chores are done after school
weekends- whatever. I don’t care as long as they do get out and play. We always have reading time two hours before bedtime. week days- 2 hours tv, 2 hours video games.
On school days, I limit them to about an hour, but during Summer I let them have closer to two hours a day. This includes video games, iPads and TV. They have so many books, boardgames, outdoor toys and so on to be stuck in front of an electronic device all day.
I know it sounds weird, but I have zero limitation on screen time. I think it accidentally worked in my favor because watching tv/playing on her iPad is her least favorite thing to do. I think she uses it for back ground noise more than anything, because she’ll stay in her room while it’s on in the living room and only come out if its too quiet. I guess it’s the “I want what I can’t have” idea. Of course there are times we need to do things, cleaning, etc. but during free time or me cleaning, nope
Durning the school year I limit my kinds no iPads or game consoles during the week. They can have tv after home work.During the summer months they need to go outside and play for 3 hours total it can be split up and they can have iPads or game consoles after dinner. The tv is fine as long as they do there chores.
My kids have no limits
1 hour before dinner, 1 hour after combined, they can choose either for their time. Set alarm, no confusion
To me, no matter how different two people parent, they should compromise and meet somewhere in the middle. Compromise and open and honest communication is the best and easiest way. My husband(we have a 2 yr old together), my ex(an 11 and 9 yr old) and I don’t agree on alot the first time a situation occurs. But we all communicate and figure out what we can all agree upon.
I tell all my friends get the app called family link download it to ipads tablets even phones you can set how much time kids get and also monitor what they are going on block sites approve games or apps.
Iv loved this app cause it helps with set routine
An hour a day is all my kids get on a normal day to day. Occasionally when it’s raining and gross we’ll have a day where I lift restrictions.
Well when I was around that age. I actually would be all day outside then inside. I really didn’t have much interest in the tv. Maybe only when my mom wold rent movies. But ya after skool I would go home. Leave my bag and get on my bike. Your the mom. So basically you have the saying what you want in your house. I grew up cleaning. So I’m more now of a OCD person more than anything now.
I limit screen time. And I cut it off at least 30 minutes before bed so it doesn’t interfere with quality sleep. We are all just doing what we can to be good parents. No one will give the perfect answer.
I just kinda go with what feels right. Some days call for more screen time. Some days you can tell they definitely need to get off their butts and go do something. I just use my momma instincts to judge when they’ve had enough or when they deserve a little more. Generally speaking, aside from the living room tv being on all the time, we don’t hardly do screen time. Like not even on a daily basis. And as far as the tv goes, after about 10 minutes they’d rather go play than watch it 95% of the time anyways, so I guess it’s not a big issue for us. They do ask for their tablets some days, and those are the days when I kinda just use my judgment on what feels like enough.
I don’t have a problem with screen time. The last year has been screen time. If you don’t overdo rules about it they won’t want it so much.
Kids kindle fires are awesome. While I allow them 4 hours each of screen time, I have settings as to what they are allowed to do and for how long. 3 hours they must use an educational app, whether it be math, science, or reading. Then for the last hour, they can do pretty much whatever they want. The educational stuff must be completed before they can move onto the fun stuff. When we go to my best friends house, I completely unlock their tablets as far as time.
At that age yea they should be outside more. I get if its raining however if its sunny and nice then 1-3 hours a day.
We don’t really limit tv time. My kids would rather play outside so it’s never really been an issue. Screen time with my two year old is way too much but we are working on lessening it the 10yo typically will get about an hour or so on her iPad at night after her chores are done
I have my TV on all day my kid is 3 and I’m super pregnant so it keeps her busy so I can rest while dad works, of course I do play with her and take her outside when i can to
Limiting screen time is unnecessary and disrespectful if your intentions are to raise an independent human being. I would like for my child to keep up with the evolution of technology so I do not limit it or it will be my fault she isn’t able to get future jobs.
As long as they outta my hair and their happy idc especially when I’m trying to be busy cleaning the house
Well I agree with molly, as long as I’m being left alone to do my house chores I don’t really care lol. My kids are 1 and 7 and I’m about to have a newborn. My kids play outside between 2-4 hours a day so TV time really isn’t an issue.
TV really is the new babysitter
An hour. May I ask how long you sit Infront of the TV then go off your answer.
I agree with your husband. You’ll only make them want to play it more, having a good balance will be more beneficial, if they like to spend time outside and play sports theres nothing wrong with them unwinding and playing video games with their left over time.
My partner played sports and outside a lot but wasn’t given a restriction on tv/games time and he isn’t that bothered now, he’ll have a quick go and others who have been restricted just want to do nothing other than play games.
Maybe allow kids to have 1 day a week they can play games/watch TV as much as they want but for the rest of the week only an hour or so.
Give them a lazy day.
If it were my children I’d allow 3-4hrs gaming time mostly because it takes around about an hour sometimes to actually get your head into a game and focus properly so would just be counterproductive to start enjoying something to then come off of it, but I would split that over the week, so one day gaming another day a different activity. I think as adults with different interests we don’t usually take the time to understand these simple things, and that’s where a lot of disagreements can come into play. As an adult most will spend hours (not necessarily all at once) glued to our phones yet that’s deemed acceptable, yet a child who is up out the house, goes to school all day, learns, behaves well, keeps to guidelines and boundaries, time scales and so on so forth are made to then not enjoy a few hours a day doing something they enjoy at their own leisure I’ve never really understood that concept personally. My children deserve the pleasures in life just as much even more so than I do in my opinion and if gaming or chilling in front of the TV is what they choose as their interest then that’s fine with me everyone is different, not all children genuinely enjoy being on the go 24/7 they don’t have too either that’s just what society expects of them, everything within reason is my belief and I would hate to live in a world where I couldn’t relax and enjoy the things I want too just because some one told me I couldn’t. If I’ve done nothing wrong why can’t I just enjoy being me? Same goes for my babies x
Very little. TV and movies are fine occasionally but a screen is not a pacifier
I don’t put limits but my kids aren’t completely glued so it’s not an issue
Do you know when books came out they tried to discourage reading because it was bad for kids and women. Same with movies, television, radio. Stop worrying about it. It honestly does them no harm. Yes, there are addicts to anything. Name it and you can find an addict, but that’s a different thing. If your kids are happy and healthy stop worrying about it. I think more harm is done by trying to limit harm.
I feel like we should only limit kids screen time if we can hold ourselves to the same standards. We usually try to play for at least a couple hours before screen time in our house unless it’s been a really stressful day!
That really depends on your children specifically.
How do they act if you say no? How do they act when its time to shut if off? How do they act after it’s been shut off?
As a kid I was never too obsessed with tv…I wanted in on as background noise only. I preferred reading. When I was 5-10? I enjoyed being outside and playing just as much.
We didn’t have a computer until I was 14/15…and I used that more to talk to my friends. I’d read between chatting.
I had no limits because I didnt really need them.
My kids on the other hand…pretty well become addicted to tv/tablet. They throw fits when its time to put them up. They meltdown when cartoons go off. They cant focus for anything afterwards.
So they have strict limits to the point they rarely get to play on the tablet.
But its only because of how it affects them.
Well. Technically they are reading or learning on screen time which is our new way of communicating. Like it or not they are learning differently as opposed to the beautiful old fashiom life we had the pleasure of living. Kids will always be kids try not to see it as a waste of time spent together. Eventually they get bored and want to playout.
We started a rule this year for the summer and weekends they can have screen time before breakfast and after supper. The middle of the day is for outside time, reading, playing with each other, ect. School days, they can have from 7-8 on screen time.
As long as my kids have their chores finished, I don’t worry about it to much. My kids are 16, 14, 12 and 6. They get bored of screens and draw or read or go outside. We have Sunday as a no tech day and play games or visit with family.
Who is the mother here
The summer is one hour before bed to wind down.
But in the winter it can be a little more depending on how the weather is.
Chores and reading/school work has to come first tho.
I have the tv on 24/7 in my house. My almost one year old loves watching but she also crawls over to her toys and plays and explores the house. We go outside often and she loves that as well. Do whatever you want
Try going out with them instead just sending them out. You participating with them might make them more interested. And if they see you watching tv/on some kinda device that can also discourage them and make hem wanna do the same.
My kids only get their electronics on the weekends. Also if we have plans with family or we go out to eat they do not get them at that time.
My 5 year old doesn’t watch tv but she loves her Amazon kids tablet. I don’t limit her time (though I could) but I do have it set so she can only access age appropriate educational content and it turns itself off before bed time. She was doing math problems and critical thinking puzzles all day today. She even watched an arts and craft video on how to create a 4 leaf clover and then made her own. I don’t really think that’s something to limit.