Hey moms just wanted to know if my baby may possibly be overweight. She is 9 months old and weighs 9.64kgs. People all say the same thing when they see her… “aww shes big for her age” I’m not sure if I need to cut down on her feeds or if she’s at a good weight in correspondence to her age.
Once she starts walking and growing she will lose weight. My daughter is fat for her age but the doctor said it’s nothing to worry about. Keep feeding her
Babies should be fat. Unless it hinders milestones or you see disease clues keep feeding your baby.
Can’t say for sure, but honestly who says that? That’s so rude. She’s a baby.
She’s fine. My daughter is 10 months and 20lbs, very tall and pudgy for her age. Don’t be concerned unless your pediatrician says something.
My 8month old is almost 9kg and she’s perfect for her age maybe they mean big as in height wise?
21.2 pounds , is the baby crawling ? Does baby lean when sitting up. can the baby pull her self up? How long is the child?
My son was 11 pounds at birth, he will be 6 months on the 28th and he weighs just a little over 20 pounds and his ped isnt worried at all. He’s completely healthy and she told me there’s nothing to change. He eats 8 oz, 5 times a day right now. I honestly wouldn’t be concerned at all unless the pediatrician says something. Some babies are just bigger
Edit: my son is also taller for his age, at his last appointment a month ago he was 26.5 inches long.
It sounds a little small to me but I am in my 60’s we grow big kids back then. What does your doctor say if she is in they BMI and growth charts and she is happy and healthy why worry.
She’s 9 months old. Feed your baby. When she starts running, it will even out. She’s too young to be cutting down her feeding!
At 9months dont worry about it. Average is just a few lbs under that.
Once she starts walking and grows in height everything evens out. I wouldn’t worry.
Your baby is exactly the size she should be.
5 month picture-21 pounds! He gains 1 pound a week, and that’s no lie- he’s strictly on just formula (expensive due to non milk/non corn) nothing else yet…he’s a chunk but he sits up alone, stands/walks holding the couch I’m sure in no time he’ll start loosing the chub at least I hope… I’m starting to get concerned with how much he’s gaining but his dr isn’t concerned at all…my first was “tiny” like legit he was just a little over 10 pounds at 5 months but his little brother doubled his size at the same age
21 pounds at 9 month is nothing. My daughter weighed 30 pounds at 9 months . Once they get mobile they loose it all.
Not at all! My daughter is 10 months and 21 lbs. she is perfectly healthy!! Once she starts crawling and walking all her chub will mealy away
If her doctor isn’t saying she’s overweight then I wouldn’t be concerned
Shes healthy. At least she isnt starved
My 16 month old is 22 lbs but idk I’m sure your baby is just fine
Unless your doctor raises concerns, please do your best not to worry. Your baby is beautiful, and only a doctor has any right to comment on her weight.
There is too much of a stigma on a babies size, she’ll even out, don’t worry about it momma!
Just feed the baby. My son is “big for his age”…has been since he was 2 months old. He is almost 4 now, pushing 60 lbs, and almost 4ft tall. He wears 6-7 in little boy clothes. He’s not fat, hes just solid and tall.
My daughter was 20lbs at her 6 month check up in April and doc said she is fine. Crawling/Walking they lose it all. My 2 boys were CHUNKS, and now I miss it cause they’re so active (almost 4 and almost 2) that I can’t feed them enough (it feels like) for them to gain, but they’re healthy and that’s all that matters.
My doctor told me today by 1 they should triple there weight or more! My little guy just turned 1 and he is 25.5 lbs! My 1st baby lost all his pudge between 18 months and 2!
Just hit 4 months 2 days ago he is 15 pounds.
Mine is 8 months almost 9 and she’s 18 lbs.
My sons 20 lbs and hes not six months old yet. His doctor isn’t concerned.
My son is 5 months old and he’s 16 lbs lol
My 6 month old is 20 pounds
DO NOT CUT DOWN. She’s 9 months old and takes what she needs! Some babies are just fat, they will grow out of it as they age, usually around 3!!
My 4 month old is 17lbs. My first was 19lbs at 8 months lol my doctor didn’t seemed concerned with either of my boys in regards to their size
My daughter is nearly 9 months and is about 16.5lb/7.6kg. However, she was only 5.13lb at birth. If your girl is staying on her curve and her dr isnt concerned, I wouldn’t stress about it.
My girl is 10 months on Saturday and 9.5kg I don’t think that’s overweight at all my son was a lot more solid and heavier then her. She’s is still quite petite as well. Your baby is around 85th percentile which is fine here in Aus, no where near over weight
She’s perfect. That’s what my 9 mo old weighs… they are babies and will lose most of the chub when they get more mobile.
A baby isn’t going to over eat…this is one of the most rapid growth periods of their whole life…they need that “puppy fat”
Nooo way, both not kids were FAT babies like balls of baby fat babies. And by 2 when they were walking and running they lost all the baby weight my son is actually now in the under weight class despite eating like hes going into hibernation everyday.
When I hear “shes big for her age”, my daughter is not even 2 yet and wears size 3T. I take it as shes just a big girl and shes heavy but just big because her dad and I are tall.
DO NOT CUT her feeds down!
These type of comments about babies annoy the crap out of me because it makes the child’s mum think they need to put their baby on a diet!
Babies take what they need, once Bub is mobile (crawling and walking) she will even out.
My 6mn old is 18.7lbs happy and healthy she’s in the 85% chart for her weight her doctor is very pleased with everything over all.
My littles were born 9 lbs. At age 5 my oldest is a little over 60lbs and at 17 months my youngest is 25lbs. They are both big babies, but their dad is also 6 foot in height and I’m 5’7. Sometimes ya just have big babies. When she starts being mobile, alot of that baby weight will go. And even if it doesn’t, unless your doctor is concerned I wouldnt be. And I mean pediatrician, not the quacks at a wic office / health department. Seriously. Dont worry about it. Feed when shes hungry, she needs it most right now !!
Dont go by weight, depend in so many factors. Doctor is the one that can help you with it
Stop ! Follow your mds advice she is fine don’t start with diets !
All babies go thru their chunky looking stage ( super adorable BTW) doesn’t mean they are unhealthy or overweight. I wouldn’t worry about it.
Your Dr can best tell you if she is to big, some think that being in the top percentile of the scale is good but really that’s over weight. Just let the Dr be the one to tell you where she is on the scale and go from there.
She sounds healthy . A diet at nine months is not healthy. They need their chunk, she will be running and crawling and thinning out soon
What does the doctor say?
My 9 month old is 25.3lb (11.48kg) and he is not fat at all. Hes very long and big for his age. He is nearly in 18-24 month clothes
My son was chubby tell he started moving around. Of course he was 9 pounds 3 oz at birth. Most people think he is like 4. But he is only two.
My daughter by 9 months was in 4t she was over 30 lbs. she’s 20 months and 39 lbs 40 inches. People say shit all the time but she’s happy and healthy. Just genetics. They even off at some point.
Unless that baby is underweight then don’t worry about it
Talk to your Pediatrician, see where she is on the growth charts.
Unless your doc says so your lo is fine. My lo was/is big for his age (3ft 30lbs and not even 2 yet)
My little girl will be 9months on the 7th and shes almost 24 lbs lmao my fat girl
And yes they arent on the 50% average percentile but their on the high end 97% percentile
My 6 month old is 25 lbs. His dr has never been concerned about his weight. If the baby is hungry just feed her. Rather have a good eating baby than one that hardly eats.
My daughter is 6 months old and weighs 21.8 lbs. Her doctor said to never put a baby on a diet because once they walk they’ll lose weight. Like others said talk to the Dr and unless underweight don’t worry about it.
My 3 month old baby is 16 pounds 2 ounces.