How much should a newborn drink?

How much should a 24 hour old newborn drink?


Honestly all baby are different. It’s trial and error. If they are spitting up to much you are more than likely feeding to much. If rooting feed them. My sons did about 2oz every 2-3 hours

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1 oz for every hour between feedings. Least that’s what they told me when I had to feed my son 2 oz every 2 hrs for like 6 months to help his reflux

They have little tummies about the size of a dime. Start out with 2 to 3ml and work your way up.

Breast feed every 2-3 hours
Bottles feed every 3 hours 2-3oz

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Feed on demand but definitely every 3 hours, keep in mind when baby has a growth spurt you will breastfeed all day then supply will increase next day…you will know baby is getting enough milk if plenty of wet/dirty nappies and gaining weight. 

I don’t think they should have alcoholic beverages


Idk just breastfeed on demand at least every two to three hours