So my son turned 3 months yesterday and he eats so much it’s like he can’t get full he just always wants to eat any suggestions? Should I ask his pediatrician if he can start rice cereal or oatmeal???
I would ask! My son was the same way!
Start cereal and baby food…i had to do it at the same age with both my boys
Just a lil wont hurt…i had 3 kids
My son was like that, dr said he was cluster feeding and a growth spurt
My daughter went through a major growth spurt around that time. Went from 3mo clothes to now 6/9 month clothes at 4 months. It’ll pass
My son was the same way he had to start cereal at 3 months!!
My son was the same way by 4mknths my boy was on cereal n babyhfood lol
Cereal isn’t good for their bellies. Baby is probably just going through a growth spurt. It’ll pass
Absolutely - I started mine on cereal at about 6 weeks because she was always hungry.
Rice cereal is extremely bad for babies because of the amount of arsenic in it.
Your baby is only 3 months old & isn’t showing any signs of readiness for table food.
Look into BLW. Skip all the nasty purées full of nonsense & start solids at 6 mo.
Follow the group Baby Led Weaning for Beginners & Beyond (BLWBB)
Yes ask the doctor… As a mother, I’d give him rice cereal
Babies can’t handle anything but bm or formula before 6 months.
3 months they go through a growth spurt. Completely normal! Don’t start any cereals.
No solids before 6 months please . It is not needed. It can cause open gut , food allergies and other things. 6 months and showing the signs of readiness.
put baby applesauce or rice cereal in his milk a couple times a day or you will never get any sleep
Start cereal in his bottles or a little apple sauce or cereal
Don’t listen to the people who say don’t feed the baby. My kids came home and I put cereal in the bottle my daughter is 9 months and eats everything!! When I say everything I mean everything. My kids had no problem.
I started baby food early with all 4 of my kids. Totally up to whatever your comfortable with.
I started cereal at 3mo and baby food at 4mo, 6mo he went to a sippy instead of bottle and at 8mo he started table foods
Is he eating full bottles? Seems like everyone skips this step …
Babies shouldn’t have solids until 6 months. And I would skip rice cereal all together because it has no nutritional value.
Every baby is different only u no your baby do what your gut tells u lol
Cereal in the bottle is not good better to just make a bowl mixed w juice
Just give him more oz my Lo was the same having 7oz every 3 hours started weaning at 5 months
I would ask first. I got the ok at 6 months and my second is on enfamil ar for reflux. So, we skipped that part but i do put cereal in her baby food because she eats a lot.
It’s probably just a growth spurt rn. My one month old went thru one where I never had a moment where a bottle wasn’t made. Unless he was asleep. Just feed him as much as he wants. As long as he’s not spitting up. It should pass soon.
Talk to the doctor but the doctor here told my kids to start cereal at 3 months with my grandkids. I guess now they have it that is already mixed in with formula you just add water.
U can try him on baby food see if he has interest. Wouldn’t put cereal in bottle but that’s my opinion. I started oatmeal and purées at 4 months with mine. Or try more ounces.
Putting rice cereal in the bottle increases the risk for choking, tooth decay and ear infections. Not to mention their bellies aren’t meant to handle solids before 6 months at the earliest. Please dont.
The WHO and the AAP both state to start your baby on solids at/after 6 months of age and when all signs of readiness are met. Their stance is based on scientific research… Not a bunch of opinions on the internet.
You can try smaller portions but more frequently
I started cereal at a month. My baby is just fine. Shes now over a year old and eats EVERYTHING. Pizza. Nuggets. Oatmeal. Shes never choked. Dont make it too thick but that baby will be fine. The pediatricians back then use to tell everyone it was safe. We all lived
It’s probably just a growth spurt, babies are growing at a very rapid pace for the first year of their lives. Try more milk and if he seems like he’s still hungry and isn’t spitting it back up then ask your doctor.
It’s called cluster feeding. It means your babe is going through a growth spurt soon
I started at 4 months with solid.
It’s sad how many people don’t know the risk of introducing solids before 6 months smh
NO CEREAL as it has no nutritional value and is just empty calories. Its probably a growth spurt. Feed him
I am old school, I’m 47 and my son is in his late 20’s, he was born weighing 7 lbs, at 2 months I noticed the formula just wasn’t getting it, with Dr permission, I added oatmeal to bottles he tripled his weight by 6-7 months but, he was full. He’s now a relatively small/med sized man. Before you try making any changes talk with his dr first though bc all kids r different
Sounds spurty to me. Mine go through periods like this often. And it continued through childhood!
I asked our ped because my 3 month old eats like crazy as well. And he gave us the go ahead for rice cereal and even to introduce baby foods but not give them everyday type of thing. He said that some babies just need more than the milk.
That was my littlest. Started her on food shortly before 4 months. Shes 1 yr n 7 months n still eats like crazy
Do cereal off a spoon
Yes. Ask the Dr. Had to start my girls on a teaspoon of oatmeal cereal in bottles at 2 weeks old bc formula wasn’t enough plus had reflux. Every baby is different and needs different things at different stages
Talk to your doctor. My oldest was like that. Even growing up he was still like that.
Probably hit a growth spurt. Absolutely do not introduce solids yet. Baby’s stomach/gut is not ready yet
Tall to your doctor, because none of us are pediatricians .
Sounds like a growth spurt. When my son was younger I use to use the Wonder Weeks app and I loved it. Was always spot on with growth spurts and sleep regressions occurred. I used cereal in my son bottle at 3 months with the doctors okay but that’s because he had severe reflux
I just fed mine more often, do not introduce solids at 3months old, your baby is growing and that requires more formula. All the cereal does is.fill then bit its not.a great nutrition.
Call your pediatrician and ask instead of asking a bunch of uneducated Facebook child specialists.
Forgot to add me eats 4oz sometime more every hour and he’s been doing this since a month old definitely don’t think it’s a growth spurt because if it was it would have stopped.
ask pediatrician… sounds like cluster feeding… wouldn’t hurt to ask… my guess they will say no… most recommend 6 months or older for food
Could definitely be silent reflux… They eat to soothe.
The biggest danger from introducing cereal, if your child isn’t ready and you make it too thick your child could aspirate the cereal. Every child is different some are ready before others. Most cereals are fortified, which means they do have nutritional value. Rice cereal had a tendency to cause constipation, oatmeal is a better choice if you run into that problem. Talk to your doctor before you give your baby cereal.
Increase his milk intake a little at a time and just let him eat until he lets you know that he is full.
My son had a heck of an appetite as a young baby as well. Talk to your doctor about cereal if you want, most little one’s tummies just aren’t ready for cereal that young.
I would put a little rice or oatmeal the bottle to thicke it. Just a half a scoop. Same one used as formula.
Try pace feeding him.
Don’t bother asking they’ll tell you it’s to soon just do it start with rice cereal 7 kids I have a little experience with this With my first baby I started feeding rice cereal at 2 months he was the same way Eat constantly and nursing it was hard my mom told me to start with just a teaspoon at first it wasn’t enough so at 2 months I gave him a tablespoon of cereal 3 times a day It gave me some time from nursing and pacified him for awhile
Yes. Mix rice cereal with milk.
Lol just feed him until he’s full
do NOT put rice ceral or oatmeal in his bottles!! try upping his ounces first, and if that’s not helping talk to his pediatrician (you should be consulting them first regardless) about other options.
No. It’s a growth spurt
Could just be a growth spurt. But my doctor said as loong as the can move their mouth up and down and are following the spoon with thier eyes and are acting like they need more and cant ger full then they are ready my frist started baby food at 3 months my second at 41/2 almost 5 months before she was ready
Does he also drink a lot?
If so…get him tested for T1D.
I would talk with his dr. My son is the same way we upped the oz it didmt help so dr told us to add oatmeal to his milk.
I had this problem with my son and he had silent reflux and was eating nonstop to relieve himself I take him to the chiropractor now and he’s perfect maybe see if he has it
Talk to the doctor about
It’s a growth spurt. Babies cluster feed. Honestly look up when they have their growth spurts, babies do NOT need cereal at that age.
My 2 month old was eating 3oz every hour so I started putting rice in her cereal around 6 weeks. Now she eats 5oz every 3 hours except for at night before bed she’ll eat about 6oz and sleep through the night. Every once in a while she’ll wake up once a night for a bottle but really it’s hit or miss right now
Most likely going through his 3month growth spurt … My son is 4 1/2 minths just went through it for a while he was constantly nursing … we tired baby food at 4 months n he didn’t like it
I had to start cereal with my 4th child at a month, he was always hungry and now hes my chunker at 7 months
All the rice cereal and oatmeal does is thicken the milk. It does not make them choke. I have had a lot of experience with babies and doing this. Only put a small amount like a teaspoon to start. It’s not going to hurt them. Mine also started eating real foods at 6 months. And now they are healthy and almost 14 and 15 this year and almost bigger than me.
He’s not a bottomless pit, juat up the ounces.
Don’t put cereal in a bottle, please please don’t. I would give him more ounces at a time first. Then if you want to try cereal mix it up and offer it in a spoon.
May be Reflux/silent reflux
First world problem arguing about to give or not to give cereal. Back in the day, when mothers couldn’t breastfeed, they would cook rice to mush like porridge and give their babies that. It was fine. It’s fine. Survival. Just saying.
Some kids just eat a lot. My son did as a baby and now he is 2 and is really tall. Just bring it up with the doctor for your peace of mind.
Just ask your pediatrician. These Google searching fools don’t know anything about your child. You do what you feel is best for your baby. All babies are different.
Nope. All baby needs until a year is breast milk or formula. Anything other than that is just for fun and shouldn’t start until AT LEAST six months. We are overfeeding our kids from birth then wondering why we have the highest rate of obesity in the world.
Your baby is likely going through a growth spurt OR is looking to comfort suckle since that’s what tiny humans naturally do.
Just give bigger bottles. If your baby is hungry and keeping it down there’s no need to mix anything into the bottle. My 3 month old occassionally will drink 8 oz. Today he ate a 5 oz bottle and an hour later ate another 5 oz.
I started weaning both mine at 3 months.
It’s a growth spurt and totally normal. Making sure baby fills up on formula or breastmilk will ensure proper brain development. Rice cereal has little nutritional value, can cause digestive issues, and should NEVER go in a bottle because it’s a choking hazard. The updated expert advice is to wait until the baby is 6 months and showing all signs of readiness to ensure there is no damage done to their digestive tract, and the choking risk is minimized. Starting any solids too early can result in a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, food allergies, etc.
They do this normally during their growth spurt. It doesn’t last long, only a few weeks normally.
My nephew was like that and my mom started doing “what we did back in the day” thing. (In my country, mothers back then feed their babies from 1mo mashed bananas and stuff)
Now my 8mo nephew is very big and is always wanting food. He’d stare what you’re eating and cries if you don’t feed him.
Too early for cereal! Don’t do that! He’s going through a growth spurt! Hang in there mom!